Starting With 87 Million/C17 I Want to Take Back the 55 Billion
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Starting With 87 Million/C17 I Want to Take Back the 55 Billion
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C17 I Want to Take Back the 55 Billion

"I'm aware that our family business has been struggling lately, but I only learned about the broken capital chain from others," Zhou Yuvwei said.

Zhou's father fell silent upon hearing this. It was true; he had habitually overlooked Zhou Yuvwei when it came to the family's affairs. Any flicker of sympathy he had for her vanished in an instant.

"Now's your chance to set things right. The Zhang family has agreed to a sum. If you go to them, the betrothal money could be the salvation of the Zhou family!"

Faang Cheng couldn't help but chuckle at such brazen words. "I've only ever heard of such bandit logic, never thought I'd actually witness it in my lifetime!"

His comment enraged Zhou's father. "You have no place speaking here! What are you bodyguards doing, eating for free? Get him out of here!"

At the command, the towering bodyguards advanced. Faang Cheng remained unmoved, a smile still playing on his lips.

"To think that the Zhou family, one of Jiang City's four great financial powerhouses, would stoop so low. Even if the Zhang family were to help you, it would be a miracle to see anything left after they've had their fill."

"Wei, you've disappointed me greatly, associating with such a person!" Zhou's father said, his voice laced with disapproval.

The bodyguards readied themselves to act. "Just give me back the five billion. To someone of his stature, my money is probably chump change," Faang Cheng quipped.

Zhou Yuvwei exchanged a troubled look with her father, who was visibly confused. Five billion? The way the young man spoke, it was as if he had given his daughter a fortune, but how could someone in such plain attire possess such wealth?

Zhou Yuvwei caught Faang Cheng's eye; he gave her a subtle wink, unnoticed by the others. She was quick-witted and grasped the situation immediately.

"Director Faang, I apologize if my parents have said anything to offend you. But we are indeed in dire need of that money right now," Zhou Yuvwei said, her voice low and earnest.

The crowd watched, bewildered by her deferential tone. Then, Zhou Yuvwei bowed deeply to Faang Cheng, a gesture of utmost respect.

"Please, Mr. Faang, don't retract that five billion!"

Zhou's father's eyes bulged in disbelief.

"What?! He gave you five billion?!"

Yali's demeanor shifted noticeably.

Her usually keen insight had failed her now?

"Yes, I'm impressed with Miss Zhou's entrepreneurial vision. The money is for her," Faang Cheng confirmed.

The bodyguards encircling them were frozen in shock.

Approaching wasn't an option.

Confronting Faang Cheng was even less so.

This paycheck suddenly felt like a hot potato...

Zhou's father's gaze lingered on Faang Cheng, his eyes betraying a whirlwind of emotions.

With this fortune, there was no need to marry Zhou Yuvwei into the Zhang family...

Society's whispers of him selling his daughter could now be silenced.

As the realization dawned on him, Zhou's father's demeanor softened, though the sudden shift was palpably awkward.

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Cough, cough, Wei, why didn't you mention this sooner? It's created such an awkward situation..."

Zhou Yuvwei nearly rolled her eyes. Hadn't her attempts to speak been constantly interrupted?

And now she was being blamed?

"Darling, you're taking this boy's word for it? If he really had that kind of money, would he dress like that?"

"And besides, we've never seen him in our circles!"

Yali scoffed as she saw Zhou's father's changing expressions.

Believe that a simpleton like him had five billion? Ridiculous!

She was not about to be convinced...

Faang Cheng, overhearing the skepticism, smirked and chuckled.

"So some people really won't believe it until they see it for themselves?"

With a knowing glance at Zhou Yuvwei, she quickly displayed her account interface.

"Take a good look!"

Zhou's father, still harboring doubts, was utterly stunned.

It was real!

Truly real!

Five billion!

Yali felt as if lightning had struck her out of the blue.

Was it now fashionable to play poor?

Her eyes darted to the Lamborghini with hesitation.

"This, this car is yours?!"

Faang Cheng didn't reply, but the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth said it all.

"Miss Zhou, I truly apologize for not assisting you earlier as I had promised."

Zhou's father's eyes were glued to the account balance Zhou Yuvwei revealed; he couldn't look away. It wasn't that he hadn't seen such sums of money before. It was just that he was in dire need of it now...

"Mr. Faang, I must apologize for the earlier offense. Thank you for supporting my daughter's venture. In fact, I'm very supportive of it too!" Zhou's father quickly changed his tune, reminding Faang Cheng of Yali's earlier flip-flopping. Was this what they meant by 'birds of a feather flock together'?

"No need to apologize to me. It seems Miss Zhou is the one who deserves an apology from you. Didn't you just say she should focus on marriage rather than business?"

"And if that's the case, surely there's no need for the funding I offered, right?" Faang Cheng's words left Zhou Yuvwei feeling a bitter sting.

Zhou's father turned to Faang Cheng with a grave look. "Actually, I do support my daughter's endeavors! Rest assured, Mr. Faang, I will ensure she makes good use of the money!"

Faang Cheng's smile was warm. "In that case, Zhou Yuvwei, make sure you put this money to good use."

With that, Faang Cheng cast a meaningful glance at Zhou's father and Yali. It seemed the Zhou family was still in the dark about the mother's situation. But he had done all he could to help. The rest was up to her.

"Mr. Faang, are you leaving already?" Zhou's father asked as he saw Faang Cheng climb into his car.

"Do you think I have nothing better to do?" Faang Cheng's tone was less than friendly. Just then, another car pulled up, and a woman in high heels emerged, looking frantic and clutching a transparent folder.

"Director Zhou! You left this behind! Make sure to review it carefully; we need to strategize for the upcoming shareholder meeting..."

The woman stopped mid-sentence upon spotting Faang Cheng in the Lamborghini.

"Faang Cheng?!" she exclaimed, clearly recognizing him.

Zhou's father was taken aback; he hadn't expected his secretary to know this young man.

"I'm so sorry, Director Zhou. It completely slipped my mind!" the secretary quickly recovered.

"Sorry, Director Zhou, I lost my composure!" the female secretary quickly recovered.

Clutching a transparent folder, her gaze lingered on Faang Cheng.

She couldn't believe she was actually laying eyes on the man of legend!

Faang Cheng was even more handsome in person!

Yali's heart skipped a beat when she heard the secretary utter Faang Cheng's name. The fact that the company's secretary knew Faang Cheng made her anxious.

Could they have met during some collaboration?

Had she encountered this Faang Cheng before?

"Director Zhou seems to be quite occupied. I'll leave you to your work," Faang Cheng said, nodding at the secretary who couldn't take her eyes off him.

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