Starting With 87 Million/C2 Eightyseven Million Green Eyes White Dragon!
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Starting With 87 Million/C2 Eightyseven Million Green Eyes White Dragon!
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C2 Eightyseven Million Green Eyes White Dragon!

Unbeknownst to Faang Cheng, the news about today's auction had already taken the internet by storm.

Major short video platforms and Weibo were abuzz with the story.

The comments section was a mix of astonishment and admiration.

"$87 million for a card? That's some serious wealth!"

"It's not just about being rich; this guy's got connections thicker than Principal Wang's!"

"Assuming he's got the cash. Otherwise, he might be looking at a few lean days ahead."

"If he's going in for a meal, could he pass on a message to Brother Fan for me?"

"Wu Shao's fans, back off!"

"I really believe this guy's the real deal."

"Why's that?"

"His bids are decisive, not like those just stirring the pot to inflate prices."

"Wow, now that you mention it, it does seem that way!"

"Who is this mysterious tycoon? A scion from Jingmen or some rich second-gen?"

"No idea, he hasn't revealed himself yet!"

"Doesn't matter to me, he's already a legend in my book!"


"Shock value +200, +300, +260, +320..."

"What's happening? Why the sudden influx of shock value?"

Faang Cheng checked online and realized his auction had gone viral!

He also stumbled upon the video that made him famous for nabbing a pickpocket on the bus.

"Awesome! Racking up shock value isn't so tough after all!"

"But trending twice in one day? I'm in a league of my own!"

[Ding! Congratulations, host, for completing the Blue-Eyes White Dragon mission. Your reward has been issued! Please check!]

[Congratulations, host, you've earned your reward: 1. The system will cover all auction expenses.

2. One Lamborghini Aventador SVJ.]


Faang Cheng was floored.

The system covering all his expenses was unexpected, but he had considered it.

The system wouldn't set an impossible mission or one with too steep a cost.

But the Lamborghini? That was a surprise.

He was familiar with the model; in simple terms, it was top-tier!

A top-tier Lamborghini!

With an official price tag of $3.7 million!

"This is absolutely amazing!"

After all, what man doesn't dream of owning a sports car?

"System, where's my car?"

"The car key is in your jacket pocket, and the sports car is currently parked right outside the auction house."

"All procedures have been handled by the system. Rest assured and use it at your leisure."


Faang Cheng patted his pocket and sure enough, there was the key.

As Faang Cheng got to his feet, a staff member blocked his path.

"Sir, how do you intend to pay?"

Faang Cheng eyed the staff member. "What, you think I can't cover the bill?"

The staff member remained silent, but his gaze clung to Faang Cheng, clearly questioning his financial capability.

The onlookers didn't budge, eager to witness the drama unfold.

"This is getting good. Let's see how the kid wriggles out of this one!"

"Ha, eighty-seven million. I'm curious to see how he'll pull that off!"

"Why doesn't the auction house just call the cops?"

Faang Cheng scanned the crowd and commanded, "Bring your manager here."

Soon after, a middle-aged man approached.

"Good day, Mr. Faang. I'm the manager of this establishment, Wu is my last name."

"Hello, Manager Wu. Your staff has detained me; was that your doing?"

Manager Wu was forthright. "Sir, given the substantial amount involved, we must ensure the auction house's interests."

"So, you're doubting my ability to pay?"

"Mr. Faang, you jest. If we had any doubts, we wouldn't have sent a staff member, but rather the police."

Manager Wu's smile widened as he added, "Besides, had we any reservations, we would have escorted you out the moment you bid a million."

Faang Cheng cracked a smile. "You have a way with words. Check your accounts, then hand over my purchase."

The surrounding crowd was taken aback.

"What's he mean by that?"

"It sounds like the payment's already been made."

"No way, that fast?"

"With such a large transaction processed so swiftly, who exactly is this guy?"

Manager Wu, equally incredulous, hastily made a phone call.

Returning from the call, his grin was even more radiant.

"Mr. Faang, we were blind to your stature. Please, accompany me to the VIP room for a more private discussion."

Pleased with the system's efficiency, Faang Cheng followed Manager Wu to the VIP lounge.

Before long, someone entered carrying a tray.

"Mr. Faang, sorry to keep you waiting. Here is the item you won at the auction."

Faang Cheng glanced inside and saw the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card he had successfully bid on.

"Great, I've received it. I'll be on my way now."

"Just a moment, Mr. Faang!"

Manager Wu quickly called out to Faang Cheng.

"Is there something else?"

Manager Wu presented a card: "Mr. Faang, this is our auction house's Supreme Card. Please take it."

Faang Cheng accepted the Supreme Card, which bore only his name and a phone number, nothing more.

"This number connects you to your personal concierge at our auction house. You can reach out to them for any service you need."

"This includes consigning items for auction, proxy bidding, and more. Moreover, with this card, you're exempt from paying a deposit at our auction house and can take home auction items before settling the payment."


Faang Cheng was taken aback.

While the other perks seemed standard, the last one was a bold move for the auction house!

"Alright, keep me posted if you come across any interesting items."

With the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in hand, Faang Cheng left the auction house.

Meanwhile, the internet was abuzz.

"Guys! The bidder for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon has been revealed!"

"What? For real? Was he arrested? Faking an auction is a crime, after all."

"No, no, he wasn't arrested. He actually walked away with the item!"

"Seriously? I don't buy it!"

"It's true! Photos and videos from the event have been posted online. They say he's a high roller!"

"Send me the link; I've got to see this!"

As Faang Cheng walked out with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the video's comment section blew up.

"Kneel before the master!"

"Such a stud!!!"

"I want to have the master's babies!"

"We're just inflating prices, but the master is the real deal at auctions!"

"Talk about wealth, spending that much on a single card!"

"Doesn't the master look familiar to anyone else?"

"He does look familiar, but then again, all handsome guys tend to resemble each other."

"Whoa! Guys, I've figured out who this legend is!"

"Who? Spill it!"

"I want to know too!"

"Check out this video, and you'll get it."

Someone shared a link, and a bunch of people clicked out of curiosity.

"Isn't this that video of the guy catching a thief on the bus?"

"Yeah, I watched that video this morning. But what's the connection to the legend?"

"Holy smokes, holy smokes, holy smokes! It all makes sense now!"

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