Starting With 87 Million/C20 I Stayed in My Own Mansion Villa
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Starting With 87 Million/C20 I Stayed in My Own Mansion Villa
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C20 I Stayed in My Own Mansion Villa

It was clear as day.

Faang Cheng was reminding himself that it was best to be candid when getting along with him.

Chairman Zhao felt a chill run down his spine at the thought.

This Faang Cheng, seemingly young, was surprisingly profound in his actions...

Meanwhile, Faang Cheng, blissfully unaware and thoroughly enjoying his meal, had no idea.

His simple desire to avoid trouble was interpreted by Chairman Zhao as a sign of depth and strategy.

So, can we not jump to conclusions, please?

Honestly, I didn't have any ulterior motives!

Chairman Zhao, observing Faang Cheng's hearty appetite, became even more convinced of his earlier assessment.

Faang Cheng had to be someone with exceptional skills.

How else could he eat so heartily in the presence of someone with influence?

"This is really good, excuse me...!" Faang Cheng said, finishing his meal and accidentally letting out a burp.

Chairman Zhao, seated next to him, gestured dismissively, indicating it was no bother.

Faang Cheng, noticing the look of admiration on Chairman Zhao's face, grew uneasy.

Could it be that Director Zhao had a thing for people burping?

Why did it seem that Chairman Zhao's gaze became somewhat peculiar after his accidental burp?

"Would you like another serving?" Chairman Zhao inquired, genuinely concerned.

Faang Cheng paused to consider, then nodded.

"I skipped lunch today, so I'm actually quite hungry."

Upon hearing this, Director Zhao immediately instructed someone to bring another serving.

Once the person left, Chairman Zhao allowed himself a small smile.

"I was going to bring up the issue with the Zhou family's young miss, but it seems there's no need for further discussion now."

The dishes arrived promptly, filling the brief pause in their conversation.

"What were you about to say, Chairman Zhao?"

Chairman Zhao, watching Faang Cheng dig in once more, couldn't shake a sense of unease.

This young man...

How could he remain so impassive and undisturbed after causing such a stir?

After a couple of bites, Faang Cheng noticed Director Zhao's silence and looked up inquisitively. Chairman Zhao, realizing he'd been quiet, cleared his throat twice to mask his embarrassment.

"As for the Zhou family's young miss, it seems the Zhang family..."

Faang Cheng couldn't help but burst into laughter upon hearing the remark.

"I'm aware of it, but really, it's not our place to gossip about the affairs of others."

"It's not gossip. I'm just looking out for you since you bought that house from me. Those families, they're not like mine. They get too tangled up in each other's business. You've got to watch out, or they'll drag you down with them..."

Faang Cheng couldn't help but sneer inwardly at Chairman Zhao's attempt to elevate himself by putting others down.

If only Chairman Zhao knew about his system...

He surely wouldn't be making such comments.

"Eh, I don't see it as a big deal."

Chairman Zhao grew more curious as Faang Cheng remained unflappable.

The backgrounds of society's elite had long been scrutinized and laid bare.

Faang Cheng was nothing more than an orphan from an orphanage.

Though it was a mystery how he came into such wealth,

the fact that there was no scandal suggested his money was clean.

Could it be that Faang Cheng was actually the secret scion of a major family?

Were all the stories about his past just a smokescreen?

Watching Faang Cheng finish his meal and contentedly pat his stomach,

Chairman Zhao's suspicions deepened.

It seemed imperative to cultivate a strong rapport with Faang Cheng.

This man, previously unheard of, had now burst onto the scene with incredible momentum.

Perhaps a crisis within a prominent family had occurred,

with no heir apparent except for Faang Cheng, the illegitimate child, slowly being reintroduced to the social sphere...

"Chairman Zhao, I've got some other matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave now. Today's my first day moving in, and there's still a lot to sort out," Faang Cheng said, feeling a bit rude for his abrupt departure, hence his polite tone.

With his newfound theory, Chairman Zhao saw Faang Cheng in a new light and quickly rose to his feet.

"Let's drop the formalities. No need for 'Chairman Zhao'—just call me Brother Zhao from now on, and I'll call you Brother Fang!"

Chairman Zhao's sudden gesture to close the gap between us caught Faang Cheng off guard.

He couldn't help but think that perhaps this was just the eccentricity of the wealthy.

Without a second thought, he nodded in agreement.

"Since Brother Zhao insists, it would be rude of me to refuse. I'll take my leave now. Thank you for your hospitality this evening, and next time, it'll be my turn to host!" Faang Cheng said.

Chairman Zhao responded with a smile, yet he accompanied Faang Cheng all the way to the front gate.

Despite Faang Cheng's polite insistence that he needn't be escorted, Director Zhao started up his car.

He then drove Faang Cheng right to his doorstep.

"I really appreciate it, Brother Zhao!" Faang Cheng expressed his gratitude.

Chairman Zhao simply smiled in response.

"Well, I'll be on my way. We're neighbors now, so let's catch up when we're both free!" With that, Chairman Zhao drove off.

Watching him go, Faang Cheng scratched his head, pondering.

"Is everyone so welcoming just because I've come into a bit of money?"

The thought was fleeting.

The allure of the system's reward captivated Faang Cheng far more.

"Wow, a jade doorframe? That's incredible," he marveled, tapping the jade-encrusted edge.

"No more shock and awe for me. I'm entitled to enjoy these luxuries now," he reminded himself.

"Alright, system, show me the amazing rewards you've got for me!"

With a grin, Faang Cheng headed into the yard.

As he stepped through the doorway, a delicate fragrance wafted through the air.

His eyes took in the verdant woods and the rustling of leaves dancing in the breeze.

The scene was complemented by an archway that was both classical and elegantly understated.

At its center stood a majestic man-made mountain, with water trickling through the foliage like a stream.

"Classic beauty wins, hands down. Western styles have their charm, but I have a soft spot for this traditional Chinese architecture!"

System: As if I didn't already know your preferences.

Faang Cheng had been impressed by the exterior, but stepping through the adjacent door elicited an even greater exclamation of surprise.

Upon entering the circular archway, a voice from the smart home system greeted him.

"Hello, I am your smart home system!"

Following the system's cue, the smart home interface seamlessly integrated with Faang Cheng's mind.

"Damn, the rich really do live differently!"

"Wow, the rich really know how to live it up!" He marveled at the luxury that he didn't have to pull the curtains, flush the toilet, or even cook for himself—simply placing the bowls in the cabinet was enough! Every task could be effortlessly managed by the smart home system.

The system chimed in, "These are just the basics. There's so much more you can do... Oh, and don't forget, tomorrow's the day you head back to school."

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