Starting With 87 Million/C21 Something Happened to Su Qingya's House
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Starting With 87 Million/C21 Something Happened to Su Qingya's House
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C21 Something Happened to Su Qingya's House

"Oh right, I'm heading back to school tomorrow!"

Faang Cheng let out a brief sigh before heading inside.

But what did returning to school matter at this moment? First things first, he needed to take a good look at his own house.

Before long, Faang Cheng had made his way around the house.

"Damn, I never thought I'd be out of breath just from walking around my own place... it's just too huge."

He flopped onto the bed, rubbing his temples.

"This bed is insanely comfortable. It's like night and day compared to that old doghouse I used to sleep in!"

As Faang Cheng lay there, a wave of relaxation washed over him, and he began scrolling through his phone.

It had been ages since he last checked his social media, especially since he'd become a trending topic.

Opening WeChat, he was met with an overwhelming number of notifications that made his head spin.

"I knew my feed would explode after all that went down..."

The first thing Faang Cheng tapped on was his class group chat, where every message was about him.

"Who would've thought Faang Cheng would become such a celebrity!"

"Can't wait to see the celeb back at school tomorrow!"

"Do you guys think Faang Cheng is actually loaded, or what? He never seemed that rich when he hung out with us."

"Why worry about whether he's rich? We're about to graduate. Have you sorted out your internships yet, or are you just here to gossip?"

As the class engaged in a lively discussion about Faang Cheng, he couldn't help but crack a smile.

Then, a discordant comment cut through the chatter.

"Is Faang Cheng your dad or something?! Why the obsession?!"

Faang Cheng frowned at the screen, spotting the nickname of the commenter.

"Brother Ma."

In the next instant, Brother Ma chimed in again.

"Keep talking about Faang Cheng, and you'll see what happens!"

Before anyone could respond, the group was silenced.

Brother Ma was the only one left with the power to speak.

"Better focus on yourselves, got it?"

Faang Cheng felt a sense of resignation.

Brother Ma was none other than Ma Hu from his class.

The class counselor was one of his relatives, and with his brash and domineering attitude, Ma Hu had established himself as the class tyrant.

It was common knowledge that Ma Hu and Faang Cheng were like oil and water.

The catalyst for all the tension was Su Qingya.

"You're targeting me because Su Qingya ignored you. You can't handle rejection, so you take it out on others. Coward!"

He shot back a couple of snarky remarks.

Then, a notification pinged on Faang Cheng's phone.

It was a message filled with concern.

"Did Su Qingya send me a message?"

For a long stretch of time, Su Qingya hadn't sent any messages to Faang Cheng.

Despite the numerous incidents that had occurred, Su Qingya had remained unflappable.

But now, she had actually reached out to him.

Faang Cheng eagerly opened the message.

Su Qingya: "See you tomorrow."

Faang Cheng had expected something more, but it was just a brief three-word text, punctuated with a full stop.

"Alright, see you tomorrow."

Upon receiving his response, Su Qingya let out a sigh.

"The person trending can't be Faang Cheng, right? Even if he shares the same name and resemblance, Faang Cheng couldn't possibly be that wealthy..."

After muttering to herself, Su Qingya's frown deepened as she glanced at the silenced class group chat and Ma Hu's posted comments.

Ma Hu was such a nuisance. She had already turned him down explicitly, yet he persisted in antagonizing Faang Cheng.

Faang Cheng hadn't done anything to deserve this.

It's just that...

I happen to like him a bit more...

With a sigh, Su Qingya set her phone aside, ready to settle into bed.

But just then, a ruckus erupted outside, followed by her mother's piercing screams.

"What happened? What's going on?!"

Without a second thought, Su Qingya dashed out to find her father collapsed on the ground, blood oozing from his mouth.

"Dad, what happened to you!"

Her father was bleeding from the mouth, his eyes rolled back, his body convulsing.

Beside him, Su Qingya's mother was in a state of panic, fumbling with her phone in an attempt to call an ambulance, her hands trembling so violently she couldn't even dial the simple three-digit number.

"Mom, stay calm, I've got this!"

Su Qingya took charge, grabbed the phone, and dialed for help.

Once connected, she quickly provided their address.

Soon after, the ambulance arrived.

The arrival of the emergency responders set the neighborhood abuzz with speculation.

"Oh no, what happened to that family?"

"I noticed blood at the corner of the man's mouth! Could it possibly be a terminal illness?"

"That poor kid. Wasn't their family just in a car accident recently?"

At that moment, the local seniors were making their way back from their square dancing.

A buzz of conversation erupted among them.

Su Qingya couldn't bring herself to pay attention to the gossip.

Her father's ashen face sent her thoughts into turmoil.

Once in the car, she clung tightly to her mother's shoulders.

Feeling her mother's continuous shivering, Su Qingya fought to suppress her own fear.

"Don't worry, the doctors will surely find a solution. Dad hasn't shown any symptoms until now, so it's unlikely to be anything serious!"

A nearby nurse overheard and let out a sigh.

"I hate to say it, but you should brace yourselves. There are those who never fall ill, but when they do, it's often severe."

Tears streamed down Su Qingya's mother's face.

"Why did this have to happen just as you're on the verge of securing your master's degree? The cost... it's going to be so much!"

In her distress, Su Qingya missed Faang Cheng's incoming message.

"Su Qingya, after finding out I'm the one trending, what are your thoughts?"

Faang Cheng waited a long while for a reply, but none came.

"How odd, could she have gone to sleep? So early? Well, we'll talk tomorrow then."

Su Qingya and Faang Cheng had been close to revealing their feelings for a while.

In the past, Faang Cheng held back due to his family's financial situation and other concerns.

But now, things were different.

He had a car, a house, and money.

Su Qingya had never looked down on Faang Cheng before.

Now that he was well-off, it was time to plan his confession.

"But first things first!"

Faang Cheng pondered for a moment, then leapt out of bed and activated his system.

"It's actually upgraded to level two for free..."

The system's previously pending reward for reaching level two was now available.

"Hmm, let's see what rewards come with this level-up..."

Faang Cheng mumbled under his breath, curious about the rewards for reaching level two, only to discover they were all shrouded in question marks.

"Is this like opening a mystery box? At least the upgrade is free. If I had to spend a ton of shock value and ended up with a lousy result, that would be pretty upsetting..."

"System, when can I initiate the upgrade?"

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