Starting With 87 Million/C23 The Management System Listen to My Heart
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Starting With 87 Million/C23 The Management System Listen to My Heart
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C23 The Management System Listen to My Heart

As Faang Cheng traced the strokes, he felt an inexplicable sensation seep into his body, leaving him in a state of unparalleled comfort.

"Host, due to your alarmingly low physical fitness, the system has gifted you a beginner's exercise manual! For now, you must train on your own, but you have the option to spend 100,000 Shock Points to unlock the automatic learning feature," the system informed him.

A smirk crossed Faang Cheng's lips at the system's announcement.

They're charging me Shock Points for a gift?

"Oh, so there's a cost involved..." he muttered, though a sly grin betrayed his feigned annoyance.

"You know me well, don't you? Aware of my laziness, you should realize that my getting stronger benefits you too. But if I can't train automatically, I might as well not bother. After all, being wealthy and comfortable isn't too shabby, right?" Faang Cheng reasoned with a hint of mischief.

"Sigh, there's nothing wrong with being a weakling incapable of even trussing a chicken!"

System: If you want it for free, just say so!

Faang Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

"I never said that. I merely expressed my reluctance to train on my own."

The system fell silent, and just as Faang Cheng was about to relent, a chime sounded.

[Automatic training has been enabled for the host. Your physical prowess is now at the book's peak!]

"You really are the best system! Hahahaha!!" Faang Cheng couldn't contain his glee, thinking about the 100,000 Shock Points he'd just saved.

"Please promptly claim your upgrade reward, Host!" urged the system.

With a smile, Faang Cheng accessed the upgrade package.

"Congratulations on unlocking the Heart Listening Function! You've gained control of the management system!"

Heart Listening Function?

Is it like those mind-reading abilities from the novels he'd devoured?

That's just too cool!

In a world devoid of cheats, he was essentially playing with an ace up his sleeve!

In his excitement, Faang Cheng had forgotten that he'd been 'cheating' ever since the system came online.

"What's this management system about?" he wondered aloud, tapping into the system's explanation.

"Regarding the reading instructions ~ Your eagerness to learn is commendable!"

The word 'baby' at the start made Faang Cheng feel as though he'd stepped into a preschool classroom.

"This is a management system!" Faang Cheng's mouth twitched with irritation. Isn't that stating the obvious?

"Cough, cough... When someone's shock value reaches a certain threshold, they become a subordinate of the system. Even if you're not shocked daily, you can still receive a steady stream of shock value!" the system explained.

Immediately, a page popped up. It was a seemingly endless list of names, each followed by a number representing the shock value they had contributed to Faang Cheng.

"Currently, there are 100 individuals who have met the criteria to become Primary Subsidiary Members! They can collectively provide you with a daily shock value of 5,000!" the system announced.

Hearing this, Faang Cheng couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over him. Did this mean he could simply stay put, do nothing, and still continuously receive shock value from others?

"Please note, Host, that the system monitors your daily activities. If you're caught slacking off, your shock value will be deducted!" the system warned.

"The individuals contributing shock value to you are your admirers. We encourage you to set a positive example and keep on astonishing them!" the system added, effectively snapping Faang Cheng out of his reverie.

"Fine... You really have me figured out..." Faang Cheng muttered.

Just then, his phone in the bedroom began to ring with a prolonged tone. He bounded over, feeling unusually spry. "Leveling up really makes a difference! I can tell just by how my body feels!"

As he reached the phone, Faang Cheng paused, puzzled by the caller ID. "Why is the counselor calling me?" he wondered.

Considering Ma Hu's recent behavior, Faang Cheng's eyebrows knitted together in suspicion. Could it be that the counselor was looking for trouble because of Ma Hu? Having connections certainly made a difference. The counselor, being a relative of Ma Hu, had not only secured some school resources for him but also had a history of making life difficult for Faang Cheng.

But times had changed. If the counselor dared to cross him now, Faang Cheng wouldn't hesitate to stand his ground.

With that thought, he pressed the answer button, and an impatient voice burst through. "What took you so long to answer the phone? Didn't you see my message? Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you've played the hero and signed a deal with a celebrity company!"

Faang Cheng's eyebrows shot up.

So, Ma Hu and his counselor thought his life was some kind of script?

With the counselor's tone sour, Faang Cheng's was no sweeter.

"Spit it out, got it?"

Caught off guard by Faang Cheng's tone, the counselor choked for a second but quickly recovered.

"Tomorrow, the school is holding a commendation ceremony for your act of bravery. The school news agency will be there to cover it, and it'll be live-streamed online. Make sure you don't show up looking like a mess!"

"Also, the school administration is taking this very seriously. They've offered you a graduate study spot, unprecedented for you. It's not set in stone yet, so it's up to you to decide!"

Faang Cheng could hear the counselor's reluctance, his words delivered through clenched teeth.

But it seemed he had to relay the message, likely at the school leader's behest.

"Must be tough, making this call when you're so unwilling. Is it because you think money's hard to earn and life's a bitter pill? How about you come work as my nanny? I'll pay you more than what you make teaching, ha!"

Faang Cheng's laughter was met with fury from the counselor.

"Faang Cheng! Forget how I treated you in class before. Handle this situation well, and don't come crying to me if you mess up!"

With that, the counselor hung up.

Staring at the phone emitting a dial tone, Faang Cheng's expression turned icy.

"All high and mighty now, aren't we? When I was at my lowest, you took the financial aid that was meant for me and gave it to Ma Hu. Where was your concern for my well-being then?!"

Images flooded Faang Cheng's mind as he gazed at his phone.

His part-time job at the dump was supposed to be a secret.

Yet, the counselor had blabbed about it to the entire class.

His relationship with Su Qingya was no secret either; everyone knew they were close to crossing a line.

And because of the counselor's loose lips, Su Qingya had faced her share of whispers and judgment.

People sneered, saying she had poor taste for choosing a boy from the wrong side of the tracks.

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