Starting With 87 Million/C3 Arrogant Aunt Zhao!
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Starting With 87 Million/C3 Arrogant Aunt Zhao!
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C3 Arrogant Aunt Zhao!

It didn't take long for people to catch on.

The teenager who apprehended pickpockets on the bus and the Godly Tycoon who snapped photos with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon were one and the same.

"I can't believe it!"

"Somebody is actually that good-looking and loaded!"

"It's just not fair!"

"He's been blessed with dashing looks, a generous heart, and a bottomless bank account!"

"Honey, what are you doing here? My love!"

"The person upstairs has no shame, claiming my husband as theirs!"

"Ugh! Upstairs, why are you even competing with us?"

"Since when can't a man join in?"

The revelation that the Godly Tycoon and the vigilante youth were the same person shot up the trending charts, quickly claiming the number one spot.

But with the fame came a wave of envy.

"With all that money, why take the bus? The thief-catching has to be a publicity stunt, right?"

"No need to second-guess, it's definitely staged. What's with young people today, always up to no good."

"Just wait, he'll probably start selling products on a live stream soon."

"Internet celebs have it so easy making money."

"You can say that again..."

"Whoa! Where did all these green-eyed monsters come from?"

"Are you saying the stunt sent people to him? That's a steep price for some publicity!"

"They just can't stand seeing someone so attractive and wealthy. They have no talents except for their double dose of jealousy!"

The detractors, stung by the backlash, began digging up dirt on Faang Cheng, intent on bringing him down.

Meanwhile, Faang Cheng was blissfully unaware of the online storm.

He'd even shut off the mental alerts to avoid the constant barrage.

Driving his Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Faang Cheng returned to his modest rental.

His arrival in the old, out-of-the-way complex drew stares from every direction.

When had a car like this ever graced their lot?

Faang Cheng parked downstairs, quickly becoming the center of attention.

"Wow! That car is amazing!"

"Totally! I'd give up a decade of my life to have one!"

Overhearing this, a bystander scoffed, "A decade off your life? Do you have any idea how much that car costs?"

"How much? Is it really that pricey?"

"This car is the Lamborghini Big Bull! The base model alone costs over seven million yuan, and with everything included, it's nearly ten million! You could sell yourself and still not fetch that price! And you think you deserve to live another ten years for it?"

The crowd, upon hearing this, instinctively stepped back.

They had assumed the car was worth a mere one or two million yuan, but to learn it was actually over ten million was shocking!

A mere scratch could cost them more than they could ever repay.

No one wanted to risk getting involved in that mess.

Just then, Auntie Zhao, who had been waiting for Faang Cheng to return upstairs, made her way through the crowd.

She never passed up a chance to join in on the excitement.

"What's everyone looking at? What's so interesting?"

The onlookers quickly cleared a path for Auntie Zhao.

Notorious for her pettiness and sharp tongue, nobody wanted to get on her bad side over something trivial.

With a satisfied nod, Auntie Zhao approached the Big Bull.

"Wow, this car is stunning! How much does it cost? Surely a few million, right?"

She ran her hands over the Big Bull thoughtfully.

"Do you think I could buy it if I sold a house?"

Auntie Zhao owned two houses in the neighborhood, a fact she often boasted about.

"Pfft, a few million? For a house?" one of the neighbors couldn't help but snicker.

"What's so funny, Ma?" Auntie Zhao snapped, noticing the laughter.

Auntie Ma was no pushover. "I'm laughing because you're out of your depth! Even if you sold all your houses, you couldn't afford it!"

"Not afford it?"

"Do you even know how much my houses are worth?"

"Nearly ten million! And you think I can't afford a lousy car?"

The crowd erupted in laughter.

Had they not been informed about the car's hefty price tag, they might have shared Auntie Zhao's delusion.

But now, with the truth out, Auntie Zhao looked no different than a clown in their eyes.

Aunt Ma sneered, "You're telling me this junker is worth ten million? Are you sure even after selling your house you could afford it?"

"Oh my goodness! That expensive!?"

Aunt Zhao was so startled that she leaped up and hastily backed away.

Just then, Faang Cheng stepped out of the car.

"Faang Cheng?!"

Everyone was astonished to see Faang Cheng getting out of the car.

In this neighborhood, Faang Cheng was quite the local celebrity.

The aunties were always trying to set him up with their nieces, seeing him as a catch.

To them, Faang Cheng was a high-quality prospect.

Not only was he good-looking, but he also attended a prestigious university.

Despite being an orphan, he had won the aunties' hearts with his hard work and self-reliance.

Besides, not having parents wasn't necessarily a disadvantage in certain situations.

His current circumstances might not be great, but they all believed he had a bright future ahead.

Yet, Faang Cheng hadn't taken a liking to any of their proposals.

But that didn't dampen their enthusiasm one bit.

Aunt Zhao's harshness toward Faang Cheng stemmed from his rejection of a blind date with her daughter.

But you couldn't really blame him; after all, his daughter was over 200 pounds, and Faang Cheng felt he couldn't handle that.

"Faang Cheng?!"

Aunt Zhao's reaction was even more pronounced.

In her eyes, Faang Cheng was nothing more than a handsome pauper.

"Is this your car?"

She approached Faang Cheng, pointing at the car with a look of sheer incredulity.


Faang Cheng simply nodded.

"Hahaha, you all believe this poor kid Faang Cheng can drive a car like this? He probably rented it!" Aunt Zhao scoffed, sharing what she thought was the most plausible explanation.

The other neighbors nodded in agreement, suspecting the same.

"Faang Cheng, you've got money to rent a car but not to pay your rent? Listen up, if you don't pay up today, you're going to be sleeping on the street!"

[System Mission Issued: Confront the Landlord.]

[Mission Details: Purchase your own property. The more, the better. Make the landlord regret their actions.]

[Assistive Mission: Activate temporary quota. Limit: Unlimited.]

[Mission Reward: You get the house. What more could you want?]

Faang Cheng's eyes sparkled with excitement.

A temporary quota?

No upper limit?


He turned to Aunt Zhao and declared, "I can pay the rent, but I'm not going to! Consider everything in the room a parting gift!"

Next, Faang Cheng addressed the surrounding neighbors, "Anyone looking to sell their house? I'm buying them all! Cash on the spot!"


The neighbors were taken aback by Faang Cheng's bold move.

"Faang Cheng, stop kidding around! If you're really strapped for cash, I'll lend you some," Aunt Ma interjected, trying to intervene.

Despite her squabbles with Aunt Zhao, she didn't want to see Faang Cheng in distress.

Faang Cheng, however, was well aware of the ace up his sleeve.

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