Starting With 87 Million/C4 Buying a House in One Building!
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Starting With 87 Million/C4 Buying a House in One Building!
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C4 Buying a House in One Building!

"Aunt Ma, I'm not kidding around. If anyone in the neighborhood wants to sell their house, come to me!"

"I guarantee immediate payment!"

Just then, an elderly man stepped forward.

"Young man, is this for real?"

Faang Cheng quickly nodded: "Absolutely. Name your price and I'll settle the bill right now."

The elderly man hesitated briefly: "80 square meters, originally five hundred, but let's say four and a half million."

Faang Cheng gave the man a look.

By the neighborhood's standards, his 80-square-meter home was worth four million, yet he was asking for four and a half million.

But Faang Cheng wasn't concerned.

The system was footing the bill, and he had a point to prove to Aunt Zhao.

"Sir, it's a deal. Your bank account number, please?"

The man provided Faang Cheng with the details.

Faang Cheng fiddled with his phone as if making a transaction, and the system confirmed the payment.

Looking up, Faang Cheng asked, "Sir, can you check your messages? Has the money come through?"

The man, momentarily taken aback, checked his phone: "Ah, it's arrived! Really, it's here! Four and a half million!"

He hurried over and grasped Faang Cheng's hand. "Young man, I can't thank you enough! I know I asked for a lot, but I had no choice!"

"My son is getting married and needs to buy a new home! We were just short four and a half million!"

Faang Cheng clapped him on the shoulder: "Don't worry about it, sir. The money's there, isn't it? We can sort out the contract when you're ready."

Then Faang Cheng addressed the crowd again: "Anyone else looking to sell? I'm ready to buy, no one turned away! Payment on the spot!"

With the elderly man's example, the crowd fully believed in Faang Cheng.

His offer to pay half a million above market value certainly turned heads.

Anyone interested in selling was now eager to talk.

"Faang Cheng, you've seen Auntie Li's place. Six million, what do you say?"

"Alright, alright, Auntie Li, you've got a deal!"

"Little Fang, you're familiar with Uncle Han's place. Three million is a fair price, don't you think?"

"Not at all expensive, Uncle Han. I'm sending the payment now!"


The scene quickly descended into chaos.

Meanwhile, Faang Cheng managed to snap up seven or eight houses.

Seeing the frenzy, Auntie Zhao leveraged her heft to push through the crowd.

"Excuse me, excuse me! What's so special about your houses?"

"Faang Cheng has been living in my place for ages; he's got a real connection to my home!"

"Faang Cheng, dear, out of the kindness of my heart, I'm offering you my house!"

"Six million—what do you say? It's a steal, right?"


The surrounding crowd gave Auntie Zhao peculiar looks.

Never mind her previous demeanor towards Faang Cheng, her house wasn't worth six million.

Everyone else had marked up their prices a bit, rounding up to the nearest whole number.

Two point eight million became three million.

Four point two million became four point five million.

Faang Cheng was willing to pay these prices; the neighborhood had been good to him over the years.

He was happy to use this opportunity to give back to his community.

But Auntie Zhao's house, worth at most four million, was priced at six million by her.

And she acted as if she was doing Faang Cheng a favor.

"Why all the commotion? I set my price, and that's that! It's not like I'm asking any of you to buy it!"

Then, turning to Faang Cheng, she said, "Well, Faang Cheng? My price is a bargain, isn't it?"

Faang Cheng nodded, "It certainly seems like a bargain."

A gleam appeared in Auntie Zhao's eyes. "So, when will you transfer the funds?"

Faang Cheng, puzzled, replied, "When did I agree to buy it?"

Auntie Zhao paused, thrown off. "But didn't you say you wouldn't turn down any offers?"

Faang Cheng chuckled, "I also mentioned that your house was the exception!"


Auntie Zhao, pointing at Faang Cheng, was too livid to find her words.

"There's no way around it. You're the one who called me a poor ghost; a ghost like me can't afford your house!"


As Faang Cheng's words fell, a chorus of cheers erupted from the crowd.

Grandma Zhao had rubbed too many people the wrong way, and now not a soul was willing to defend her.

She glanced around at the scornful faces and reflected on her past actions, feeling a twinge of regret.

But Faang Cheng had no time to spare for Grandma Zhao.

He wasn't sure if he'd have this kind of opportunity again, so he was determined to buy as much as he could while he could.

"Anyone else looking to sell their house? I'm open to all offers—no matter how many!"

"Are you sure you'll take as many as offered?"

A robust voice called out.

Faang Cheng looked over to see a middle-aged man in a suit that clearly didn't come cheap.

"Uncle, are you looking to sell your house too?"

The middle-aged man nodded. "That's right."

"Then join the line. Just give me the size and price when it's your turn, and I'll make it worth your while."

The man seemed taken aback. "You're just going to transfer the money? Without even seeing the house?"

Without hesitation, Faang Cheng replied, "We're all neighbors here; nobody's going to scam me."

The man looked at Faang Cheng, visibly surprised, and seemed lost in thought.

After Faang Cheng had purchased several more properties, the man inquired, "I've got quite a few houses here. Are you sure you can take them all?"

Faang Cheng was caught off guard. "A lot? How many are we talking about? Four or five?"

This was a redevelopment area, so it wasn't unheard of to have that many houses.

"Even more than that!"

Faang Cheng was genuinely surprised and moved closer. "Exactly how many?"

"A whole building!"

"A whole building?"

Faang Cheng was taken aback by the response.

The man gestured behind Faang Cheng. "See that building there? That's the one!"

Faang Cheng turned and it all clicked.

It was the second phase of the new construction by the local real estate company!

Rumor had it that the company had priced this second phase based on the highest local market expectations.

There were three buildings in total: two were standard residential structures, while the third was a luxurious residence, each floor home to a single apartment.

Uncle was gesturing towards the luxury building when he asked, "One building. Do you think you can handle it?"

A grin spread across Faang Cheng's face. "Absolutely!"

He was so elated he could have hugged and kissed Uncle right then and there. It was like being offered a pillow just as he was feeling sleepy.

"Let's do this, Uncle! Let's sign the contract now, and I'll transfer the money immediately!"

Faang Cheng then eyed Uncle cautiously. "You're certain you have the authority to close this deal? I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing."

With a smile, Uncle produced a business card from his pocket and handed it to Faang Cheng. "I'm the chairman of Zhao's Real Estate. I most definitely have the authority."

"Zhao's Group?"

Faang Cheng was taken aback. Zhao's Group was a leading real estate titan in Jiang City. Calling Chairman Zhao the wealthiest man in Jiang City wouldn't be far from the truth. And yet, here he was, face to face with the man himself. This only increased Faang Cheng's satisfaction.

"Chairman Zhao, there's no need to delay. Let's get that contract signed!"

Faang Cheng was practically bursting with eagerness.

Chairman Zhao, observing Faang Cheng's excitement, said, "Alright, follow me."

Aunt Zhao watched on, her regret deepening as she saw Faang Cheng in high spirits, conversing with Chairman Zhao.

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