Starting With 87 Million/C9 I Don't Owe You Anything Please Treat Me to a Meal
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Starting With 87 Million/C9 I Don't Owe You Anything Please Treat Me to a Meal
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C9 I Don't Owe You Anything Please Treat Me to a Meal

She seemed to be around the same age as him, yet aside from her household possessions, she hadn't accomplished much else!

Zhou Yuvwei eased herself back onto the couch, watching Faang Cheng effortlessly finish signing the contract, and couldn't resist pouting and muttering her disapproval.

"I was worried things wouldn't work out today. The manager told me your phone number was unreachable, and I was about to leave."

Upon hearing this, Faang Cheng didn't hesitate. He immediately reached out and retrieved the contract from Zhou Yuvwei's grasp.

"I just realized I gave the wrong number. It's our fault for wasting your time. Let's make it right. The first floor won't cost much; how about 60 million yuan for the year?"

The two salespeople's faces fell at his words.

Their performance was on the line...

The price was absurdly low, below any reasonable threshold!

Blue and Skinny Fragrance Mushroom.

Faang Cheng was quick to notice the salespeople's dismay and gave their shoulders a reassuring pat.

"Don't worry, your performance won't suffer. This is just a personal gesture of apology to the lady here."

Faang Cheng's smile was warm as he turned his gaze to Zhou Yuvwei.

She thought he was looking at her, but in reality, Faang Cheng's eyes were on the system interface. He had just spent 150 shock points to perform a personal scan on Zhou Yuvwei.

My goodness.

She was the cherished princess of the Zhou family, one of the four major financial dynasties in Jiang City.

Even with the system at her disposal, it's always nice to have a little extra.

"Ah, there's no need for special treatment. The standard rent is fine. I was just a bit upset about the earlier delay."

The offer to reduce her rent took Zhou Yuvwei by surprise.

She was always wary of unsolicited favors, suspecting ulterior motives.

She could certainly afford the price.

Was this landlord harboring other intentions toward her?

"I've only recently taken over, and you're my first transaction, which I've unfortunately delayed. Consider this a token of my sincerity. I hope Miss Zhou will accept it."

With Faang Cheng having said his piece, Zhou Yuvwei found it hard to decline. She bit her lip and gave a slight nod in agreement.

With the contract revised and the items securely in her hands, Zhou Yuvwei breathed a sigh of relief. At last, the ordeal was over.

Faang Cheng, ready to depart now that the issue was settled, felt a tug at his sleeve. It was Zhou Yuvwei, standing up with a beautiful yet hesitant expression.

"I don't like being in anyone's debt. When are you free? Let me take you out for a meal," she offered.

Zhou Yuvwei's gaze lingered on Faang Cheng, her mind's theater coming to life. He had barely arrived and already he had her owing him a favor. Not on her watch! She was determined to settle the score.

Surprised, Faang Cheng raised an eyebrow, about to decline, when his stomach betrayed him with a loud grumble.

"Well, it seems my stomach has made the decision for me," he said with an embarrassed grin, patting his belly.

Zhou Yuvwei didn't hesitate. She was a woman of action, quickly dialing a number on her phone.

"Hello, do you have any availability in the Supreme VVVIP room right now?"

As Zhou Yuvwei spoke on the phone, Faang Cheng took the moment to study her profile. Her beauty was undeniable, almost as if sketched by an artist. The way her lips moved with each breath, her thoughtful expression—it was captivating.

Miss Zhou was truly a sight to behold, on par with Su Qingya...

The image of Su Qingya floated into Faang Cheng's mind as he watched Zhou Yuvwei.

"I've got us a spot. Shall we go?" Zhou Yuvwei said, turning back to Faang Cheng. Their eyes met, and she felt her breath catch for a moment.

Realizing she had been momentarily flustered, Zhou Yuvwei coughed to cover her embarrassment and looked away. It was the first time she'd been this close to a boy...

Faang Cheng nodded without hesitation, and they both made their way to the elevator and out the door.

Once outside, Faang Cheng quickened his pace, heading straight for his Lamborghini. Zhou Yuvwei, holding her own set of luxury car keys, paused mid-motion, her eyes widening in disbelief as she watched Faang Cheng.

"I noticed this car when I first arrived. Can't believe it's actually yours?!"

Faang Cheng nodded and came to a halt in front of the vehicle.

"Shall we take your car or mine?"

"I've reserved this model too, but it comes with some limited-edition features that I missed out on!"

Zhou Yuvwei approached Faang Cheng as she spoke.

Seeing her, Faang Cheng walked over like a true gentleman, opening the car door with a gracious gesture.

"Well then, let's take my car."

What a joke.

The system's rewards were top-notch, including all the limited items. That was a mere trifle to him!

Zhou Yuvwei was momentarily taken aback, but luxury cars were nothing new to her. She climbed in without hesitation.

The distinctive roar of the Lamborghini's engine filled the air.

In no time, they sped off, vanishing from the street.

"To be honest, I'm quite impressed with you. Driving a car like this, yet your outfit doesn't look like it costs more than five hundred."

Zhou Yuvwei commented, squinting her eyes contentedly in the soothing breeze.

Faang Cheng remained silent.

He could tell by Zhou Yuvwei's demeanor that she hadn't caught up with the latest internet buzz or frequented certain social platforms, so she was oblivious to his recent exploits.

His assumption wasn't entirely accurate, though.

Zhou Yuvwei had indeed seen a video of Faang Cheng, specifically the one where he courageously intervened on the bus. But due to her hectic schedule, she hadn't followed his story online.

The brief video glimpse hadn't etched Faang Cheng's identity in her memory.

She just found him vaguely familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere before.

"Please present your Supreme VIP card."

At the entrance of an opulent, high-end restaurant, a waiter intercepted Faang Cheng and Zhou Yuvwei.

With utmost courtesy, the waiter reached out for the card, which Zhou Yuvwei produced from her bag—a golden card—and handed it over.

"I've made a reservation."

Once the card was verified, the waiter's eyes gleamed as he escorted them to their reserved private room.

"Knowing Miss Zhou's preference for the subtle scent of jasmine, we've prepared this special fragrance for you. We hope you enjoy your dining experience!"

The waiter spoke as he ignited the scented oils, filling the air with fragrance.

Faang Cheng surveyed his surroundings, a silent sigh of wonder escaping him.

Is this how the wealthy live?

But his moment of awe was fleeting; Faang Cheng quickly shrugged it off.

With the system at his disposal, his bank account could hold any amount he desired. These luxuries were just a matter of time—they were as good as his!

Zhou Yuvwei watched Faang Cheng as he took in the environment, sensing something off about his expression.

Why did he look so peculiar?

She couldn't help but wonder if he disapproved of the setting she had chosen.

Perhaps she was right.

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