Starting With A Lottery System/C10 I Really Hate You!
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Starting With A Lottery System/C10 I Really Hate You!
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C10 I Really Hate You!

However, the tide had turned, and if he continued to feign ignorance, it would be indefensible.

Nine Tian bowed to Han Yuming, affirming, "Yes!"

With that, he pivoted to address Han Yi.

"Third Young Master, please follow me."

Han Yi gave a nod, rising to his feet and heading for the door. Nine Tian quickened his pace, leading them straight to the Floating Pavilion.

The Floating Pavilion was spotless and quite satisfactory.

The only issue was its proximity to the courtyards of Han Loong and Han Hu, who were likely to return and stir up trouble.

Once they arrived, Nine Tian departed.

The main house was tidy, while the annex had yet to be cleaned. With no other option, they settled into the main house.

He had declared himself and Murong Yunxi as husband and wife, so sharing a bed seemed only natural.


Sharing a bed with her made Han Yi feel uneasy. He glanced at Murong Yunxi and caught her gaze.

With an awkward smile, he reassured her, "Don't worry, I won't do anything. I'll just sleep on the floor, the floor is fine..."

Sleeping on the floor might be inconvenient, but it seemed the better choice.

Murong Yunxi remained silent, her eyes fixed on Han Yi.

Eventually, she spoke, "Your two brothers are incredibly bothersome!"

At her words, Han Yi exhaled a sigh and settled into a nearby chair, clasping his hands together on the table.

"They are, indeed. I find them insufferable."


Murong Yunxi's puzzled gaze met Han Yi's.

She couldn't grasp why the Han family seemed to reject Han Yi, or why he harbored such resentment towards them.

Han Yi shook his head, "There's no simple answer. My mother died because of them. Shouldn't I resent them?"

He was born to a concubine, overlooked from childhood. He never voiced it, nor did he ever complain.

Throughout his youth, Han Hu and Han Loong sought ways to torment him, yet he endured it all without protest.

When he was just six or seven years old, Han Loong locked him in the woodshed. Upon hearing the news, his mother hurried over and tragically lost her life in the blaze while saving him.

Subsequent investigations revealed that it was a joint effort by Han Loong and Han Hu. Han Loong confined him, while Han Hu lured his mother there, intending to burn both of them alive.

Upon learning of this, Han Yuming didn't delve into the matter, merely reprimanding them briefly. Ironically, Han Yuming believed that at six years old, the boy wouldn't remember anything.

Due to his lack of power, he had feigned ignorance all along, playing the fool until now.

Murong Yunxi's frown deepened upon hearing this. "The enmity of matricide is unforgivable. Why haven't you sought vengeance?"

Han Yi gave Murong Yunxi a look of exasperation. Revenge wasn't as straightforward as it seemed, especially since Han Loong and Han Hu were protected by covert guards. Such protection was reserved for valued members of prominent families, ensuring the safety of their heirs.

He had only recently acquired this extraordinary system; he simply hadn't had the chance to act yet.

As Han Yi was about to respond, footsteps approached. They turned toward the door to see Han Loong clutching his chest, followed by a retinue of sycophants—all members of the Han family. Each held a tray covered by a red cloth.

Regardless, Han Yi was under her protection. Realizing that Han Loong and Han Hu were responsible for the death of Han Yi's mother, Murong Yunxi's gaze turned icy.

Han Yi rose to his feet, smiling at Han Loong. "Big brother, what's all this about?"

Han Loong glanced at Han Yi with a sneer, clearly unimpressed.

Then, turning his attention to Murong Yunxi, his demeanor shifted. His smile widened, his expression warm and welcoming—a stark contrast to moments before. "Yunxi, isn't it? I've prepared a gift for you. I'm not sure if it's to your liking, but why don't you unwrap it and see for yourself?"

As he spoke, he raised his hands and gave a couple of pats, prompting the others to lift the red cloth and reveal the treasures beneath.

Gold, silver, and jewels lay before them, and on the final tray sat a large, glowing pearl.

Han Yi couldn't help but smile and shake his head, a look of resignation on his face.

Was this their way of acknowledging his recent financial squeeze, sending him money in such a grand gesture?

Yunxi was about to decline when she caught Han Yi's nod.

"Excellent. Yunxi is quite fond of it. Since Big Brother has gifted it to Yunxi, we shall keep it."

"Who are you talking to? I was speaking with Yunxi. Is it your place to chime in?"

Han Loong glared at Han Yi, his displeasure evident.

He was already irked that Han Yi had won over the woman he wanted, and now, to add insult to injury, Han Yi was brazenly inserting himself into the conversation!

So irritating!

Han Yi, unfazed, turned to Murong Yunxi and fell silent.

Murong Yunxi bit her lip, eyeing the array of items with a touch of discomfort.

Truth be told, these items were prized by the Han family, but to her, they held little value.

Yet, with Han Yi's endorsement, sending them away now would be an affront to him.

Murong Yunxi gave a nod and glanced at the nearby table.

"Place them there, then."

At her words, Han Loong's face lit up with glee. He smacked his subordinate on the cheek and barked, "Didn't you hear? Move it, now!"

"Yes, right away!"

The servants wasted no time and quickly set the items on the table.

But before they could even step back, another group approached.

Han Hu arrived, flanked by two or three others, all hefting a sizable chest.

Han Loong's face soured further at the sight of Han Hu.

He was well aware of Han Hu's intentions.

"Second brother, are these gifts a welcome for our third brother?"


Han Hu cast a disdainful glance at Han Yi.

"Why would I bother giving him anything? These are all for my sister-in-law. A young lady should appreciate such gifts, so I've brought them all for her."

As he spoke, he motioned for someone to unlock the chest. Inside, it was filled with beautiful garments, assorted makeup, and other such items—all clearly intended for a young lady.

Watching Han Hu present these items, Han Loong couldn't help but let out a derisive chuckle. His gaze then shifted to the array of gold and silver treasures strewn across the table, his expression one of unmistakable smugness.

"Little brother, I hate to say it, but your gifts are somewhat pedestrian. Take a look at the treasures big brother has brought for Yunxi—now those are what you call valuable!"

Han Yi remained silent, simply observing the exchange between them.

This was his first encounter with such a blatant display of sibling rivalry.

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