Starting With A Lottery System/C11 Give Me an Explanation!
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Starting With A Lottery System/C11 Give Me an Explanation!
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C11 Give Me an Explanation!

After a short pause, the two turned their attention to Murong Yunxi, plastering on ingratiating smiles.

"Yunxi, have you seen any gifts that caught your eye?"

Murong Yunxi's impatience grew as she observed their insincere grins. Her fists tightened, barely containing the impulse to tear them apart.

Noticing her irritation, Han Yi quickly approached and positioned himself in front of the pair.

Before they could utter a word, Han Yi interjected.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Father expects us to visit Grandfather. If we're late, he won't be pleased. Are you planning to join me?"

Earlier in the hall, Han Yuming had indeed instructed Han Yi to check on the old man.

The grandfather, being blind, had little affection for them, favoring Han Yi instead, which made their relationship with the old man rather distant.

They had no desire to visit him.

Exchanging glances, they shrugged and turned to leave.

Once they were gone, Han Yi stashed the items into his Storage Ring and faced Murong Yunxi.

"I know these trinkets don't mean much to you, but even a small fly provides some meat—I find them valuable."

He then stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Given Han Loong and Han Hu's tenacity, they wouldn't back down so easily. If his hunch was right, they'd be back.

Murdering his mother and attempting to take his wife—these were unforgivable offenses.

If they no longer wished to live, he'd oblige them.

Han Yi's hand dropped, and a sharp glint appeared in his eyes. "They might return tonight. If they do, show no mercy. Just dispose of the bodies cleanly."

"As for me, I'll be discussing some matters with the head of the Han family tonight."

Though he was a Spirit Apprentice and Han Hu and Han Loong were Spirit Masters, his previous altercation at the inn meant that Han Yuming's scrutiny would likely fall on him if he were present.

Murong Yunxi, however, was a different story.

She was merely a woman, and a Spirit Apprentice at that.

Han Yuming would never suspect that Murong Yunxi could be responsible for the demise of Han Hu and Han Loong.

Murong Yunxi simply nodded and remained silent as they made their way to the elder's courtyard.

Upon their arrival, they found the old man resting, not yet risen from bed. He had someone deliver a small box to Han Yi, instructing him to leave first.

Opening the box, Han Yi discovered a black tiger inside, identical to one from his childhood. It was the sole keepsake from his mother, which Han Loong had damaged. Surprisingly, the elder had remembered this detail.

Gently touching the small tiger, Han Yi's lips curled into a smile.

"Cough, cough!"

The sound of coughing drew his attention. Turning, Han Yi saw Bai Yuejiao approaching with her entourage, a box of premium Lingzhi in her grasp.

Casting a disdainful look at the tiger, Bai Yuejiao let out a cold snort, her face twisted with mockery. "You truly haven't experienced much, bringing such trinkets to the Han family!"

Her biting tone was a mirror image of Han Loong's.

Han Yi knew that Han Hu and Han Loong were responsible for his mother's death, but they wouldn't have acted without someone's command. They were barely older than him at the time. Bai Yuejiao and the second wife were the only suspects that came to mind.

Acknowledging her with a nod, Han Yi replied with a smile, "Indeed, I may not have seen much of the world, but I am still my father's son. Ever wonder why that might be, First Lady?"

"You!" Bai Yuejiao's hand flew up, aiming for Han Yi's face, but he deftly moved his hand behind his back, ready to retaliate. Before he could, Murong Yunxi stepped in, seizing Bai Yuejiao's wrist with a firm grip.

Bai Yuejiao struggled to free herself, but Murong Yunxi's hold was unyielding, leaving her unable to escape and visibly stunned.

What was happening?

Her cultivation level was at the peak of a Spirit Master, far beyond that of a Spirit Apprentice. How could Murong Yunxi, merely a Spirit Apprentice, overpower her?

How could this be possible?

The matriarch scrutinized Murong Yunxi from head to toe, her face souring as she confirmed that Yunxi's cultivation level was indeed that of a Spirit Apprentice. She attempted to channel her spiritual energy, ready to strike, but it was as if her power had failed her; no matter how she tried, it wouldn't manifest.

Bai Yuejiao narrowed her eyes, fixing a piercing gaze on Yunxi. "You're not just a Spirit Apprentice, are you?"

"Yes, I am!" Yunxi replied, her grip on Bai Yuejiao's wrist unyielding.

The sound of faint footsteps approached. Yunxi glanced toward the door and slightly relaxed her spiritual energy. Seizing the opportunity, Bai Yuejiao wrenched her hand free and raised it to strike Yunxi.

"Stop right there!" The command rang out, and in that instant, Han Yi grasped Yunxi's arm, swiftly pulling her to safety behind him, preventing the slap from reaching her face.

Han Yuming arrived with his entourage, casting a stern look at Bai Yuejiao. "As the leading lady of this household, what do you think you're doing?"

"I, I..." Bai Yuejiao was at a loss for words.

She had not anticipated Han Yuming's timely intervention.

With a steely gaze, Han Yuming regarded Bai Yuejiao before turning to Han Yi. "Take your wife back home. I will deal with this matter and provide you with an explanation."

Han Yi was his son, after all, and Han Yuming would be pleased if Han Yi could bolster the family's strength. Yet, until he was certain of Han Yi's potential for cultivation, he was keen to avoid any rift between them.

Han Yi glanced at Bai Yuejiao, then respectfully addressed Han Yuming with a traditional gesture. "Father, mother may treat me however she pleases, but this is Yunxi's first visit. To be met with such hostility is disheartening. I implore you to address this matter."

Bai Yuejiao bristled at his words, but with Han Yuming present, she bit back her retort.

Han Yuming gave a curt nod, and Han Yi, with Yunxi in tow, retreated to the Floating Pavilion.

Han Yi paused before they even entered, giving Murong Yunxi an up-and-down look that was full of surprise.

He hadn't anticipated that Murong Yunxi would be knowledgeable in such matters.

Without a word, Murong Yunxi bypassed Han Yi and strode into the room.

"What a bore!"


That evening, Han Yi made his way directly to Han Yuming's courtyard.

He had barely set off when a succession of footsteps echoed behind him.

Murong Yunxi cracked open her eyes briefly before shutting them once more.

The footsteps drew nearer, eventually halting at the door. Then came the sound of the window paper being punctured.

It seemed the people outside had begun a discussion right there.

"Will this even work?"

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