Starting With A Lottery System/C13 Corpse Eroding Water
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Starting With A Lottery System/C13 Corpse Eroding Water
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C13 Corpse Eroding Water

"This is Corpse Eroding Water. Once ingested, it will cause your internal organs to gradually decay before moving into your body. Rest assured, the pain won't last long."

Upon hearing this, terror filled the hearts of both men.

If they consumed the Corpse Eroding Water, wouldn't they be left without even a body to mourn?

Convinced of their impending doom, Han Loong and Han Hu began to scream, hurling accusations at Murong Yunxi.

Murong Yunxi remained impassive, as if deaf to their cries, and simply watched them.

As time slowly ticked away, about half an hour later, they had completely dissolved into puddles of blood.

With a wave of her hand, Murong Yunxi evaporated the bloody remains.

Another wave, and the talisman on the door was removed, restoring the room to its former quiet state, as if nothing had ever happened.

Footsteps approached, followed by the voices of Han Yuming and Han Yi.

"Your mother was in the wrong. Tell Yunxi that I will have her apologize," said Han Yuming.

"Thank you, Father!"

With a nod, Han Yuming turned and departed.

Once Han Yuming had gone, Han Yi returned to his room.

Murong Yunxi was seated in a chair, and a faint corrosive scent lingered in the air, signaling to Han Yi the outcome of events.

He smiled at Murong Yunxi and said, "Not a trace left behind. Impressive, isn't it?"

Murong Yunxi turned and lay down on the bed, instructing, "Sleep on the floor."

Concerned about any unforeseen incidents, Murong Yunxi suppressed her cultivation to the pinnacle of Spirit Apprentice level before settling down to rest.

Watching Murong Yunxi prepare for bed, Han Yi smirked and fetched two blankets from the cabinet—one to spread on the floor and the other to cover himself.


Early the next day, while it was still dark, a commotion arose outside, quickly followed by a persistent knocking at the door.

Han Yi had anticipated the Han family's discovery but hadn't expected it to come so swiftly.

He looked over at Murong Yunxi, who had already risen and was watching him from the bed.

Gathering up his blanket, Han Yi yawned and made his way to the door.

The individual standing at the door was none other than Jiu Tian.

He gave Han Yi a nod and relayed, "Third Young Master, the eldest and second young masters have disappeared. The Patriarch has sent us to search for them and requests your cooperation."

Han Yi's brow furrowed, a hint of impatience on his face.

"Aren't they always running off? How could they just vanish?"

Jiu Tian shook his head.

"I'm not sure. The staff in the eldest and second young masters' quarters claim they haven't returned all night. That's all we know. We need your cooperation, Third Young Master."

At this, Han Yi touched his nose, suppressing a smirk.

Surely, there was more to the story than just the young masters not returning for one night.

But with Jiu Tian already here, how could he refuse to help?

"Fine, come in," Han Yi consented.

He swung the door open and stepped back next to Murong Yunxi.

They scoured the entire room to no avail; it was empty.

Besides, both Han Yi and Murong Yunxi were at the pinnacle of Spirit Apprentice level. They were hardly a match for two Spirit Master cultivators.

Finding no one, Jiu Tian didn't linger. He took his leave from Han Yi, but just as he reached the door, something seemed to occur to him. He turned back to Han Yi.

"The Patriarch requests your presence in the hall; he's waiting for you now."

"Understood. I'll head over shortly," Han Yi replied, gesturing with a wave before turning back inside. Watching Han Yi's figure vanish from view, Jiu Tian departed.

Once ready, Han Yi firmly took Murong Yunxi's hand, giving her a reassuring look full of resolve.

"I've promised to protect you, and I always will."

It was a vow to her, a lifelong commitment.

Murong Yunxi's heart skipped a beat, still processing the moment as Han Yi led her away.

They quickly made their way to the hall. Upon their arrival, Han Yuming and several elders sat in a solemn assembly, their gazes heavy with unspoken thoughts as they watched them enter.

Han Yi was unfazed. He respectfully gestured towards Han Yuming with a cupped hand salute and addressed him, "Father."

Han Yuming acknowledged with a nod and instructed, "Your elder brothers have vanished. It's crucial that you play the gracious host at this banquet. We can't afford to be scorned by our guests. Understood?"

At such gatherings, rivalry was inevitable, and with it, comparisons among the younger attendees were bound to arise.

This time, it fell to Han Yi's generation to be scrutinized.

Previously, he had never made an appearance at such events.

His cultivation level was the lowest, and showing himself would only bring shame to the Han family.

But now, they were calling on him to step up.

With no other choice, Han Yi simply nodded in agreement, "Understood."

Han Yuming let out a sigh and gestured dismissively to Han Yi.

"Well then, you may dismiss yourself for now."

"We cannot let them leave!"

Before Han Yi could respond, a familiar voice interrupted, and soon Bai Yuejiao and the second wife emerged in the hall.

Bai Yuejiao pointed accusingly at Murong Yunxi, then turned her twisted expression towards Han Yuming.

"Patriarch, Han Loong and Han Hu were last seen heading to Murong Yunxi's room. Their disappearance is surely connected to her. Moreover, I suspect she doesn't possess the peak cultivation of a Spirit Apprentice!"

If she were truly a peak Spirit Apprentice, how could she fail to handle me?

Her defeat yesterday was nothing but a performance for Han Yuming's benefit!

Han Yi's expression chilled as he stepped protectively in front of Murong Yunxi, fixing his gaze on Bai Yuejiao.

Bai Yuejiao's frown deepened under his stare.

What was happening? This man, who usually wouldn't dare make a peep around her, was now confronting her. Was he staging a revolt?

But even if he were, as a mere Spirit Apprentice, what threat did he pose?

Pushing down her anxiety, Bai Yuejiao turned back to Han Yuming.

"Patriarch, this incident must be related to Murong Yunxi. I urge you to conduct a thorough investigation!"


Han Yi brought his hands to his chest and bowed his head, his voice resolute, "Setting aside the fact that Yunxi is only a Spirit Apprentice and couldn't possibly overpower my elder brothers, I didn't encounter them at all yesterday. If they did visit, it must have been during my absence. So, what were my elder brothers doing in Yunxi's and my room while I was away?"

Having finished speaking, Han Yi turned to Bai Yuejiao with an icy tone, "Is there something that couldn't have waited until I was present? If the First Lady wishes to pursue this matter, then by all means, let her investigate thoroughly!"

Caught off guard by his words, Bai Yuejiao was momentarily at a loss for what to say. How could she possibly know what Han Loong and Han Hu were up to in their own time?

Regardless of their actions, it was clear that any gossip about the incident would reflect poorly on everyone involved.

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