Starting With A Lottery System/C14 Bai Yuezhan
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Starting With A Lottery System/C14 Bai Yuezhan
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C14 Bai Yuezhan

Even his own wife would suffer the consequences.

Han Yuming shot Bai Yuejiao a fierce look and barked, "What are you waiting for? Apologize to Han Yi and Yunxi, now!"

His face was a mask of fury, clearly indicating his intense anger.

Had Bai Yuejiao not been from the Bai family, he likely would have cast her aside long ago for her thoughtless actions and lack of judgment.

Not to mention that Han Hu and Han Loong's skills surpassed theirs, if word of this incident got out, it would bring shame upon the entire Han family!

Bai Yuejiao was reluctant to apologize, but what choice did she have in her current predicament?

None whatsoever.

With a heavy heart, Bai Yuejiao closed her eyes, quelling the bitterness within. Moments later, she opened them and cast a resentful glance at Han Yi.

"Indeed, I was at fault, Yi. Please, be the bigger person and let it go. Don't hold this against your mother."

"This isn't about holding grudges. What were big brother and second brother doing in Yunxi's and my room?"

Han Yi turned to face Han Yuming, bit his lip, and knelt down, deliberately avoiding his father's gaze with a grave expression.

"Father, I've never competed with them for anything. But on this matter, I need an explanation. I've vowed to protect Murong Yunxi, and I intend to keep that promise!"

Hearing this, Han Yuming's expression grew even colder.

As if it weren't enough that Han Loong and Han Hu had already tried his patience, now Han Yi was challenging him for answers?

Such defiance!

Han Yuming clenched his fists and placed them by his side, remaining silent as he continued to stare at Han Yi.

The chill in the hall seemed to deepen, tension gripping everyone present.

But Han Yi remained kneeling, seemingly impervious to the atmosphere.

As the situation escalated, the Great Elder glanced at Han Yuming, then rose to his feet. He approached Han Yi, offering a steadying hand to lift him up.

The Great Elder then turned to Murong Yunxi, signaling with his eyes, hoping she would intervene and calm Han Yi.

Murong Yunxi furrowed her brow, pausing briefly before turning to face Han Yi.

"Neither Big Brother nor Second Brother came by yesterday. I'm not sure why the First Madam would suggest otherwise."

They didn't show up?

Bai Yuejiao's frown deepened as she fixed her gaze on Murong Yunxi, scrutinizing every minute detail of her expression.

Yet, Murong Yunxi's face remained impassive. Could her words actually be the truth?

Impossible. How could Han Loong and Han Hu just vanish?

They might not be the most dependable, but on such a crucial day, how could they simply go missing?

The Great Elder gave Han Yi's arm a consoling pat, saying with a hint of resignation, "Yunxi has already told us they didn't come. You should take comfort in that. With so many guests arriving today, you'd better get ready."

With a look of discomfort spreading across his face, Han Yi turned to Murong Yunxi. Only after she gave a confirming nod did he acquiesce.

"Alright," Han Yi grunted, then addressed Han Yuming, "In that case, Father, we'll take our leave."

With that, Han Yi took Murong Yunxi by the hand and they departed.

Once they were gone, Han Yuming swung his gaze onto Bai Yuejiao and barked, "Why are you still lingering here? Get moving, now!"

"But, Patriarch, Han Loong is still your son. He's never acted like this before. You..."

Bai Yuejiao's protest was cut short as Han Yuming slammed his hand on the table.

Startled, Bai Yuejiao stumbled backward, biting back any further words.

The Great Elder shot Bai Yuejiao a meaningful glance. Despite her reluctance, she turned on her heel and exited.

With the room cleared, the Great Elder finally addressed Han Yuming.

"Patriarch, we're all concerned about Han Loong and Han Hu, but until we're certain of Han Yi's potential, we mustn't make any hasty moves. The Han family's future is what truly matters."

Indeed, the Han family's future was paramount.

If Han Loong and Han Hu were truly gone, then Han Yi would be his only remaining son. It was crucial not to alienate Han Yi at such a juncture.

Even when seething with anger, he had no choice but to keep it in check.


As the banquet got underway, guests began to trickle in. Han Yi and Murong Yunxi were at the ready, greeting arrivals.

The absence of Han Loong from the Han family, with Han Yi stepping in instead, sparked a buzz of speculation among the attendees.

[New Mission: Get Bai Yuezhan to stand up.

Mission Reward: One random draw.]

Upon hearing this, Han Yi's eyes went wide, his face a mix of shock and disbelief.

He hadn't even completed his current Spirit Master mission—why was he being assigned a new one already?

And who in the world was Bai Yuezhan?

A member of the Bai family?

He was familiar with the Bai family members but had never come across anyone named Bai Yuezhan.

Could it be the Bai family's Young Master?

But he never took part in events like this. What was different about today?

Murong Yunxi glanced at Han Yi, concern etching her features. "What's the matter?"

Han Yi simply shook his head.

"Let's focus on welcoming the guests for now."

As the banquet was about to kick off, a figure clad in white entered their field of vision.

Indeed, it was the Bai family's Young Master.

But this time, something was off. He was seated in a wheelchair, looking frail and pale, with someone pushing him from behind.

Had Han Yi not known what he normally looked like, he might have been fooled by this charade.

Still, if Bai Yuezhan was feigning his condition, wouldn't it be somewhat cruel to force him to stand?

Han Yi stroked his chin thoughtfully before making his way over to Bai Yuezhan, Murong Yunxi at his side.

The attendant behind Bai Yuezhan gave Han Yi a wary look, clearly deep in thought.

The Han family boasted three Young Masters; he had met the elder two, so this had to be Han Yi.

The attendant greeted Han Yi with a respectful fist salute and a warm smile. "Third Young Master, our family head is preoccupied with urgent matters, so he sent the Young Master in his stead."

With that, he turned and retrieved a box from another attendant, presenting it to Han Yi.

"This is a gift from our Young Master for the elder master. We trust it will be to his liking."

As he spoke, the man flipped open the box to reveal a high-quality ginseng lying inside. Its exceptional quality was evident at a glance.

Han Yi observed the ginseng, nodding in approval before closing the lid. He then turned to Bai Yuezhan with a warm smile and said, "Young Master Bai, your reputation precedes you. Would you be interested in a tour of the Han family estate?"

"No interest!"

At Bai Yuezhan's abrupt refusal, Han Yi's smile solidified on his face.

Was it necessary to reject the offer so quickly? Without interest, how would he fulfill his task? And without completing the task, how would he earn his reward? No, he mustn't falter. Be brave, Han Yi—face the challenge head-on!

With resolve, Han Yi turned back to the one who had just spoken.

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