Starting With A Lottery System/C15 Flower Poison
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Starting With A Lottery System/C15 Flower Poison
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C15 Flower Poison

"Your Young Master seems a bit shy, but we're all peers. I'll take him on a tour of the Han estate. Don't worry, I have no ill intentions."

Without waiting for a response, he walked over to Bai Yuezhan, brushed aside the aide pushing the wheelchair, and took the handles himself.

The aide's frown deepened, his face contorting with displeasure.

"Third Young Master, our Young Master prefers not to have strangers too close. Please, don't impose."

He moved to reclaim Bai Yuezhan, but Murong Yunxi swiftly stepped in, blocking his way.

The aide's face soured further at her intervention.

Han Yi glanced between the aide and Murong Yunxi, then offered an uneasy smile.

"Relax, I mean no harm to your Young Master. I merely wish to have a heart-to-heart with him."

He then leaned in closer and murmured, "I believe we could benefit from a partnership, don't you agree?"

Bai Yuezhan looked up at Han Yi, puzzled by his suggestion.

After a moment of silent communication, Bai Yuezhan turned to the aide and instructed, "Butler Lin, please wait here with the others for a while."

"But, Young Master, your health..."

Butler Lin hesitated, concern etched on his face.

Bai Yuezhan was the old patriarch's pride and joy; even a scratch was usually met with the utmost care. Any mishap here could spell disaster for them all.

Yet he knew Bai Yuezhan's resolve; once decided, it was set in stone.

Considering they were at the Han residence, surrounded by many, Han Yi was unlikely to harm Bai Yuezhan now.

After a moment's deliberation, Butler Lin nodded in agreement.

"Very well, we'll wait here for you, Young Master. Please return promptly."

Han Yi acknowledged with a nod and wheeled Bai Yuezhan away, Murong Yunxi trailing close behind.

As they disappeared into the distance, Butler Lin turned to the remaining servant with a sharp command, "What are you waiting for? Go report to the Patriarch at once!"


The individual nodded and promptly departed the area.

They all understood the gravity of the situation; if anything went wrong with Bai Yuezhan, none of them could be held accountable.

Han Yi wheeled Bai Yuezhan directly to the Floating Pavilion, only stopping once he was certain they were alone.

He guided Bai Yuezhan to a nearby stone bench to sit, then touched his own nose while looking at him.

For some inexplicable reason, he felt as if he were involved in human trafficking.

Murong Yunxi turned to Han Yi and inquired, "What's the reason for bringing him here?"

"Oh, we share a close bond!" Han Yi replied, his face breaking into a grin as he met Murong Yunxi's gaze. She furrowed her brow but ultimately held her tongue.

If her memory served her right, wasn't their last encounter their first meeting? And they called this a close bond?

Noticing Bai Yuezhan's growing impatience, Han Yi adopted a more solemn demeanor and posed the question, "Are you planning to spend your life confined to that wheelchair?"

He cast a glance at Bai Yuezhan's legs as he spoke.

Those legs were clearly uninjured. Remaining seated for too long could cause problems, even if none existed before.

Bai Yuezhan hung his head and exhaled a weary sigh, a look of resignation washing over his face accompanied by a trace of wistfulness in his eyes.

How could he not yearn to stand again?


Bai Yuezhan regarded Han Yi with a frosty stare.

"And what concern is that of yours?"

After speaking, Bai Yuezhan cocked his head, eyeing Han Yi with a hint of suspicion.

"Are you plotting to kill me?"

"Kill you? Are you making a joke?" Han Yi retorted, giving Bai Yuezhan a dismissive glance, a touch of irritation on his face.

"Your power surpasses mine. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"

He was, at the very least, at the pinnacle of a Spirit Master!

The likely reason his powers seemed absent was that he had ingested a Spirit Hiding Pill.

The Spirit Hiding Pill could mask one's powers, but there were still ways to discern them. For instance, there's a distinct difference between those with and without powers.

Their aura is different, and those with powers are more adept at concealment.

Bai Yuezhan had intentionally revealed that flaw before; otherwise, Han Yi might never have detected him.

Bai Yuezhan offered no rebuttal upon hearing those words.

Indeed, he possessed a significant level of cultivation, surpassing that of a Spirit Apprentice. With Murong Yunxi present, it was no wonder Han Yi could speak so candidly.

It was clear that Murong Yunxi's cultivation was far beyond the pinnacle of a Spirit Apprentice.

Bai Yuezhan gave a nod, pressing the issue, "So, what's your intention? Why bring me here?"

Han Yi's patience seemed to thin. "What harm could I possibly do to you? I'm simply asking if you're content to spend your life in a wheelchair. Have you truly resigned yourself to never standing again?"

A thought struck Han Yi, and he paused before adding, "If there's a burden you're carrying, I'm here to help."

Help him?

Han Yi was the first to offer such assistance.

Yet, their acquaintance was merely a matter of days. How could Han Yi be so altruistic?

Besides, Bai Yuejiao was his aunt, and he had only emerged because he knew she was involved. Bai Yuejiao sought Han Yi's demise, yet Han Yi was extending a helping hand?

It wasn't a matter of mistrusting Han Yi; Bai Yuezhan simply didn't trust anyone.

Intent on leaving, Bai Yuezhan maneuvered his wheelchair to depart, but Han Yi rose to stand before him, blocking his path.

"Had I wished to harm you, I would've acted long ago. There would be no waiting until now, especially with individuals of the Spirit Emperor Stage among us."

Han Yi glanced back at Murong Yunxi.

Unsure of Han Yi's motives, Murong Yunxi nonetheless manifested her formidable cultivation.

Rank Six of the Spirit Emperor Stage!

Confronted with the vast chasm between their strengths, Bai Yuezhan's expression grew more intricate.

As Han Yi had pointed out, if his intent was to kill Bai Yuezhan, the opportunity had already passed; there would be no waiting for the present moment.

Could it be that Han Yi truly wished to lend aid?

Bai Yuezhan bowed his head, pondering deeply, while Han Yi waited without urgency, signaling to Murong Yunxi to contain her power once more.

After a long silence, Bai Yuezhan finally lifted his head and revealed, "My leg may be unharmed, but my body harbors a poison—the Flower of Love Poison. It was inflicted upon me at birth by someone's hand."

The Flower of Love Poison is a cruel affliction that severs emotional bonds and renders one incapable of love. Despite this, its victims are not fated to live beyond twenty years of age.

Each month, the poison asserts its presence with a painful flare-up.

During these episodes, Bai Yuezhan would sprout sharp fangs, resembling a wild beast, and his eyes would turn a blood-curdling shade of red.

The agony is indescribable, a torment so profound that he would do anything to avoid reliving it. It's excruciating!

This very affliction set him apart from others since childhood, keeping him secluded.

The head of the Bai family was well aware of his condition, and it was this knowledge that fueled his deep affection for Bai Yuezhan.

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