Starting With A Lottery System/C16 Less than a Year
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Starting With A Lottery System/C16 Less than a Year
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C16 Less than a Year

He was already nineteen, with less than a year remaining.

The poison coursing through him was administered by his own parents.

Upon discovering this, Patriarch Bai expelled his parents and assigned guards to watch him incessantly.

Murong Yunxi furrowed her brow upon hearing this, casting a puzzled glance at Bai Yuezhan.

"People poisoned by the Aphrodisiac Flower can't cultivate, so how can you?"

Bai Yuezhan gave a wry laugh and responded with a sense of resignation, "Only my grandfather is aware that I can cultivate; no one else is privy to that."

Driven by his condition, Patriarch Bai scoured the land for a remedy and alchemists, desperate to find a drug that could suppress the poison.

It wasn't until he was in his teens that they finally found Master Feeng Huo, a sixth-level alchemist.

In Nine-light City, a sixth-level alchemist was a coveted rarity. Not only were alchemists scarce, but those exceeding the fifth level were even scarcer.

To persuade Master Feeng Huo, the Bai family offered a top-tier treasure, a glass cup, which ultimately swayed him.

This glass cup, akin to a common lamp, had the unique ability to purify pills, making it a coveted tool for any alchemist.

With the glass cup in hand, Master Feeng Huo concocted a medicine that could suppress the effects of the Aphrodisiac Flower.

Bai Yuezhan's cultivation was achieved amidst this suppression.

Yet, as the medicine merely kept the poison at bay, he was compelled to visit Master Feeng Huo monthly for pill refinement.

Master Feeng Huo.

Han Yi stroked his chin thoughtfully before turning to Murong Yunxi.

"Master Feeng Huo seems familiar. Isn't he an elder of the Azure Mist Sect?"

The Azure Mist Sect did have an elder named Feeng Huo, known for his alchemy, but Han Yi had never met him, leaving him uncertain if they were one and the same.

Murong Yunxi nodded in confirmation, "Yes, that's him."

"Elder Feeng Huo, while an elder of the Azure Mist Sect, delegates the pill-refining duties to his disciples. His last disciple, Yu Yue, handles the alchemy instruction. Elder Feeng Huo himself is often away, wandering beyond the mountains."

She never expected to stumble upon Elder Feeng Huo's whereabouts here.

Her father had endured endless headaches over Elder Feeng Huo's matters. Now, she had him right where she wanted!

So, it turned out Elder Feeng Huo was indeed affiliated with the Azure Mist Sect. Knowing this, handling him would be a whole lot simpler.

Han Yi's face took on a grave expression as he gazed at Bai Yuezhan.

"Would you go to the Azure Mist Sect if I asked you to?"

"The world is vast. You'll regret it if you don't explore it. Besides, who's to say there's no cure for the love flower poison? What's your take?"

The underlying reason for Han Yi's insistence on Bai Yuezhan's disguise as a cripple was his concern over potential attacks from rival families.

Given this alone, Patriarch Bai would never consent to Bai Yuezhan's departure.

Ultimately, the decision rested with Bai Yuezhan himself.

The prospect of going to the Azure Mist Sect?

Upon hearing this, Bai Yuezhan bowed his head, his expression a mix of difficulty and gravity.

Truth be told, he had resigned himself to a life confined within the Bai family, hoping to cherish the remaining time with his grandfather.

But as Han Yi pointed out, wouldn't it be absurd to simply surrender to fate?

The love flower poison wasn't incurable. With a year's time, he might just find the antidote.

He wasn't ready to die. He couldn't bear it, and he certainly wasn't content to give up!

Sensing Bai Yuezhan's turmoil, Han Yi continued, "You're aware that Master Feng is out there, aren't you? So, how about you lead us to him? If Master Feng were to return to the Azure Mist Sect, don't you think Patriarch Bai would feel more at ease?"

Han Yi glanced over at Murong Yunxi, who nodded silently in agreement. He then refocused on Bai Yuezhan.

Without further delay, Bai Yuezhan nodded and replied, "If that's the case, I'll take you to Master Feng tonight."

Once they had agreed, Han Yi, pushing Bai Yuezhan's wheelchair, made their way out.

They hadn't quite reached the courtyard when Patriarch Bai, accompanied by his men, hurried over. Seeing Bai Yuezhan unharmed, Patriarch Bai finally relaxed.

Due to Bai Yuejiao's actions, Patriarch Bai held a rather unfavorable view of Han Yi.

Patriarch Bai turned to Han Yi with a frosty tone, "Third Young Master Han, if there's nothing more, I shall take Yuezhan and depart."

He then glanced at Butler Lin.

"What are you standing around for? Take the young master away, now!"

Upon hearing the command, Butler Lin promptly approached. Han Yi offered no resistance this time, stepping aside to let Butler Lin escort Bai Yuezhan away.

The banquet proceeded without a hitch.

As it concluded, the elder prepared to take his leave.

Han Yi approached and halted before the elder, respectfully clasping his hands in greeting.

"Grandfather, I've prepared some gifts for you, hoping they'll be to your liking."

He then produced several spirit herbs from his Storage Ring, each one a rare and health-boosting treasure in Nine-light City.

Naturally, these were all spirited away by him...

Murong Yunxi cast a brief look at the spirit herbs in Han Yi's hands but remained silent.

Now as Han Yi's wife, and given the respect Han Yi showed this grandfather, she felt compelled to do her part.

She removed the jade pendant from her waist and stepped up beside Han Yi.

"This is the jade pendant from my Azure Mist Sect. It's a modest gift, but I hope you'll accept it, Grandfather."

Her essence was infused within the pendant, enabling her to sense any danger the old man might face.

Should a perilous moment arise, the pendant's embedded formation would activate, serving as a safeguard for the elder.

Engraved on the back of the pendant was the character for 'cloud'.

The elder appeared to want to speak as he looked at them, but after a glance at Bai Yuejiao, he simply sighed and departed in silence.

Watching the elder's figure fade from view, Han Yi's brow furrowed with unease.

Within the Han family, the grandfather cherished him above all. Without the elder's presence, Han Yi knew his fate would have been grim long ago.

What was happening?

Han Yi turned to look where the elder had just been gazing and saw Bai Yuejiao approaching.

Bai Yuejiao's eyes sparkled with greed as she smiled at the jade pendant and the spiritual grass in Han Yi's hand.

"Your grandfather isn't feeling well; he may have rushed off too quickly. Tell you what, hand those items to me for now, and I'll make sure they get to the old man later."

Watching Bai Yuejiao's grin widen, Han Yi promptly stowed the spiritual grass away.

Driven by greed, just as always. It seemed Bai Yuejiao had completely forgotten she even had a son.

Han Loong was still missing, and yet there she was, coveting his belongings.

That look in her eyes was unmistakably intense. Plus, the last time Bai Yuejiao visited, she had brought a food box with her.

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