Starting With A Lottery System/C17 The Jade Pendant of the Azure Mist Sect
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Starting With A Lottery System/C17 The Jade Pendant of the Azure Mist Sect
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C17 The Jade Pendant of the Azure Mist Sect

The old master's meals were always prepared by the Han family's servants. When did Bai Yuejiao start taking over that duty?

Moreover, Bai Yuejiao, leveraging her status as a daughter of the Bai family, hasn't been shy about showing disdain towards the old man.

How could someone like her understand the meaning of filial piety?

Bai Yuejiao's face turned icy when she saw Han Yi securing the spiritual herbs.

"What's this about? You think I'm going to steal your stuff?"

"What do you think?"

Han Yi sighed deeply as he looked at Bai Yuejiao, saying with resignation, "Our brother is still missing. If mother can spare the time, please help search for him."

With those words, Han Yi took Murong Yunxi by the hand and left, heading back to the Floating Pavilion.

Upon returning, Han Yi's expression was troubled. Though they hadn't known each other long, Murong Yunxi could guess at his thoughts.

She placed a jade pendant on the table, explaining, "This is a special pendant from the Azure Mist Sect. It can save the old master's life in dangerous situations, and I'll be alerted too. Find a way to get it to the old master, will you?"

Han Yi was taken aback, looking at the pendant, then up at Murong Yunxi.

He hadn't expected her to part with such an item.

After a moment's reflection, he expressed his gratitude. "Thank you."

He then took out his spiritual herbs and some detoxifying items, his face tinged with sadness.

"This will preserve life, but detoxification isn't guaranteed. These are detoxifying herbs. Can we incorporate them into the pendant?"

"No problem."

Murong Yunxi channeled her spiritual energy, drawing the medicinal properties from the herbs and infusing them into the pendant.

As the essence merged, the pendant turned green and shrank until it was the size of a thumb.

Murong Yunxi placed the transformed pendant back on the table, assuring, "There, with long-term wear, it should neutralize all but the most potent poisons. Its reduced size means it can be discreetly worn with your clothes, undetected."

"Just figure out a way to deliver this to the elder. Later tonight, seek out Master Feeng Huo. Once you're back at the Azure Mist Sect, take the opportunity to learn some alchemy from Master Feeng Huo while you continue your training."

Han Yi offered no objection.

He was merely at the zenith of the Spirit Apprentice level, and his mission remained incomplete.

Besides, he had vowed to protect Murong Yunxi. If he kept on this path, he was bound to run into trouble.


That evening, Han Yi crept into the elder's chamber with the jade pendant in hand. He hadn't quite reached the doorway when a harsh voice stopped him.

"Because of your grandson, my son is still missing. If he isn't found, your life is forfeit. I will not spare you!"

The voice belonged to Bai Yuejiao.

Han Yi couldn't see what was happening, but the sound of a sharp slap followed by a torrent of insults reached his ears.

His fists tightened, rage burning in his eyes. It was indeed Bai Yuejiao. Excellent!

He couldn't leave without giving Bai Yuejiao a piece of his mind.

As he was about to intervene, he overheard Bai Yuejiao menacing the elder Han.

"Listen, I'm warning you. If you breathe a word of this, don't blame me for my lack of mercy. Do you really think the Han family can stand up to the Bai family?"

The Bai family?

So, Patriarch Bai was involved in this?

Han Yi's grip tightened as he pondered his next move, but ultimately, he stepped back.

Yes, he despised the Han family, but it was still his home.

If Patriarch Bai was indeed connected to this situation, it might be wiser to bide his time.

After Bai Yuejiao had spouted more nonsense, she finally left.

Only then did Han Yi slip inside.

The elder Han's expression was one of worry as he caught sight of Han Yi. He glanced around to ensure they were alone before letting out a relieved breath. Turning back to Han Yi, his look was one of irritation.

"Young man, who let you in here? Why haven't you hurried off yet?"

The elder was visibly distressed, gesturing impatiently for Han Yi to leave.

Han Yi understood the unspoken message from the elder Han and promptly retrieved the jade pendant from his pocket, offering it to him.

"I overheard your conversation earlier. Yunxi gave this to you. Ordinary poisons won't affect you, but this pendant will guard you in times of peril. Keep it with you," he said, as Old Man Han gazed at the pendant with a mix of emotions.

With Han Yi privy to the conversation, there was no longer a reason to keep secrets from him.

He sighed, settled into a chair nearby, and set the pendant on the table. "To the outside world, our ties with the Bai family appear strong, but the true nature of our relationship is known only to us."

Years ago, Han Yuming and the father of Bai Yuezhan returned to the Bai family together. Before they could even reach the Bai estate, rumors of Bai Yuezhan's poisoning surfaced. Subsequent suspicions fell on Bai Yuezhan's parents.

But since Han Yuming was also there at the time, Patriarch Bai has always suspected his involvement. Yet, without concrete evidence, Patriarch Bai has remained silent over the years.

Bai Yuejiao's actions were underpinned by Patriarch Bai's silent consent. Without his backing, she wouldn't dare behave as she does. In truth, he never ingested the substances she administered; he'd always find a way to expel them after she left.

Did Patriarch Bai know all along?

Han Yi's lips tightened as he regarded Old Man Han with solemnity. "Grandfather, did Father truly poison Bai Yuezhan?"

Old Man Han shook his head. "I don't know. But what do you think? Is it likely?"

Impossible! His father might not be the sharpest, but he was no fool. Why would he poison someone at the Bai residence and risk their wrath?

It seemed there could be more to the story of Bai Yuezhan's poisoning. But with things as they were, Han Yi's priority was ensuring Old Man Han's safety.

Glancing outside, he noted the deepening darkness. Bai Yuezhan was likely already waiting out there.

After bidding farewell to the elder Han, Han Yi promptly departed. Upon his arrival at the Floating Pavilion, Murong Yunxi was already at the entrance, waiting.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

With a nod, Murong Yunxi joined Han Yi, and together they left the Han estate. To prevent any unforeseen incidents, they had no choice but to scale the wall to make their exit.

Outside, Bai Yuezhan was already there, anticipating their arrival. They approached him quickly. Han Yi gave Bai Yuezhan a once-over, his eyes finally resting on his legs as he quipped, "Seems your legs have healed up nicely—you're moving pretty fast!"

Bai Yuezhan shot Han Yi an exasperated look.

"You're just slow," he retorted.

With that, he leaped onto the wall and proceeded to walk along its top, skillfully staying out of sight. While the reason for this might have been a mystery to others, Murong Yunxi understood perfectly.

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