Starting With A Lottery System/C19 Grade Five White Spirit Bird
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Starting With A Lottery System/C19 Grade Five White Spirit Bird
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C19 Grade Five White Spirit Bird

The contest was a test of the disciples' cultivation levels, as well as the prowess of the great families' progeny.

Han Yi had never before taken part in such a competition.

While Han Hu and Han Loong weren't exceptionally strong, they still had an edge over the Bai family.

The Bai family's lineage currently hinged on a single descendant, Bai Yuezhan, as Patriarch Bai had only one son. However, after expelling Bai Yuezhan's father from the family, he adopted another son named Bai Fann.

Yet, Bai Fann had never entered the fray of these competitions.

In fact, they had yet to even lay eyes on Bai Fann.

Han Yuming mulled over his thoughts for a moment before placing his hand on a nearby table, tapping it lightly. The soft rapping was the sole sound echoing through the hall.

Han Yuming glanced over and signaled to Nine Heavens with a look. Understanding the cue, Nine Heavens departed.

"The three great families' competition is imminent, and I want you to lead the Han family's contingent," Han Yuming said. "Therefore, your return to the Azure Mist Sect will have to wait until after the event."

Han Yi's brow furrowed at these words.

So this was why Han Yuming had summoned him—expecting him to step up and represent the Han family now that Han Loong and Han Hu were out of the picture.

Han Yuming had always operated this way, indifferent to others' thoughts, intent only on having his way.

With a respectful gesture, Han Yi addressed Han Yuming and the three elders, "My apologies, Father, esteemed Elders. It's not that I'm unwilling, but the Azure Mist Sect has summoned me, and I must heed their call."

Han Yuming's hand came down hard on the table, his gaze seething with fury at Han Yi, as if contemplating flaying him on the spot.

"Are you defying my command?" he thundered.

The three elders, equally displeased, fixed their gaze on Han Yi.

Han Yi shook his head, lowering his hand, and explained, "No, it's Yunxi. As the daughter of the Azure Mist Sect's Master, her presence is urgently required."

Knowing that Han Yuming and the others were driven by self-interest, Han Yi was confident that this revelation would ensure they wouldn't obstruct his departure.

Han Yi couldn't help but feel a touch of embarrassment about bringing up the matter.

Upon hearing this, Han Yuming glanced at the three elders.

He remembered his first impression of Murong Yunxi, sensing she was no ordinary girl, and now he was astonished to learn she was the daughter of the Azure Mist Sect's Sect Master.

The significance of the Azure Mist Sect was crystal clear to them all.

A loss in a competition was a minor setback, but winning the favor of the Azure Mist Sect could elevate the Han family's standing significantly.

They might even become the preeminent family in Nine-light City.

The Great Elder gave a nod of approval. Han Yuming's mood visibly lifted, his demeanor softening considerably.

"Well then, return home for today. I'll have someone prepare some items for you. We can't afford to be looked down upon by the Azure Mist Sect."


With that, Han Yi turned on his heel and departed.

It wasn't until later in the afternoon that they received word from Master Feeng Huo.

A servant relayed the message that Patriarch Bai had given his consent; they could set out immediately and meet at the Flame Tower.

Once the servant had left, Jiu Tian arrived, carrying a box.

Clearly, Han Yuming had given him instructions, as Jiu Tian's manner towards Murong Yunxi was noticeably more courteous.

"Third Young Master, Third Madam, this is the gift our Patriarch has prepared for the Third Madam."

Jiu Tian opened the box to reveal a lustrous green bracelet. Upon closer inspection, one could discern something moving within the jade itself.

The quality alone spoke volumes – this was no ordinary piece of jewelry.

Han Yuming had indeed been generous.

Han Yi nodded, accepting the bracelet from Jiu Tian and slipping it onto Murong Yunxi's wrist. The jade against her fair skin only accentuated its beauty.

Truly, a case of fine jade gracing a beautiful woman.

"Accept it, it's a gift from father," Han Yi said.

He then turned to Jiu Tian and instructed, "Please inform my father that we're setting off now."


Jiu Tian bowed his head, avoiding Han Yi's gaze, as Han Yi strode past him and out the door, with Murong Yunxi following closely. They headed directly for the Flame Tower.

Upon their arrival, Patriarch Bai and the butler stood waiting, flanked by a number of Bai family disciples.

Bai Yuezhan was seated in a wheelchair next to Patriarch Bai.

Without a valid reason for Bai Yuezhan to rise, and still within the bounds of Nine-light City, his safety remained precarious. The announcement of his recovery would have to wait until they reached the Azure Mist Sect.

Master Feeng Huo descended the steps, a young boy of about ten trailing behind him.

Surveying the group, Master Feeng Huo declared, "If we're all prepared, then let's depart now."

Patriarch Bai paused, casting a glance at the disciples behind him before one stepped forward.

Turning to Master Feeng Huo, Patriarch Bai explained, "Master Feeng Huo, you're aware of Yuezhan's condition. I'd like to assign someone to ensure his safety. This is my foster son, Bai Fann, whose cultivation has reached the Middle Period of the Spirit General Stage. He won't slow us down."

With that, Patriarch Bai gave a meaningful look to Han Yi and Murong Yunxi, clearly indicating that Bai Fann's abilities surpassed their own at the peak of the Spirit Apprentice Stage.

Han Yi was taken aback; he had not anticipated this was Bai Fann. The man had never shown himself before, and Han Yi was unaware of his appearance or even if he truly existed. For a foster son, Bai Fann's modest attire as a disciple seemed exceedingly understated.

Master Feeng Huo, slightly irked by Patriarch Bai's request but understanding his concern, nodded in agreement.

He addressed Bai Fann with a stern tone, "You may accompany us, but be sure to adhere to the Azure Mist Sect's rules. Otherwise, you'll be subject to our disciplinary measures. Is that clear?"

Bai Fann bowed with a fist-in-palm salute to Master Feeng Huo.

"Please be assured, Master Feeng Huo, I will abide by the Azure Mist Sect's rules in all matters."

With that settled, they embarked on their journey, Bai Fann pushing Bai Yuezhan's wheelchair.

Master Feng Huo promptly called forth his contracted Spirit Beast.

A Level Five White Spirit Bird.

Its feathers were pure white, and it was known for its swift flight, capable of soaring for a week straight without rest, even at night.

It could ascend to great heights, evading attacks with ease.

However, its offensive capabilities were notably weak.

Spirit Beasts ranged from Level One to Nine, with higher levels indicating greater strength.

But the true measure of a Spirit Beast lay in its unique attributes.

The White Spirit Bird was massive, and Master Feng Huo leapt onto its back without hesitation. Han Yi and the rest quickly followed suit.

But it wasn't long before they noticed something amiss below.

The forest was alive with the roars of Spirit Beasts and the piercing screams of a group of people, the cacophony reaching them even in the sky, causing the White Spirit Bird to flinch.

Han Yi's brow creased as he surveyed the chaos below. He was about to comment when suddenly, another voice cut in ahead of him.

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