Starting With A Lottery System/C2 Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm
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Starting With A Lottery System/C2 Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm
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C2 Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm

The Copy Wheel Eye could be utilized once daily, allowing Han Yi to replicate any spell or physical technique he encountered, harnessing his peak strength in the process. Once copied, he could store the technique in the Copy Wheel Eye for future use.

Indeed, this was yet another incredibly potent advantage.


Han Yi stretched leisurely, exhaling deeply. He hadn't anticipated the system being so generous, rewarding him with such an extraordinary item on just his second draw.

The monthly stipend from the outer sect was quite generous, and with Han Yi's diligence and the aid of various pills, he managed to advance to the Early Period of the Spirit Apprentice in just six months.


The Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm, accessible only once a century, was nestled in a secluded valley within the Fengling Area. Entry was restricted to those of the Spirit Apprentice level.

The Azure Mist Sect, Moon Shadow Sect, and Imperishable Sect all shared this entrance. With the Secret Realm's opening, each sect issued announcements, inviting Spirit Apprentice-level cultivators to explore its depths.

The Secret Realm was rich with medicinal herbs. Each disciple was expected to emerge with a hefty haul, the majority of which was to be surrendered to their sect, leaving them with only a small share. The inherent risks of the realm meant few were willing to venture inside.

Han Yi, freshly advanced to the Early Period of the Spirit Apprentice, had registered for the Secret Realm, much to the astonishment of the recruiting deacon. Was the young man seeking his own demise?

"Let me be clear, young man. The entry restriction is due to the fragility of the entrance, which can't sustain those beyond the Spirit Apprentice level. It's not an indication that all Demonic Beasts inside are limited to the Spirit Apprentice level," the middle-aged deacon warned, reluctant to watch Han Yi walk into peril.

Han Yi offered a wry smile and a shake of his head in response. Did they really think he was eager to take such a risk? If not for the system's influence, he wouldn't dream of courting such danger.

After six months of silence, the system suddenly tasked Han Yi with venturing into the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm, offering him a chance to spin the ability lottery as a reward.

Unable to resist such a lure, Han Yi promptly registered for entry into the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm.

The middle-aged deacon, seeing Han Yi's determination, sighed in resignation and permitted his entry into the Secret Realm.


Three flying ships descended into the valley. The elders of the three sects disembarked first, followed by the disciples in an orderly fashion.

Among the Azure Mist Sect's disciples was a solitary figure—Han Yi.

Clad in plain white robes, Han Yi presented a figure of unassuming simplicity.

As the opening of the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm drew near, the sect elders began to confiscate all storage items from the disciples, replacing them with special Storage Rings.

This precaution was taken to prevent the theft of precious medicinal herbs within the Secret Realm, many of which were ancient and had become rare or extinct outside, making them invaluable to the sects.

Aware of the protocol, Han Yi had left all his storage items behind.

The Azure Mist Sect was led by the Sixteenth Elder, a stunningly youthful and attractive woman with the formidable cultivation of a Spirit King.

Despite her youthful appearance, the Sixteenth Elder was well over a century old, her youthful visage maintained by the use of a Face Preserving Pill.

As Han Yi received his Storage Ring after the inspection, a brilliant white light suddenly enveloped the valley.

"All disciples of the Azure Mist Sect who have completed their inspection, enter the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm now. Remember, you must return within a month. Fail to do so, and the exit will close, trapping you inside forever!"

With the Sixteenth Elder's words still echoing, the numerous outer sect disciples of the Azure Mist Sect filed into the entrance of the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm.


Suddenly, Han Yi found himself transported to a forest.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and earning one opportunity to draw from the ability lottery.]


Han Yi could barely contain his excitement upon realizing he had won another chance at the lottery.

[Would you like to utilize this opportunity for the ability draw?]


[Congratulations, host, for acquiring the ability: Seventy-Two Transformations.]

"Good heavens," Han Yi muttered in awe, amused at the thought that even the legendary Great Sage Sun could be considered a character from the realm of anime.

Upon reflection, it made sense. The Great Sage Sun had been depicted in numerous anime forms, so his presence in the two-dimensional world was to be expected.

[Seventy-Two Transformations: Allows you to transform into any object or life form you desire.

Usage Limit: Three times per day.]

Closing the system panel, Han Yi was immediately greeted by a sweet scent.


Curious about the source of the fragrance, Han Yi frowned and turned to see a white flower nearby, the aroma wafting from its petals.

Unfamiliar with the specific type of medicinal herb, Han Yi was nonetheless certain of its exceptional quality.

He stored the flower in his Storage Ring and commenced a thorough scavenging mission. Within a three-hundred-meter radius, anything resembling a medicinal herb was swiftly collected by Han Yi, leaving the area as barren as if a swarm of locusts had passed through.


Three days later, at dusk, a blue lotus floated in the lake. If Han Yi wasn't mistaken, this blue lotus was likely a high-grade medicinal herb.

Transforming into a streak of golden light, Han Yi swiftly reached the lake's center. As he plucked the lotus, a massive gaping maw emerged behind him, poised to engulf him whole.


In a flash, Han Yi reappeared ten meters away, evading the snapping jaws. Only then did he notice the enormous crocodile lurking in the lake, its power undoubtedly at the Spirit Master Stage. His quick reflexes had saved him from becoming its meal.


The crocodile, spotting Han Yi a short distance away, let out an enraged roar and charged. Han Yi couldn't help but think this was the perfect opportunity to test the move he had been eager to try but had yet to find the right moment for.

With a simple punch, the crocodile was instantly overwhelmed, frozen in place, unable to move.

For reasons unknown, it suddenly beheld a vision of a bald figure clad in a yellow robe, donning red gloves. The presence emanating from this apparition was as vast as the cosmic sea, while it felt like nothing more than a common blade of grass in the mortal realm.


The colossal crocodile was struck by a punch from Han Yi, the formidable force instantly pulverizing its skeleton and innards.

Its body slumped to the ground, clearly lifeless.

The crocodile, weighing at least a thousand pounds, was quickly dissected by Han Yi, who then turned and walked away. Unbeknownst to him at the time, the crocodile was not of the Spirit Master Stage, but rather of the Spirit General Stage.


Come nightfall, Han Yi sat roasting the crocodile, the white lotus he had retrieved from the lake now in his grasp.

The more he examined the lotus, the more extraordinary it seemed. The crocodile had clearly been the guardian Demonic Beast of the lotus. Surely, a medicinal herb protected by such a formidable creature could be nothing less than exceptional.

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