Starting With A Lottery System/C20 Lin Family Ye Family
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Starting With A Lottery System/C20 Lin Family Ye Family
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C20 Lin Family Ye Family

"Shall we go down and check it out?"

Han Yi glanced at Bai Fann before turning to Feng Huo, awaiting his decision.

Feng Huo gave a nod, skillfully guiding the white spirit bird to descend and land below, then promptly withdrew it into the Contract Space.

They had barely touched down when they found themselves encircled by two groups of people.

Both groups were eyeing them with hostility, poised to strike at any moment.

"Hey, who are you folks? Aren't you aware that this is Harvest City territory?"

Harvest City lay adjacent to Nine-light City.

To return to the Azure Mist Sect, they had to pass through Harvest City.

Yet, they seldom lingered in Harvest City and knew little about its affairs.

Feng Huo surveyed the scene before returning his steely gaze to the speaker, "A wave of Spirit Beasts is on its way. We tried to give you a friendly heads-up, and this is the thanks we get?"

Indeed, had they known it would come to this, they wouldn't have descended.

The attire of the people ahead was no match for that of their own group; they were likely underlings or disciples of these hostile folks.

But surely, life should be valued more than this?

The expressions on Han Yi and his companions' faces grew icy.

Yet, the two groups seemed to find the whole situation amusing, dismissing their warning.

The outspoken individual turned to his followers with a fierce command, "What are you waiting for? Get moving and slay those Spirit Beasts, extract their cores, or don't bother coming back alive!"

The other group's leader signaled his disciples with a knowing glance.

Both groups faltered, their faces a mix of reluctance and fear, even casting desperate looks toward Han Yi and his group for help.

As the leaders' demeanors grew more severe, the reluctant ones dared not dally any longer, throwing themselves into battle with the Spirit Beasts.

Soon, the air was filled with the sounds of their anguished cries.

And with the Spirit Beasts drawing nearer, if the situation didn't change, they would all be doomed before long.

Han Yi exchanged a glance with Murong Yunxi before the two sprang into action.

Feng Huo pulled a small vial from his pocket and tossed it to Murong Yunxi.

"Yunxi, this will ward off the Spirit Beasts. Just sprinkle this powder on the ground and you'll be set," he instructed.

Murong Yunxi nodded, swiftly scattering the powder before the Spirit Beasts, while Han Yi focused on rescuing the people.

The Spirit Beasts, as if agitated by something, turned tail and scattered in disarray.

The rescued individuals all expressed their gratitude to Han Yi.

Just as Han Yi was about to respond, a brash voice cut through the air.

"Do you have any idea who I am? I belong to Harvest City's Lin family. Are you really looking to oppose us?"

In Harvest City, the Lin family was a household name, with the Ye family as their primary rivals.

The other faction present was from the Ye family.

The speaker was none other than Lin Hao, the Young Lord of the Lin family, notorious for his wastrel ways.

Leading the other group was Ye Shen, the third young master of the Ye family.

Being the third son meant he wasn't the favorite at home, a sentiment Han Yi could relate to.

Ye Shen regarded Han Yi and his companions with a certain discontent.

Unlike Lin Hao's rashness, Ye Shen managed a nod towards Feng Huo and the others before voicing his concerns in a frosty tone, "Folks, we've been luring a Rank-6 Spirit Beast here. By scattering that Beast Repellent Powder, you're going to drive it away too. Don't you think that's a bit counterproductive?"

All this effort, all these sacrifices, just for a Rank-6 Spirit Beast?

Han Yi couldn't help but look at them with scorn, at a loss for words.

Lin Hao let out a derisive snort and turned to his family members with a scowl.

"What are you waiting for? Get over here, now! Or do you have a death wish?"

The Lin family members cast a wary glance at Han Yi before they all moved to Lin Hao's side.

Having been in Lin Hao's company for so long, they were all too familiar with his volatile nature. Provoking Lin Hao was akin to courting death itself.

To be frank, his cultivation level was nothing to write home about. He was merely at the initial stage of being a Spirit Master, and even that was shaky at best.

But the Lin family backing Lin Hao was a force to be reckoned with in Harvest City. Nobody dared to cross them—well, nobody except the Ye family.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes at Han Yi before launching a punch in his direction.

Despite being at the peak of Spirit Apprentice level, he was, after all, a fledgling Spirit Master. He refused to believe he couldn't handle Han Yi!

As Lin Hao made his move, Han Yi nimbly dodged and closed the distance between them. He came to a halt in front of Lin Hao, his hand swiftly finding its way to Lin Hao's neck.

With a tightening grip, Lin Hao's face contorted with discomfort.

The Lin family onlookers tensed up.

"Young master, you mustn't strike. He's the Young Lord of the Lin family. If you lay a hand on him, we're all as good as dead. I implore you to spare him!" they pleaded.

Ye Shen's eyebrows arched with intrigue as he observed the unfolding drama.

It wasn't every day one saw Lin Hao in such a predicament, and he intended to savor the moment.

If Han Yi were to kill Lin Hao, the Young Lord, now that would be a spectacle.

Lin Hao's complexion grew increasingly ghastly until Han Yi released his grip, and Lin Hao collapsed to the ground.

Gasping for air, he sat there, his face etched with terror. He had been on the brink of death, and he knew that with a bit more force, Han Yi could have ended him.

Lin Hao looked up at Han Yi resentfully, his fists tight with rancor. To be overpowered by someone at the peak of Spirit Apprentice rank was a bitter pill to swallow for a Spirit Master like him.

Gathering his strength, Lin Hao pushed himself off the ground and turned to his allies.

"What are you waiting for? Attack now!" he commanded.

Feng Huo could only shake his head at their hesitation. Without further ado, he took out a medicine pouch and flung its contents at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao shielded his face, but it was too late; the powder had already infiltrated his nostrils.

Suddenly, he felt an intense, searing pain in his throat, as if someone were squeezing his neck tightly.

Lin Hao brought his hands to his neck, attempting to speak, but all that came out were pained "Ah!" sounds.

Feng Huo, clearly losing his patience, remarked, "What a hassle. Let's finish him off and make a quick exit."

With that, Feng Huo turned to Ye Shen, his eyes conveying an unmistakable threat.

Ye Shen, catching Feng Huo's menacing look, stepped back to clear a path for him and his group.

Though his own powers surpassed Lin Hao's, Ye Shen sensed that this was no ordinary group.

The most formidable among them was the elder, armed with an array of items. Ye Shen had no intention of ending up voiceless.

The issue of the sixth-grade Spirit Beast could wait; they would handle it another time.

Feng Huo then released the White Spirit Bird and leapt onto its back.

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