Starting With A Lottery System/C4 The Demon Emperor
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Starting With A Lottery System/C4 The Demon Emperor
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C4 The Demon Emperor

The python vanished, replaced by a strikingly handsome young man clad in green, exuding a formidable aura of oppression.

"Demon Emperor!"

The woman in the green robe, her face veiled, furrowed her brow and cried out as the overwhelming presence hit her.

She was taken aback to find that within the Spirit Saint Ancient Tomb, there wasn't just a Spirit Emperor level puppet, but also a Demonic Beast of the same rank.

Her own cultivation was at the early stage of the Spirit Emperor level, on par with the puppet's strange tiger. She had some hope of victory before, but with the addition of an early-stage Spirit Emperor Demonic Beast, her chances were now nonexistent.

"I can understand a Spirit Emperor seeking my master's relics, but you, a mere Spirit Apprentice, dare to do the same? This is a desecration of my master's memory!"

The Green Python Demon Emperor bellowed in rage before lunging at Han Yi with its claws bared.

"Damn it!"

Han Yi swore through clenched teeth. He had no intention of engaging in battle, but his luck had turned sour. Now, he had no choice but to fight.

"Regular Punch!"

At Han Yi's command, the figure of Teacher Qi Yu materialized behind him.

The bald man, donned in a yellow bodysuit with red gloves and a cape, stood like a deity of destruction, leaving the Green Python Demon Emperor frozen in shock.

The Demon Emperor wasn't the only one stunned; the green-robed woman and the puppet were equally immobilized.

With a thunderous bang, Han Yi's punch instantly killed the Green Python Demon Emperor. Its organs turned to mush, bones shattered, and its very soul dissipated.

Is that all? He had expected the Demon Emperor to be formidable, yet it fell to a single punch from him.

Unable to retain its human form any longer, the Green Python Demon Emperor reverted, and Han Yi nonchalantly collected the body into his Storage Ring.

As Han Yi approached the corpse chair and was about to make his escape, the green-robed woman spoke up:

"If I'm not mistaken, you're from the Azure Mist Sect, aren't you? I hope, for the sake of our shared lineage, you might lend me a hand."

"I apologize, sir, but my abilities are simply too limited to be of any assistance to you."

With those words, Han Yi transformed into a beam of golden light, intending to depart. However, at that very moment, the stone door slammed shut, and he crashed against it before sliding to the floor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three successive strikes passed, yet the woman and the puppet remained locked in a stalemate.

Retreating swiftly, the woman bit her tongue tip, igniting her blood essence, and swung her sword with all her might.


The sword qi carved a ghastly gash across the puppet, but despite the injury, it remained capable of movement and continued to fight.

It's over; I've misjudged the situation.

The woman watched the advancing puppet in disbelief. Her sword had drained all her spiritual energy and even some of her blood essence. She had believed it would be enough to destroy the puppet in a single blow, but her power had fallen just short.


As the puppet raised its sword and the woman in green retreated, her complexion ashen, a burst of sword qi struck the puppet.

With a look of utter disbelief, Han Yi turned to the man behind him. How could he execute a technique identical in power to hers?

Standing there, bewildered in his Two-Pointed Jade Eye state, Han Yi realized for the first time that he could wield sword qi with his bare hands.

Is this the power of the Two-Pointed Eye?

The move that required the opponent to use both blood essence and all their spiritual energy, he could perform effortlessly, without expending either, and without even needing a sword.


The woman in green turned to confront Han Yi, but before she could speak, the puppet detonated. A cloud of pink smoke instantly enveloped the entire hall.

In ancient times, there was a poison known as Love Poison. Regardless of one's cultivation level, inhaling this poison would strip them of their powers, leaving them as frenzied as a beast in heat. Without someone to balance the disrupted Yin and Yang within the time it takes an incense stick to burn, they would perish explosively.

In some ways, this poison was more fearsome than the deadliest of toxins.

As the pink mist cleared, Han Yi lay disheveled on the ground, the picture of utter despair.

He had preserved his virginity for two whole lifetimes, yet today... it was no more...

For a moment, Han Yi struggled to come to terms with the loss of his virgin status, while the woman in green nearby watched with a look of resignation.

It was her primordial yin that was lost; she should be the one in distress. Yet, it seemed as if he was the one who had been wronged.

"Stop lying there. We need to figure out a way to get out of here, fast."

The woman in green, now dressed, approached the stone door and spoke.

Roused by her words, Han Yi stopped wallowing on the ground and joined her at the door.

"The stone door can only be forced open from the inside. I've depleted all my spiritual energy and haven't recovered much. It's up to you to break us out."

After examining the door, the green-robed woman informed Han Yi.

It was now the morning of the second day, and Han Yi had three chances to use his wheel-eye's duplication ability. This meant he could replicate the green-robed woman's sword qi three times to blast through the stone door.

They stepped back, and Han Yi swung his hand blade in three swift strikes.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three blasts of sword qi struck the stone door, creating cracks but failing to shatter it.

"Keep going."

"I can't... It's only good for three uses..."

Han Yi admitted, embarrassed.

The Regular Punch was limited to living targets, and the Two-Pointed Jade Wheel's copy ability could only be used thrice a day.

Upon hearing this, the green-robed woman realized that Han Yi truly was just a beginner at the Spirit Apprentice stage. But that didn't add up. He had the power to defeat a Demon Emperor in a single blow and unleash three sword qi strikes that she could only manage at full strength once. How could he be just a novice Spirit Apprentice?

It defied all logic!

"Are you... really a Spirit Apprentice?"

The green-robed woman asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.


Han Yi nodded, affirming the truth.

Under the relentless probing of the woman in green, Han Yi found himself weaving a tale on the spot to satisfy her curiosity.

He spun a yarn about encountering a mysterious sage named Qi Yu, who bestowed upon him a singular power: the ability to unleash a forceful punch, a power he could only wield once a day and solely against living creatures.

He explained his mimicry of her spells by claiming that another immortal, Yuzhi Bo Ban, had gifted him a pair of Sharingan eyes, capable of copying any ability without limit, though he could only use the copied techniques thrice daily.

As for his ability to transform into a streak of golden light with incredible speed, he attributed it to accidentally consuming an unusual fruit.

To his surprise, the woman in green took his outlandish story at face value!

After sharing his fabricated adventures, the woman reciprocated with her own tale.

Only then did Han Yi discover that she was none other than the youngest daughter of the Azure Mist Sect's patriarch, named Murong Yunxi.

Despite her exceptional talent, Murong Yunxi was afflicted with a deadly disease. In a desperate bid for survival, she had encased her own father in the eternal ice of the Ten Thousand Year Cold Cave.

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