Starting With A Lottery System/C5 Murong Yunxi
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Starting With A Lottery System/C5 Murong Yunxi
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C5 Murong Yunxi

Due to her unique constitution, Murong Yunxi had been in a deep slumber within the Profound Ice for millennia, yet her body continued to absorb Spirit Aura. Upon reaching the level of Spirit Emperor, her incurable disease vanished. She shattered the Profound Ice and arrived at the Azure Mist Sect, where she learned of the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm.

As a figure from the twilight of the ancient era, Murong Yunxi was well-versed in the lore of Spirit Saint Ye Ling from the Fengling Area. She employed a secret method to suppress her cultivation level and gain entry into the Secret Realm, eventually making her way here after an extensive search.


Through days of relentless effort, Han Yi and Murong Yunxi succeeded in breaking through the stone door, leaving behind the ancient tomb of Spirit Saint Ye Ling.

As a Spirit Emperor, Murong Yunxi possessed immense Primordial Yin energy. Impressively, within just a few days, Han Yi had elevated his cultivation to the pinnacle of the Spirit Apprentice Realm, yet a significant portion of the Primordial Yin within him remained unassimilated.

On their journey back, Murong Yunxi refrained from requesting the Storage Ring belonging to Spirit Saint Ye Ling from Han Yi, which caught him off guard.

The way out of the Spirit Apprentice Secret Realm was through the sky. Han Yi, with the aid of the Sparkling Fruit's power, departed the Secret Realm alongside Murong Yunxi.

Other cultivators employed the Qi Manipulation Technique to exit the area several days later.

The appearance of Han Yi and Murong Yunxi together surprised the sixteen elders of the Azure Mist Sect. Given Murong Yunxi's status, which was well-understood by the elders, it was puzzling to see such a reserved female cultivator in the company of a man.

Despite their bewilderment, the elders adhered to protocol and collected the Storage Rings from both individuals. Notably, the contents of Han Yi's Storage Ring were not his complete collection of medicinal herbs; he had previously transferred the majority to another Storage Ring.


After the journey on the flying boat back to the Azure Mist Sect, Han Yi lay in his wooden house, basking in the comfort of routine. He first inspected his recent acquisition of herbs, pleased with the haul. Then, he proceeded to examine the contents of the Storage Ring he had received from the Spirit Saint.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Out of the blue, someone knocked on Han Yi's door. Considering he wasn't acquainted with anyone from the outer sect, the question arose: who could be seeking him out?

Han Yi approached the door, his mind swirling with questions. As he reached out to open it, he froze in place.

There stood Murong Yunxi, clad in a green robe with a veil covering her face, her gaze fixed intently on Han Yi.

"Senior Murong, did you need something from me?"

Han Yi's voice carried a hint of uncertainty.


Murong Yunxi's brow creased at the term, clearly not fond of the formality.

"Just call me Yunxi. Find me a spare room; I'll be living with you from now on."

With that, Murong Yunxi brushed past Han Yi and made her way into the wooden house.


Han Yi's face drained of color at her declaration. The idea of a Spirit Emperor sharing his home was utterly preposterous!

"A wife for a night, a wife for life. From now on, I'm your wife. That's the rule, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Murong Yunxi spoke with a nonchalance that suggested this was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Isn't it beneath a Spirit Emperor of your stature to be someone's wife?"

Han Yi tried to reason, his voice laced with reluctance.

"If you prefer, I could kill you instead, and then I'd be free."

"No, no, I'm quite fond of living, thank you. I'll go and prepare your room right away."

If Han Yi's memory served him right, the eastern room of this wooden house should be suitable for someone of her standing. The thought of a Spirit Emperor becoming the wife of a mere Spirit Apprentice was beyond belief.


Murong Yunxi's arrival had shattered the tranquility of Han Yi's life. He had aspired to live as a carefree idler, but now he found himself relentlessly practicing swordsmanship, serving tea and water to Murong Yunxi, cooking meals, and keeping the house in order. His life had become a series of unending challenges.

[New Mission: Breakthrough to Spirit Master]

[Mission Reward: One Random Two-Dimensional Item]


Han Yi, in the midst of chopping wood, was taken aback by the sudden mission alert from the system. It was the first time he'd ever seen a reward involving a Two-Dimensional Item.

Without a moment's hesitation, Han Yi stood up and began to cultivate, eager to achieve the rank of Spirit Master as quickly as possible.

Inside the wooden house, Murong Yunxi, engrossed in studying Ye Ling's cultivation techniques, felt a flicker of surprise as she sensed Han Yi's cultivation efforts just outside.

This guy's approach to cultivation was always hit-or-miss—three days of effort followed by two days of slacking. He never seemed to have a diligent bone in his body, so why the sudden change, starting his practice so early today?

Han Yi was currently practicing an early-stage Earth Rank cultivation method gifted to him by Murong Yunxi.

Fan, Huang, Xuan, Ling, Di, Tian—these six levels represent the hierarchy of cultivation and magical arts. Murong Yunxi's generosity in giving Han Yi an early Earth Rank technique spoke volumes of her regard for him.


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Murong Yunxi's long sword sliced through the air, but no matter how she thrust, Han Yi dodged with ease. His agility was at its peak, especially with the heightened senses from his compound eyes, allowing him to not only evade but also spot Murong Yunxi's openings and counterattack with his sword.

"I really want to gouge out those compound eyes of yours and fix them onto my own," Murong Yunxi said, her voice tinged with envy as she sheathed her sword and gazed at Han Yi's remarkable eyes.

At her words, Han Yi shuddered, realizing he'd need to be extra vigilant from now on, especially at night. The thought of Murong Yunxi stealing his eyes while he slept was a chilling prospect indeed.

"Han Yi, you've got mail!"

As Murong Yunxi retreated to her quarters and Han Yi was about to start cooking, his old friend and sworn brother, Xu Wuhu, appeared at the threshold of the wooden house, calling out to him.


Han Yi shouted back and hurried over to receive the letter. It was an invitation to return home for his grandfather's birthday celebration.

The Han family, one of the three major clans in Nine-light City, was Han Yi's lineage. As the youngest son of the current head, Han Tianlong, Han Yi's status was diminished due to his mother's concubine origins, making him the butt of many family jokes.

If not for his grandfather's 80th birthday, his father might not have even bothered to summon him.

Han Yi sighed deeply. The familial bonds might be weak, but it was still his grandfather's milestone birthday. No matter what, he felt compelled to return. It had been three years since he last visited, following his mother's death. It was time to face his family once again.

"Are you heading home?"

As Han Yi finished reading the letter and was preparing to stand up to start cooking, Murong Yunxi's voice suddenly burst forth from behind him.


Han Yi gave a slight nod in affirmation.

"Take me with you. As your wife, it's only right that I accompany you home to meet your parents."

"That... let's not. My mother passed away from an illness three years ago, and I don't really have a connection with my father. My visit is just a formality; I'll be back before you know it."

Han Yi attempted to dissuade her, but Murong Yunxi swiftly and decisively rejected his advice.

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