Starting With A Lottery System/C6 Meeting by Chance
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Starting With A Lottery System/C6 Meeting by Chance
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C6 Meeting by Chance

"I think you should give it some serious thought," Murong Yunxi suggested, playfully swinging her fist in the air as she watched Han Yi with amusement.

At her words and gesture, Han Yi forced a wry smile, his lips twitching slightly. "Yes, we really should go."

He had no desire to cross Murong Yunxi. After all, she was a Spirit Emperor, while he was merely a Spirit Apprentice. Without his Blood Wheel Eye, he wouldn't stand a chance against her. And even if he could, would he ever raise his hand against his own wife?

With a sigh, Han Yi tucked the letter away. "You wait here for a moment. I'll go report to the sect, and then we can depart shortly."

"There's no need for that!" Murong Yunxi declared, striding toward the door.

"I'm here, so reporting is unnecessary."

Han Yi couldn't help but pull a face, his expression one of resigned bemusement. But she was right; as the daughter of the Azure Mist Sect's ancestor, her actions were beyond question. With that settled, they would make their way directly to Nine-light City.

Not eager to return to the Han family too soon, Han Yi chose an inn close to their residence to stay for the night, planning to head back to the Han family the next day. Once they had secured two rooms, they went downstairs to grab a bite to eat.

Murong Yunxi, puzzled, turned to Han Yi. "Now that we're here, why not go straight back?"

Han Yi simply smiled and shook his head, offering no response. Why go back to the Han family, a place where he felt undervalued?

Noting Han Yi's demeanor, Murong Yunxi's brow furrowed, but she chose to remain silent.

The waiter approached and paused beside Han Yi, giving him a curious glance. Something about Han Yi seemed familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before. Yet, given Han Yi's cultivation level and presence, he must belong to a prominent family.

Eager to attend to them, the waiter beamed at Han Yi and asked, "What can I get for the two of you? We have some signature dishes. Would you like me to recommend a few?"

He had visited this place before, but at that time, he was in the company of Han Loong. The same waiter who greeted them then was present when Han Loong subjected him to insults, merely standing by as a spectator. He might let it go, but Han Yi certainly wouldn't forget. Still, Han Yi had no desire to dredge up such a humiliating episode.

"No need for anything fancy. Just some mutton and radish soup will suffice," he said before turning to Murong Yunxi. "And you?"

Murong Yunxi gave a nod, choosing to remain silent. The waiter, seeing their orders were set, wasted no more time and turned to leave. But before he could even take two steps, someone grabbed him by the collar and flung him to the ground.

"I say, you ignore me to chat with them?" the familiar voice boomed.

Han Yi turned to find Han Loong standing behind him. As their eyes met, Han Yi could only raise his hand to his forehead and pat it gently, a look of resignation on his face. It seemed his streak of bad luck was unending, running into acquaintances even during a simple meal.

Han Loong, surprised to see Han Yi, raised an eyebrow and gave him a once-over. His face soured upon realizing Han Yi had become a Spirit Apprentice, a far cry from the mere Spirit Aura he had been before.

Then Han Loong's attention shifted to Murong Yunxi, whose cultivation level was impressively high, so much so that even he couldn't discern her exact rank, though he was certain she surpassed him.

His eyes gleaming, Han Loong sidled up next to Murong Yunxi, eyeing her with undisguised lust. He was practically salivating.

"Beauty, I am Han Loong, the eldest son of the wealthy Han family from Nine-light City. Would you be interested in visiting our estate?" he propositioned, then cast a scornful glance at Han Yi, his face twisted with contempt. "This man is the least favored son of the Han family, always trailing behind me like a dog. Surely, you'd prefer my company to his, wouldn't you?"

Murong Yunxi tensed, her fists ready to strike, but Han Yi intercepted her with a firm hand.

Turning to face Han Yi, confusion etched across her features.

With a deep breath, Han Yi gently tapped Murong Yunxi's hand, rose to his feet, and fixed his gaze on Han Loong.

Their confrontation drew a crowd, spectators gathering to witness the unfolding drama.

The waiter retreated a few steps, eyeing Han Yi with unexpected recognition.

"So that's who he is—the third son of the Han family," he realized, having mistaken him for someone of greater stature.

The third son was notoriously ineffectual, a laughingstock to all who knew of him.

Mocking whispers filled the air, all at Han Yi's expense.

Satisfied by the onlookers' reactions, Han Loong glanced back at them before returning his attention to Han Yi with a frosty challenge. "What's this, little brother? I've taken quite a liking to this lady. You plan to interfere?"

His eyebrows arched, his eyes bore a threatening glint.

Once, such a look might have cowed Han Yi, but not anymore...

Shaking his head, Han Yi responded with calm defiance, "Certainly not."

At his words, Han Loong's sneer deepened, his face twisting into scorn.

He had always seen Han Yi as nothing more than a useless buffoon.

Han Loong reached out to grab Murong Yunxi, but before his hand could even graze the air, Han Yi seized it, twisting sharply.

A cry of agony pierced the room as Han Loong swung at Han Yi.

Han Yi stood his ground, his Blood Wheel eyes flaring. Anticipating Han Loong's strike, he countered with a palm thrust to the chest, sending Han Loong hurtling through the air.

Han Loong crashed against the wall and tumbled to the ground.

Agony wracked his body, his insides feeling as though they had been rearranged. The pain was excruciating.

Incapacitated by the pain, he lay motionless on the ground.

Han Yi approached, helping Han Loong to his feet and dusting him off.

"I appreciate you holding back for my sake, brother. But know this—if you make a move, I won't retaliate. How does that sound?"

"You!" Han Loong glared at Han Yi, eyes blazing with fury.

He struggled to speak, but the pain was overwhelming, robbing him of even that small power.

Observing Han Loong's state, Han Yi's mouth twisted into a smirk, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

He dipped his head and whispered with a hushed tone, "Big brother, you're such a disappointment."

With those words, he stepped back twice and swiveled his gaze toward the server.

"What are you all waiting for? Don't you see my big brother is ready to head home? Get moving and take him back already!"

At Han Yi's prompt, the server snapped to attention, nodded, and promptly approached to support Han Loong on his way to the Han family residence.

Despite everything, Han Loong was a Spirit Master, a whole rank above a Spirit Apprentice.

And yet, a Spirit Master had been defeated?

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