Starting With A Lottery System/C7 The Three Great Families Bai Family
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Starting With A Lottery System/C7 The Three Great Families Bai Family
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C7 The Three Great Families Bai Family

Watching their figures vanish from view, Han Yi clapped his hands together, his face beaming with satisfaction.

What a relief!

Years of pent-up frustration had at last found release.

That slap wouldn't really harm Han Loong. Even a thorough examination would reveal nothing. Yet, it would leave Han Loong in discomfort for a whole month.

At least, by the time he returned to the Han family, Han Loong would be a bit more subdued.

Having dealt with the situation, they lost their appetite and headed straight to the second floor, to Murong Yunxi's room.

Han Yi gave Murong Yunxi a once-over and said, exasperated, "Can't you suppress your power a bit? You're at the level of a Spirit Emperor, it's no wonder Han Loong has his sights set on you."

Nine-light City isn't like other places. Here, being a Spirit King is a big deal and can stir up quite the storm.

And Murong Yunxi was a Spirit Emperor.

Even if Han Loong had no designs on Murong Yunxi, others might.

Murong Yunxi furrowed her brow, puzzled as she looked at Han Yi.

"This is my power level. Besides, even if they target me, it's not certain they can handle me."

"Sure, sure, you're the mightiest Spirit Emperor, but Miss Yunxi, could you consider your husband for a moment? This could bring me a lot of trouble."

He had only wanted to attend a banquet in peace and then leave without any complications.

Understanding Han Yi's point, Murong Yunxi reflected.

The Blood Wheel Eye could only be used three times a day, and that particular punch just once. Without these abilities, Han Yi was easy prey.

She really should consider Han Yi's safety.

With a nod, Murong Yunxi suppressed her power to the peak level of a Spirit Apprentice, matching Han Yi.

She turned to Han Yi, who nodded back, a look of contentment on his face.

"Excellent. Get some rest. We'll head to the Han family tomorrow."

With that, Han Yi left the room.


At the Han family estate.

It took a good while for Han Loong to recover, but his chest still throbbed with a searing pain, as if something sharp was embedded there, causing him immense discomfort.

Han Loong raised his hand to his chest and gave it a pat before throwing off the covers and dropping to his knees in front of the head of the Han family.

The patriarch, Han Yi's father, was Han Yuming.

"Dad, you have to take my side. It's all Han Yi's doing that I've ended up like this. He even brought along a woman with incredibly high cultivation. Dad, you must help me!"

Han Yuming's face turned stern as he looked at Han Loong's state. "What's with all the noise? Stand up, will you?" he reprimanded.

Then, he turned to Bai Yuejiao, Han Loong's mother and the senior madam of the Han family.

"Is this the 'fine son' you've raised?"

Bai Yuejiao knelt down, her eyes filled with a plea as she faced Han Yuming.

"Patriarch, my son wouldn't make this up. It has to involve Han Yi. Please, could you summon Han Yi to clarify things?"

At her words, Han Yuming let out a cold snort, his impatience with Bai Yuejiao evident.

"Apothecary Xu has already examined him. Han Loong is perfectly fine," he stated flatly.

With that, Han Yuming turned on his heel and left, not wishing to linger any longer.

He had never invested in Han Yi's cultivation, and he was well aware of his son's capabilities.

How could Han Yi possibly be a match for Han Loong?

To him, it seemed like nothing more than Han Loong stirring up trouble now that Han Yi was back.

The elder's grand birthday celebration was the next day, and Han Yi was expected to return. Any issues could wait to be addressed upon his arrival.

Why make a mountain out of a molehill?

As Han Yuming departed, Han Loong reached out and grasped Bai Yuejiao's hand, his eyes betraying his discontent.

"Mother, you must stand by me. My chest still aches. Han Yi has reached the pinnacle of a Spirit Apprentice. If he keeps advancing, he'll easily outstrip me."

Bai Yuejiao rose to her feet, her face etched with concern as she regarded Han Loong.

Han Yi had been at the Spirit Aura Stage not long ago. How could he have suddenly reached the peak of a Spirit Apprentice?

And Han Loong himself was a Third Level Spirit Master.

Though the gap might seem small, the chasm between Spirit Aura and Spirit Master was vast—a significant divide for any cultivator.

However, Han Loong insisted that Han Yi must not be allowed to progress any further.

Bai Yuejiao narrowed her eyes at Han Loong and inquired, "Are you certain that Han Yi is currently at the Blessed and Profound Inn?"

"Yes, I'm positive. And it appears he's quite intimate with that woman."

Bai Yuejiao gave a nod of acknowledgment and stated, "I'm aware of the situation. I'll take care of it. You needn't concern yourself with the rest."

With that, Bai Yuejiao turned and departed the scene.

In Nine-light City, the three major families were the Han, Bai, and Lin families, and Bai Yuejiao belonged to the Bai family.

Her marriage was meant to solidify the alliance between the two families. Should she encounter any trouble, the Bai family would surely intervene.

It was clear that now was the time to call upon the Bai family's influence.

Two hours later, a group swiftly encircled the Lai Fu Inn.

Sensing something amiss, Murong Yunxi's eyes snapped open and she immediately headed to Han Yi's room. Seeing him seated on the bed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have company!"

Han Yi acknowledged with a nod but offered no further words.

Such swift action and grand display could only mean the involvement of the three great families.

Being the grandson of Patriarch Bai, Han Loong feared that the Bai family's visit was aimed at him.

What misfortune!

He couldn't even enjoy a moment's peace upon his return.

Shortly thereafter, the window was forced open and a slender tube thrust inside. As the assailant outside prepared to blow, Murong Yunxi struck, driving the tube back into the attacker's mouth, nearly causing him to choke.

The scuffle had taken place upstairs, and the disrupted assailant plummeted to the ground below.

Han Yi rose and approached the window, flinging it open before leaping out, with Murong Yunxi right on his heels.

As they landed, black-clad figures swarmed them, quickly forming an encirclement.

There were about a dozen of them, including the one who had just taken a fall and was still sprawled on the ground.

The ringleader was a short, unattractive man with a rat-like appearance. Even without seeing his full face, one could tell he was decidedly unsightly.

Han Yi touched his nose briefly, then let his hand fall away as he declared, "If you're itching for a fight, then let's get on with it. I have no interest in dawdling here."

"What a boastful claim. Fine, if that's how it is, then tomorrow will be..."

"Enough, are we fighting or not? If not, I'm out of here!"

Han Yi cut off Eyebrows before he could finish his sentence.

Han Yi's impatience was evident as he eyed the group, further fueling Eyebrows' irritation.

He had encountered Han Yi before, but had never noticed such brazen arrogance.

If Han Yi was seeking his own demise, Eyebrows wouldn't dilly-dally. He promptly pulled out his two hefty machetes.

The machetes were indeed massive, comically disproportionate to his diminutive stature.

It looked odd from any angle.

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