Starting With A Lottery System/C8 Young Master of Bai Family
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Starting With A Lottery System/C8 Young Master of Bai Family
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C8 Young Master of Bai Family

The man brandished a large machete and backed away before charging straight at Han Yi. Before his blade could strike Han Yi, Murong Yunxi drew her sword, infusing it with spiritual energy. The force of the sword qi cleanly severed the man's arm. His machete clattered to the ground.

Staring at his severed limb, the man crumbled in despair. "My hand! Aren't you at the pinnacle of Spirit Apprenticeship?"

Sweat drenched the man's forehead as he writhed in agony. He hastily retreated, putting distance between himself and Murong Yunxi. He was a peak Spirit Apprentice; it was inconceivable that even if Murong Yunxi shared his rank, she could incapacitate him with a single strike.

Murong Yunxi nonchalantly slung her sword over her shoulder, eyeing the man with impatience. The others exchanged wary glances, unsure of their next move.

Noticing their hesitation, Han Yi placed a hand over his heart and gave them a look of exasperation. "Are we fighting or not? If not, then beat it!"

The group turned to look at their comrade, Eyebrowless. Despite his reluctance, he recognized the chasm in strength that had been revealed without a single blow being exchanged. Continuing the fight would mean certain death for them, let alone returning to report.

Eyebrowless weighed his options, then glanced at his severed arm. With a gesture, he used spiritual energy to retrieve it, then, clutching his arm, he made his exit. The rest scurried after him, fleeing as fast as their legs could carry them.

As the group's figures vanished from view, Han Yi turned his gaze to a nearby corner. "Since you've already arrived, what's the point of skulking around?"

Murong Yunxi was ready to channel spiritual energy into her sword again when a figure emerged. Clad in white, with his hair neatly tied and the rest cascading over his shoulders, he was strikingly pale with a flawless complexion. He held a white fan depicting a woman in red.

Dangling from his waist was a jade pendant, and upon closer inspection, one could make out a single character etched into it: Bai. A member of the Bai family!

Rumors had been swirling about the eldest son of the Bai family having a child who was frail and frequently ill from a young age. Moreover, the boy was said to be paralyzed in both legs.

Yet, he was reputed to be quite handsome, possessing a delicate beauty often attributed to those in ill health.

But these were just whispers and hearsay; no one knew for certain, as the Young Master had never been seen in public.

He had met all his peers in the Bai family, except for this elusive Young Master.

If this individual truly belonged to the Bai family, then he must be that very Young Master.

The reality, however, seemed to diverge significantly from the rumors.

Han Yi stroked his chin thoughtfully as he observed the man with a hint of amusement.

"Young Master Bai?"

The man did not deny it, simply nodding in confirmation.

"Han Yi!"

At the sound of his name, Han Yi couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head, a touch of nostalgia in his expression.

"They say the Bai family's Young Master has been sickly and paralyzed since childhood, but looking at you now, that seems to have been quite the exaggeration."

With that, Han Yi's gaze dropped to Young Master Bai's legs.


Could someone paralyzed manage to walk all the way here?

Young Master Bai hummed in agreement.

"Indeed, the rumors have been somewhat inflated. After all, you're no fool!"


Can't he talk?

Was it just a lack of resources before?

But what was a person, thought to be paralyzed, doing here now?

He wouldn't accept any talk of coincidence; such tales might fool children, but he wasn't buying it.

Han Yi's expression grew chilly, his eyes narrowing as he fixed his gaze on Young Master Bai.

"I'm curious, Young Master Bai, what brings you here today? Could it be that the news of my return excited you so much that you had to seek me out?"

Without a word, Young Master Bai turned and walked away.

Murong Yunxi, sword in hand, was ready to strike, but Han Yi placed a hand on her arm, watching as Young Master Bai's silhouette vanished from view.

"Why didn't you let me take action?"

Murong Yunxi's face showed a trace of discontent.

"These people are definitely working together. I saw a jade pendant on that dwarf earlier, identical to his."

"They are certainly affiliated."

The jade pendants of the Bai family were alike, yet the inscriptions upon them differed.

They were all members of the Bai family, so it wasn't incorrect to say they were in league with one another.

"Now that we're aware of his secret, I doubt he'll do anything rash."

He was merely curious. If there was no issue, why portray himself as useless?

With a sigh, Han Yi leaped back into his room, Murong Yunxi close on his heels.

Realizing Han Yi had nothing more to say, Murong Yunxi turned and departed.

This was Nine-light City, Han Yi's turf. Her role was simply to support him here!

The following morning, Han Yi hadn't even descended the stairs when he was greeted by a commotion. A crowd had gathered outside, fixated on something.

Their chatter was incessant as they gazed.

"The Bai family is on the hunt for an Alchemist. The illness of the Bai family's Young Master has taken a turn for the worse. They're willing to spare no expense."

"Young Master Bai is quite the delicate one. The Bai family's fortune seems to be spent solely on his health."


The Bai family's Young Master?

Was this the same person he had encountered the day before?

His condition had deteriorated again?

What was the Bai family, or rather, the Young Master Bai, really after?

Han Yi furrowed his brow but didn't dwell on it. He turned aside and took a seat.

It was none of his concern. And if it wasn't, why should he bother?

The waiter, recognizing Han Yi and recalling his formidable display of strength from the day before, was careful not to show any disrespect.

Once the waiter had finished serving the meal, Murong Yunxi made her way downstairs.

The waiter's brow creased in confusion upon seeing that Murong Yunxi's cultivation had soared to the Peak of the Spirit Apprentice Stage.

What was happening? He hadn't been able to discern Murong Yunxi's cultivation level the day before. It was only when someone's spiritual energy was significantly greater than his own that he couldn't perceive it.

But surely he couldn't have misjudged a Spirit Apprentice Stage cultivator?

Murong Yunxi took her seat and noticed the waiter lingering, prompting her to turn and address him.

"What's the matter?"

The waiter snapped to attention and shook his head, though he seemed somewhat reluctant to leave it at that.

He bit his lip, gathering the courage to ask, "Miss, I couldn't determine your cultivation level yesterday. How is it that you've reached the Peak of the Spirit Apprentice Stage today?"

"Spirit Hiding Pill!"

The Spirit Hiding Pill has the ability to mask one's spiritual energy. A single pill can maintain its effect for an entire day.

It's virtually undetectable unless someone's cultivation significantly surpasses your own.

The waiter was familiar with the Spirit Hiding Pill. Upon hearing its mention, he simply nodded in acknowledgment and, without further comment, turned and departed.

Murong Yunxi picked up the chopsticks from the table and began her meal.

It was only after she finished eating that she turned to gaze at Han Yi.

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