Starting With A Lottery System/C9 Protect Her!
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Starting With A Lottery System/C9 Protect Her!
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C9 Protect Her!

"When do we head to the Han family?"


With those words, Han Yi lifted his hands to the table, pushing himself to his feet, a look of resignation on his face.

He wouldn't be keen on returning to the Han family if it weren't for his grandfather's milestone birthday.

But now that he was here, it would be a waste not to go back, right?

Besides, he had a score to settle.

Han Yi and Murong Yunxi made their way back to the Han family. The disciples there gave Han Yi looks as if he were a stranger, their faces void of any expression, not even bothering to exchange pleasantries.

Han Yi was all too familiar with their cold demeanor.

As he was about to enter, someone blocked his path with an outstretched hand.

"Hold on, I'll inform the Patriarch. You can enter once I come back."

The person didn't wait for a response before heading inside.

Han Yi watched their retreating backs, a wry smile on his lips as he shook his head. Time hadn't changed them one bit.

[New Mission: Put the Han family in their place

Mission Reward: One ability lottery draw!]

The system's voice rang out unexpectedly. Han Yi's eyebrows lifted in surprise, but he was game for this challenge.

His attachment to the Han family was minimal; his survival had been a matter of luck.

And of course, Han Loong and Han Hu, the sons of those two women, were integral to his plans for the Han family.

Han Yi turned and stepped outside, pausing on the staircase to stand firm.

Murong Yunxi approached and came to a halt beside him.

She might not have known the details, but it was clear to her that Han Yi's experiences with the Han family were far from pleasant.

Yet, with Han Yi choosing to remain silent, she refrained from probing.

Before long, the gatekeeping disciple approached, saying, "The Patriarch is in the main hall now. Please make your way there."

Han Yi glanced at Murong Yunxi, then gently took her wrist, leading her forward.

His face remained impassive, but his heartbeat quickened.

If he weren't so focused on keeping it in check, it might have leapt right out of his chest.

Damn, is this what holding a girl's hand feels like?

Upon their arrival in the main hall, Han Yi's heartbeat noticeably slowed. Han Yuming was seated in the place of honor, with Bai Yuejiao at his side. The second wife stood off to one side, her head bowed, exuding a fragile and delicate air. Anyone unaware of her true nature might easily be fooled by her appearance.

Flanking the room were the three esteemed elders of the Han family. Han Loong and Han Hu stood by their respective mothers, their faces etched with scorn as Han Yi approached. Han Loong's eyes bore into Han Yi, dark and brooding, filled with unspoken vengeance. The pain in his chest was a constant reminder of his vow for retribution.

Beside Han Yi stood a woman of striking beauty, her white dress lending her an ethereal grace that seemed to transcend the earthly realm. Han Hu was similarly captivated, his gaze fixated on Murong Yunxi.

The revelation of Han Yi's ascension to the peak of Spirit Apprentice caught Han Yuming and the others off guard. An alchemist had previously diagnosed Han Yi with blocked meridians, suggesting that further cultivation would be futile. With little hope for Han Yi's progress, Han Yuming had shifted his focus to nurturing Han Loong and Han Hu, sparing less attention for his other son. Yet, it was undeniable that Han Yi had been at Rank Six of the Spirit Aura not long before. Such rapid advancement seemed improbable for someone with obstructed meridians.

Quick to recover from his surprise, Han Yuming addressed Han Yi, "Now that you're back, we'll visit your grandfather shortly." Han Yi responded with a respectful fist salute, "Yes, Father."

As Han Yuming prepared to rise, Bai Yuejiao caught his attention. "Patriarch, take a look," she said, signaling subtly with her eyes. Han Yuming's gaze shifted to Murong Yunxi, his brow furrowed in puzzlement. He was at a loss as to why Han Yi had brought a woman home. Han Yi, under the weight of his father's questioning stare, found himself at a loss for words.

Could it be because of a one-night stand?

Absolutely not!

Han Yi knelt on one knee, giving Han Yuming a wry smile. "This is my wife, Murong Yunxi."


Han Loong and Han Hu stared at Han Yi, their shock evident. They had barely set their sights on a woman, and now she was Han Yi's wife? They had always outshone Han Yi in every aspect since childhood. How could he now surpass them?

Han Loong pointed at Murong Yunxi and turned back to Han Yi, demanding, "What did you just say? Your wife?"

Murong Yunxi's face soured at Han Loong's demeanor. She already had a poor opinion of him, and it had just gotten worse. If it weren't for the fact that they were at the Han family home, she might have taken action!

Han Yi hummed affirmatively, his smile teasing as he regarded Han Loong and Han Hu. "Yes, she is my wife, and she will be my wife for life. Should anyone disrespect her or utter a word against her, I, Han Yi, will defend her with my life if necessary!"

Murong Yunxi was taken aback by his words. She glanced at Han Yi and saw his unwavering resolve, feeling an unexpected warmth in her heart.

Han Loong and Han Hu seemed eager to retort, but with Han Yuming and the three elders present, they bit back their words. They were to reside with the Han family, and they were convinced they could handle Han Yi in due time.

Han Yuming appraised Murong Yunxi, noting her cultivation at the pinnacle of the Spirit Apprentice Realm—a considerable talent for a young woman. And Han Yi's rapid progress in cultivation led Han Yuming to question the Alchemist's claims.

If Han Yi truly possessed such potential, he was more than willing to invest in his growth. After all, Han Yi was his son and part of the Han family.

Han Yuming exchanged glances with the three elders, who were also observing him. They nodded subtly, silently deliberating something unknown.

Han Yuming clapped his hands together, summoning a disciple to his side.

This was someone Han Yi recognized: Jiu Tian, who had always been a close protector of Han Yuming.

He was arguably Han Yuming's most trusted confidant.

Casting a glance at Murong Yunxi and Han Yi, Han Yuming instructed, "Assign the Floating Pavilion to the third young master. Take him down there now."

The Floating Pavilion was a spacious courtyard. It wasn't excessively opulent, but it was a vast improvement over Han Yi's previous accommodations.

Previously, he had been confined to a small room adjacent to the woodshed, a place that was drafty even in the winter.

Even the Han family's guest rooms were a step up from where he had been staying.

This privilege was a special arrangement by the First Lady, Bai Yuejiao, a luxury not afforded to the other young masters.

Han Yuming was aware of the situation, but given Han Yi's lackluster progress in his cultivation, he chose to remain silent on the matter.

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