Starts With Saving The Seven Fairies/C7 Suppression of Demons
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Starts With Saving The Seven Fairies/C7 Suppression of Demons
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C7 Suppression of Demons

Innate Sword Intent!

Jianyun felt his divine soul tremble violently.

A sharp aura exploded within his divine soul, and then it crazily surged into Jianyun's body.

Jianyun's original body was merely a Sword Grass at the foot of the Kunlun Mountain, and it could be said that he was born with an ordinary life. However, all living beings in the world were born and raised by the heavens and the earth, and Jianyun was no exception.

There was a trace of Houtian sword intent in his original body, and this was also the reason why Jianyun was able to break Jintan's golden body.

The sharp Qi merged into his body, crazily increasing Jianyun's acquired sword intent.


Jianyun opened his eyes and saw the sword light shooting out from the eyes of the sword intent, creating two cracks on the ground.

Jianyun's original body had been completely reborn, and the sword intent in his eyes had become sharper and sharper.

Jianyun thought for a moment, then he suddenly closed his eyes.

A few breaths later.

Everything returned to normal, and Jianyun slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the acquired sword intent in his body had become innate.

Jianyun had a feeling that his sword Qi had become countless times stronger than before. If Jintan came again, he would be able to kill him with just a wisp of his sword intent.

The biggest gain was that the original Sword Grass had also entered the acquired realm. Although it was only the acquired realm, it at least represented Jianyun, and it was no longer that lowly Sword Grass.

He stood up and walked out of Devil Sweeping Palace.

Outside the main hall, 100,000 heavenly soldiers were lined up in a vertical row, and it was impossible to see the end of them at a glance.

"Greetings, Central Court's Devil Lord!" A golden-armored heavenly soldier strode over, knelt on one knee, and raised a roster.

Behind him.

"Greetings to the Central Court's Devil Lord!"

The 100,000 heavenly soldiers knelt down at the same time, their howls shaking the skies.


Jianyun's eyes shone with divine light as he slowly swept his gaze across the 100,000 heavenly soldiers. He extended his hand and took the roster from the golden-armored soldier.

"One hundred thousand soldiers, listen up!"

Jianyun's eyes flashed. He took a step forward and did not conceal the imposing manner of the Great Luo.

Moreover, there was a terrifying sword intent contained within it.

Even though Jianyun wasn't aiming at the heavenly soldiers on purpose, the group of heavenly soldiers couldn't help but tremble.

"Attack the West Ox State!"

Jianyun pointed to the lower realm.


The 100,000 heavenly soldiers turned around at the same time. In an instant, they rushed to the lower realm like a falling galaxy.


On the other side.

At this moment, Seven Fairies was using the magic treasure water mirror to look at Devil Lord's main hall.

"Look, look, Devil Lord is out."

"Wow, Fifth Sister, look, Devil Lord seems to be different from yesterday. His temperament seems to be even more outstanding, especially his pair of eyes. They are much deeper and more handsome."

"Fifth Sister, if you don't like Devil Lord, don't blame the sisters for attacking you."

The fairies teased each other.

Zi'er's pretty face blushed.

"What nonsense are you talking about, big sister? Why are you teasing little sister?" Zi'er pretended to be unhappy, but after she finished speaking, she ran out shyly, causing the fairy behind her to laugh loudly.

Outside the hall.

"True Lord Jianyun, you have to win this battle as soon as possible."

Zi'er held the communication jade pendant in her hand. In the end, she only dared to look in the direction of Devil Sweeping Palace and softly mutter, not send out a message.


The communication jade pendant suddenly shook.

Zi'er subconsciously injected her Divine Sense.

"Fifth Princess, with Jianyun's official duties, I'm afraid he won't have the chance to meet the Fifth Princess for a short period of time. I hope that Fifth Princess won't blame him. When Jianyun returns to the Heavenly Court in the future, he will definitely apologize to the Fifth Princess."

Jianyun's gentle voice sounded.

"General Jianyun, you are so self-respecting. It has nothing to do with you and me. These words..." The fifth princess's ears were red, but her lips were filled with a hint of sweetness.

In Cloud Palace.

Hao Tian also looked at Devil Lord's main hall with his Heavenly Mirror.

"Tathagata took someone from the Cloud Palace, but he didn't show his true body. He doesn't take me seriously at all. Humph, saving that monkey's life is already giving him enough face. "

Hao Tian's eyes flickered.

" Jianyun, Jianyun, Zhen lent your hand to let out a breath, but I also saved you once. You must not let Zhen down, otherwise... "


West Ox State.

The mountain was as large as a world, and it contained thousands of living beings. Its Great Dao was clearly visible.

This was the base camp of the demon race. Even though the ancient Almighty had been hidden in the primeval era after many major calamities, there were still some figures of the demon race that could be used in the open.

Like the seven demon kings.

Before the Hairy Monkey Sun Wukong was invited to the Heavenly Court, he was the seventh of the seven great demon kings, and his cultivation was the weakest.

West Ox State, east of Five Peak Mountain.

The towering mountains were continuous, and the dark demon clouds never dispersed. This was the place where the demon kings lived.

The sound of the afternoon.

A few little demons were beating gongs and drums as they patrolled the mountains.


The demon cloud in the sky shook slightly.

The leader of the small demons subconsciously raised his head to look and discovered that the demon cloud in the sky had a hole in it, as if there was an extra star in it.

Before he had time to wonder.

The entire demon cloud dispersed with a loud bang, and in the blink of an eye, the densely packed stars filled the entire sky, and there were more and more of them.

"This... this..."

The little demon opened his mouth wide and the gongs and drums in his hands were directly thrown away in shock. "No, it's not good. Heavens, heavenly soldiers, densely-packed heavenly soldiers!!"

The little monster let out a heart-wrenching roar.

In the next second.

A powerful aura descended from the sky, causing some of the mountains to collapse.

The densely packed stars were precisely the Heavenly Soldiers.

At this time, there were a total of a hundred thousand people descending into the lower realm.

In an instant, the entire Five Peak Mountain was pressed down like night, not to mention the aura of the 100 thousand Heavenly Soldiers gathered together.

Without the need for the Little Demon to call out, the entire Five Peak Mountain became lively. Groups of Little Demon ran out of the cave, and the moment they saw the scene in the sky, they were all shocked to the spot.

"According to Jade Emperor's decree, I, the True Lord, will lead 100,000 heavenly soldiers to flatten the West Ox State. Those who recognize me, surrender without resistance." A majestic voice descended from the sky.



"A hundred thousand heavenly soldiers razed the West Ox State to the ground. Hahahaha, what arrogant words."

"What True Lord is that?! Do you dare to tell me your name?! This will allow me to broaden my horizons!"

"Go back and ask Old Man Jade Emperor if he is stupid."

After recovering from their initial shock, the group of demons burst into laughter.

West Ox State was the base camp of the demons.

Putting aside the fact that the demons had Almighty and the old ancestor, there were still saints among the demons!

Hao Tian's actions were absolutely crazy!

In the sky.

Jianyun sat on the Jubilant Cloud, his cold eyes slowly sweeping over the demons under his feet.

"It's a beast with scales and armor in the end. He still doesn't know when he's going to die."

"Let's begin." Jianyun waved his hand.

"Subduing demons!"

The 100,000 heavenly soldiers shouted at the same time. They split up and formed a killing formation that swept down.

"Come, come for real?"

"Old man Jade Emperor must be crazy!"

Only now did the group of demons react.

However, it was already too late for them to escape.

The killing formation formed by countless Heavenly Soldiers was like a silver dragon, smashing fiercely into the neo-demon horde, setting off waves of slaughter.

And these lesser demons were the ones with uneven strength in the first place, and when they saw the Heavenly Soldiers subconsciously dodging, the wandering soldiers and rogue soldiers were simply not a match.

Within a mountain peak of Five Peak Mountain.

"Big, Big King, bad news!" An old monkey ran into the cave.

On the tiger leather chair in the cave.

A monkey with golden fur all over his body was drunk.

The golden fur monkey was extremely impatient when it was woken up by that old monkey.

"What are you being so impatient for? Could it be that there are some blind ones who dare provoke me, Monkey King?"

As he spoke, Monkey King even burped.

On the other hand, the old monkey was so anxious that he bared his teeth, and he didn't care about his status and status as he directly pushed the Golden Fur Monkey.

"My king! My god! The heavenly soldiers are coming!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Monkey King instantly sobered up from his drunken stupor, and at the same time, he noticed a strand of aura.

"How dare you!"

Monkey King's cultivation base erupted at the peak of the Grand Yi Mystic Immortal Realm. He extended his hands and a pair of golden hammers and drums flew towards him. The murderous aura around him burst out with his red eyes.

"I can use these heavenly soldiers as food for this king to sober up!"

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