Stealing Energy In Another World/C10 Fifth Rank Demonic Beast
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C10 Fifth Rank Demonic Beast
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C10 Fifth Rank Demonic Beast

"This cultivation method is just too rudimentary; it limits how quickly I can manipulate the Spiritual Qi," Hsu Fann lamented, shaking his head. Without a superior technique, even the greatest natural talent would remain untapped.

As the final thread of Spiritual Qi neared complete absorption, the earth began to tremble violently, reminiscent of an earthquake.

Hsu Fann's body swayed uncontrollably from side to side.

A sense of foreboding welled up within him. Despite his meticulousness, he had overlooked a crucial detail—the blood of the savage bear hadn't been thoroughly cleaned, potentially luring a formidable demonic beast.

Unable to steady his cultivation in time, Hsu Fann was violently ejected from the cave.

Confronted with the massive creature before him, a jolt of alarm shot through him.

"Flying Tiger!"

It loomed like a hill, with massive wings that could seemingly whip up a twister with a single flap. Its four legs stood as sturdy as ancient trees, and its razor-sharp claws appeared capable of slicing through the very fabric of space.

The Flying Tiger bared its fangs and let out a thunderous roar at Hsu Fann, the force of which nearly swept him off his feet.

The beast gave Hsu Fann no quarter, its claw lashing out with a crack that split the air.

Relying on his nimbleness, Hsu Fann narrowly evaded the strike, but not without earning several gashes on his clothing that sent a chill down his spine.

The Flying Tiger, a formidable half-step fifth rank demonic beast, had one foot in the Nascent Infant Realm. With the inherent strengths of its kind, it could pose a challenge even to a genuine Nascent Infant Realm cultivator.

And here was Hsu Fann, merely a novice at the Breatharianism Stage!

Failing to crush Hsu Fann with its initial attack, the Flying Tiger seemed to take the evasion as a personal affront and went into a frenzy. Its wings beat furiously as it charged at Hsu Fann.

Hsu Fann's pupils contracted as he clutched his sword with determination.

"Flying Sword Dao!"

Spiritual Qi flooded into his blade, causing the tip to glow faintly as he struck out at the Flying Tiger's oncoming claw.

If a master of the sword arts were present, they would be astounded. This was the beginning of grasping the elusive half-step sword intent.

In the realm of countless weapons, only the path of the sword is deemed sovereign!

While many practice the way of the saber and spear, over ten individuals in the Mysterious Sect have mastered their respective intents. Yet, sword intent stands apart; not a single person within the sect has achieved such understanding.

To comprehend even the half-step sword intent is an extraordinary feat, typically the domain of ancient beings who have honed their skills for centuries.

And Hsu Fann? Barely in his early twenties.

Should these venerable creatures discover his potential, they'd clamor to mentor him.

Meanwhile, Hsu Fann was hurled through the air, his agility sparing him from injury, though his strikes seemed mere annoyances to the Flying Tiger.

Without realizing it, man and beast had exchanged over a hundred blows!

To fight was futile; to flee, impossible.

Yet Hsu Fann remained composed. He inhaled deeply, only to hear a crack from his hand.

His long sword had snapped.

A spasm crossed Hsu Fann's face. Without a reliable weapon, he had no choice but to draw another blade.

The Flying Tiger grew restless, its wingbeats quickening, its roars echoing, signaling an imminent deadly strike.

Gazing at the fragments of his sword, an epiphany sparked in Hsu Fann's mind.

"What defines a sword?"

"A sword embodies passion, solitude even!"

"With my sword, I strike. Who dares to withstand?"

In that instant, a smile graced Hsu Fann's lips. His new sword began to quiver, resonating with the very essence of the sword.

The earth cracked, trees succumbed to the fearsome force, and lesser demonic beasts quaked, frozen in terror.

The Flying Tiger, with its ponderous frame, swooped down upon Hsu Fann, ready to crush him.

As the beast's assault neared, Hsu Fann calmly lifted his head, a surge of potent spiritual energy radiating from him.

"Da Huang Tianjian — Sword Break All Daos!"

Hsu Fann radiated a piercing sword aura, as though he himself was a blade, soaring into the sky to clash with the Flying Tiger. Blood sprayed onto the earth, and amidst his extreme pallor, Hsu Fann lay on the ground, a faint smile on his lips, utterly spent.

The sword strike had been devoid of elaborate techniques, deceptively simple in appearance, yet often, such simplicity harbors the greatest terror.

It was then that Hsu Fann realized the true essence of the Da Huang Tianjian was not the sword, but the will behind it. Each move was a singular strike, demanding a potent spirit and a deep understanding of the sword. Now, completely drained, Hsu Fann could only gaze at the still-twitching Flying Tiger, yearning to deliver another blow, yet he was powerless to do anything but wish.

Abruptly, Hsu Fann's senses sharpened as he struggled to lift his head. A figure in black stood before him, clapping slowly, his voice chilling.

"Hsu Fann, oh Hsu Fann, who would have thought you'd be so adept at concealing your strength? To think that even a fifth-rank Flying Tiger is no match for you—I've sorely underestimated you."

A grim smile crossed Hsu Fann's face. He had just begun to tread the path against the heavens; was this truly the end?

"At this point, before I meet my demise, I deserve to know who will claim my life," Hsu Fann said, unable to place the familiar voice.

The man in black threw back his head in laughter, then yanked off his mask to reveal a face Hsu Fann knew all too well.

"Wang Xiaogai," Hsu Fann acknowledged with recognition.

"You thought you could offend Senior Brother Han Dongyao and still hope for good days ahead? You're utterly oblivious to the vastness of the world. I had planned to have you killed during your trials, but you've boldly left the sect, presenting me with a perfect opportunity to impress Senior Brother Han."

Wang Xiaogai's eyes gleamed with smug satisfaction as he looked down at Hsu Fann, who remained silent, acknowledging his oversight.

Impatience crept into Wang Xiaogai's demeanor. "Your time is up. In a mere few days, you've ascended from the fifth circle of the Golden Core to the eighth layer of the Breatharianism Stage, slaying a demonic beast on par with the Nascent Infant Stage. You've certainly stumbled upon an extraordinary fortune, and I'll be sure to safeguard it for you."

A look of greed flashed across his face.

Having spoken, Wang Xiaogai drew a short knife, poised to sever Hsu Fann's head.

Just then, the Flying Tiger, teetering on the brink of death, surged with an increasingly potent demonic presence, as though it were undergoing a rebirth.

Flapping its blood-soaked wings, it struck at Hsu Fann with a claw.

Wang Xiaogai had already closed in on Hsu Fann. Feeling the disturbance behind him, he spun around swiftly.

But before he could grasp the situation, the formidable beast claw had already crushed him into a pulp.

The massive form of the Flying Tiger collapsed to the ground, issuing a resentful roar at Hsu Fann. Its eyes were shut tight, seemingly gathering energy.

Hsu Fann, resigned to his fate, was taken aback. Had Wang Xiaogai saved him?

How could that be?

The thought of ancient legends, coupled with the Flying Tiger's recent odd behavior, etched a look of horror on Hsu Fann's face.

"Could the demonic beasts in Demon Valley truly be bolstered by a demonic aura?"

It seemed the only plausible explanation.

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