Stealing Energy In Another World/C11 Attacking the Weak Point
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C11 Attacking the Weak Point
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C11 Attacking the Weak Point

The Flying Tiger snapped out of its daze, its eyes widening as they regained a fierce sparkle. Upon spotting Hsu Fann, it bristled with combativeness.

Its body coiled like a drawn bow, eyes blazing with a murderous glint.

Hsu Fann's heart clenched in anticipation. He braced himself as the demonic beast lunged, claws outstretched, hurtling towards him.

In the heat of battle, Hsu Fann could sense the claws threatening to pierce his very flesh.

Faced with such a formidable onslaught, Hsu Fann instinctively chose to clash head-on—there was no time for evasion.

To onlookers, Hsu Fann's actions seemed a suicidal folly.

Survival appeared to be a distant dream.

If Hsu Fann hoped to escape with his life and further solidify his recently stabilized realm, avoiding this confrontation wasn't an option.

With no escape, his only choice was to pivot with the momentum.

Hsu Fann was acutely aware that the Flying Tiger had begrudgingly added him to its list of friends, its hatred for him boiling over. He could even sense the beast's energy being siphoned off by the system.

Prepared for the worst, Hsu Fann didn't wait for the Flying Tiger to recover from its fall.

He surged forward, his movements dragon-like, and struck the grounded Flying Tiger with force.

The beast let out a gut-wrenching roar.

Hsu Fann breathed a sigh of relief. His stomp would have left a crater in the earth, let alone on the body of the Flying Tiger!

The beast attempted to roll over and retaliate.

But it hadn't anticipated Hsu Fann's relentless assault, pinning it to the ground with a vicious stomp that drew blood, leaving it dazed and disoriented.

Without a moment's pause, Hsu Fann rose and delivered another fierce kick to the beast's chest. Seizing a nearby branch, he plunged it into the Flying Tiger's neck with ruthless precision.

To the bystanders, the Flying Tiger was a formidable fifth-rank divine beast, not to be approached lightly by anyone lacking in prowess.

Yet Hsu Fann, fearless as a calf unaware of a tiger's might, boldly confronted the beast. Despite its severe injuries, the Flying Tiger managed to struggle to its feet once more, ready to continue the fight.

The Flying Tiger possessed immense internal energy within its body! Yet, its movements had noticeably slowed, a clear sign that the prior battle had taken its toll.

Hsu Fann's recent strike was a solid hit, leaving the Flying Tiger reeling, though not enough to knock it out completely.

It was now attempting to regain its bearings from the ground.

From his last offensive, Hsu Fann deduced that the Flying Tiger's strength had waned by at least fifty percent from its prime.

Another attack might significantly increase his odds of victory!

Indeed, in the opening round, Hsu Fann had confidently battered the Flying Tiger into its current sorry state.

Unbeknownst to Hsu Fann, his combat had drawn the attention of many onlookers, captivated by the explosive battle energy. Many were skeptical that Hsu Fann could emerge from the canyon unscathed.

Word of Hsu Fann's exploits had already reached Han Dongling.

"He's a fool! Lured into this valley by a few words, and what divine creature is this Flying Tiger? The beast won't rest until it sees blood—it's not like any ordinary fight. Hsu Fann can only walk in upright and be carried out horizontally..."

"It's laughable! With no one to intervene, he actually believes he's invincible, capable of withstanding the Flying Tiger's onslaught. It's utterly absurd!"

Hsu Fann hadn't anticipated engaging in a life-or-death struggle with the demonic beast so swiftly.

Moreover, he sensed many covert presences nearby, likely drawn by the sounds of battle.

With so many pairs of eyes fixed on him, Hsu Fann steeled his resolve, no longer allowing himself the luxury of relaxation.

He was acutely aware that the Flying Tiger was before him.

Defeating it would elevate his profile, leaving a lasting impression on the many witnesses, and propel his cultivation forward.

Currently, Hsu Fann could hold his own in the fight, relying solely on his personal strength.

At this moment, the Flying Tiger was gasping for air.

Hsu Fann's recent kick had nearly pulverized its barely recovered organs.

The beast now clung to life, barely hanging on.

Hsu Fann was well aware that if things continued this way, it wouldn't be long before the beast would be knocked flat!

The fact that it could pause here to catch its breath was already a small victory.

Hsu Fann faced off with the Flying Tiger with lightning speed, reaching a level of confrontation that others had not achieved.

The Flying Tiger was formidable and robust, a creature no ordinary person dared to approach.

Those who came across this canyon would invariably choose to take a detour rather than face it directly.

Now, with the challenge before them, they hesitated to engage, merely staring in stunned silence.

"It's pathetic... Wang Xiaogai went up there and got turned into mush instantly. Utterly useless!"

"At least Hsu Fann managed to land a kick on that tiger's rear. Wang Xiaogai ended up nothing more than ash."

Han Dongling commented with a sneer.

But Hsu Fann didn't take Wang Xiaogai's death lightly.

He knew that a moment's carelessness could have left him just like Wang Xiaogai, reduced to a smear on the ground, his life forfeit.

The Flying Tiger wasn't a foe to be taken lightly, and the real danger for Hsu Fann still lay ahead.

His expression grew more resolute, knowing that the challenges ahead would only multiply, leaving no room for complacency.

He couldn't afford to coast through on the current circumstances alone.

Now, someone would have to be found to retrieve Wang Xiaogai's remains.

Meanwhile, the Flying Tiger's menacing gaze remained fixed on Hsu Fann.

He observed the beast, noting the fresh blood that still stained its mouth.

Hsu Fann was well aware of the Flying Tiger's immense strength.

Such a ferocious mythical beast would pose a challenge even for a Nascent Soul Stage master to slay.

With that in mind, defeating this demonic creature would undoubtedly enhance his own power significantly!

Protected by the system, Hsu Fann grew bolder.

He had ascended several levels in his cultivation, and thanks to his continuous training in recent days, his strength was formidable, though he had kept it concealed, revealing it to no one.

Understanding that slaying the beast would bolster his own power, Hsu Fann realized that it was all up to him now.

With this in mind, he allowed himself a slight sigh of relief, acknowledging the multitude of challenges ahead that he alone must overcome.

The Flying Tiger showed no signs of halting its assault, constantly seeking the perfect moment to strike.

Its gaze was fixed intently on Hsu Fann, as if it truly intended to devour him whole, its limbs tirelessly churning the earth, ready to pounce once more.

Hsu Fann was acutely aware of the impact he had made, striking with such velocity and force.

Even if the beast didn't succumb to death, it would be left maimed.

Yet there it stood before him, its ability to keep standing a testament to its sheer willpower.

Seizing the moment was Hsu Fann's next move.

Remnants of the tree branch still clung to the tiger's neck.

Hsu Fann plotted to rub salt into the wound, so to speak, to ensure his own escape from the jaws of danger.

After all, energy was of no use if one wasn't alive to claim it.

During their initial clash, Hsu Fann had felt the immense strength of the Flying Tiger. As he drove the branch into its neck, he could tell the beast's hide was thick, the wood barely piercing its flesh.

This was a clear sign to Hsu Fann that the true test lay ahead.

With this in mind, he knew he had to face each challenge head-on. There was no dodging the inevitable; one must confront danger with courage to prevail.

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