Stealing Energy In Another World/C12 The Winner Is the Brave One!
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C12 The Winner Is the Brave One!
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C12 The Winner Is the Brave One!

Hsu Fann had completed his final preparations, intent on extracting the claw of the Flying Tiger. The claw was the most prized part of the creature, a repository of essence beyond its flesh and blood. It was an excellent material for crafting weapons or concocting medicines, and the tiger's hide could be traded for valuable goods elsewhere.

Many eyes were fixed on him, and Hsu Fann understood their interest. Countless hunters were eager to venture into the mountains to pursue one of the fifth-rank divine beasts, yet many had perished beneath its formidable claws. Still, no one was deterred; the lure of profit outweighed the peril.

Aware of the stakes, Hsu Fann inhaled deeply. He was determined not to return empty-handed, knowing that the risks he had taken would not be in vain.

"No time for courtesy now," he muttered to himself.

With a focused gaze on the tiger's paws, a slight smile played on his lips. He was ready to face the challenge head-on. As he braced for the decisive moment, his eyes locked with the tiger's, and he charged.

In the tiger's presence, showing fear or hesitation would only embolden the spiritual demonic beast. Hsu Fann had no room for laxity; he was set on a definitive kill.

His excitement surged as he considered the long wait everyone had endured. To defeat both man and beast in one fell swoop would be the ultimate triumph. The thought of leaving a lasting impression on many and gaining new allies brought a subtle smile to his face.

However, his smile seemed to provoke the Flying Tiger. The beast lifted its paw and lunged at Hsu Fann's chest. Hsu Fann appeared to be walking into the trap, but with swift hands, he clasped the tiger's claw and yanked it back with a ferocious twist.

A crisp *crack* echoed, signaling the claw's ruin. Without hesitation, Hsu Fann launched a vicious attack on the Flying Tiger's neck.

"Just like that!"

He had swiftly located its vital point and delivered a crushing blow.

The Flying Tiger lay there, its tongue hanging out, a mix of foam and fresh blood at the corners of its mouth, presenting a pitiful sight.

Hsu Fann hadn't anticipated such an easy victory. The system's enhancements seemed to grow stronger by the day, rendering these challenges trivial.

His motivation wasn't lofty; he was driven by the desire for rapid advancement.

"To think that this Flying Tiger could be traded for such an abundance of allies and energy," Hsu Fann mused. "It's clear why so many warriors seek to harvest its power. This effort has truly paid off."

He was ecstatic, his efforts far from wasted.

The tiger's imposing aura was formidable. Without some martial prowess, no one would dare approach it so closely.

The recent close-quarters battle with the beast was something Hsu Fann hesitated to recall, the fear still lingering.

Now, with a wealth of energy acquired, his spirits soared. If he maintained this pace, his power would only continue to grow.

Hsu Fann could see it now—he was on the cusp of ascending to a new level!

Yet, he was aware that aside from his swordsmanship, his martial skills and cultivation techniques were rudimentary. Despite gaining new abilities, he knew that to advance swiftly, he must redouble his efforts.

The recent skirmish had exposed deficiencies in his swordplay.

He had never truly enhanced his sword skills, merely practicing the basics. Now, with opportunity at hand, Hsu Fann was eager to acquire more formidable sword and saber techniques to aid his progression to the foundational stage.

He refused to remain at the novice level indefinitely.

With a strong resolve, Hsu Fann opened his eyes and thought he saw two figures before him.

He focused intently as the figures merged into one, a doppelganger, demonstrating a flurry of movements with incredible speed.

Hsu Fann realized his memory had significantly improved, perhaps a boon from the system.

He sensed a seismic shift in his circumstances, all changes pointing towards a promising direction.

Hsu Fann breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, the constant scrutiny from these people made him feel like a marked man, always on the brink of being taken out.

Han Dongling was in high spirits, convinced that Hsu Fann stood no chance of returning alive from an encounter with the Flying Tiger. On the other hand, Lin Qingyao was taken aback when she heard the news and hurried off immediately.

"Is there any way to ensure his safe return? Brother Hsu Fann, nothing better happen to you. How can you just rush into such peril?"

Many had little faith in Hsu Fann, assuming he had already become prey to the wild beasts after his long escape. And to think he could tame the Flying Tiger? That seemed far beyond the capabilities of someone like him.

Everyone was prepared to recover Hsu Fann's remains, bracing themselves for the grim news to arrive. The reality of the situation was even more brutal than they could have imagined. Before, such thoughts would have been inconceivable to them!

"This Flying Tiger is a fifth-rank divine beast! I doubt anyone present has the skill to go toe-to-toe with it. Let's just wait and see if Hsu Fann can actually make it back in one piece."

Once word got out, the story became the butt of many jokes.

Meanwhile, Hsu Fann was silently pushing himself to the limit. He was determined not only to survive but also to fully assimilate all the energy and cultivation he had acquired.

Just then, Hsu Fann overheard a conversation behind him.

"Entering here is a death wish! We shouldn't be lured by the promise of riches. If we keep this up, we're likely to get our necks snapped."

The voice of a young man echoed closer.

Hsu Fann, peering at the Flying Tiger on the ground, could tell the voice was drawing nearer.

"There's truth in the saying 'fortune favors the bold.' We've come this far, so let's not dawdle. If push comes to shove, we'll just have to fight. We've been training in martial arts since we were kids, so what's there to fear now? If you're scared, go back. I won't hold you back. And don't you dare feel envious when I rake in the profits."

As the voices approached, Hsu Fann remained hidden in the thicket, the Flying Tiger at his feet. One of the young men bore a noticeable scar across his face, while the other, with his wild, unkempt hair, looked every bit the madman.

The two stood there, when suddenly, the three of them found themselves exchanging glances, each as confused as the next, utterly at a loss as to what exactly was happening.

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