Stealing Energy In Another World/C13 A Shocking Battle
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C13 A Shocking Battle
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C13 A Shocking Battle

The two had steeled themselves for a fight to the death, intent on slaying the Flying Tiger. Its hide was a treasure trove for them, and other parts of the beast promised significant benefits for their cultivation practices. Yet, upon witnessing the scene before them, the brothers were dumbfounded.

"Name your price," blurted the long-haired man, whose words seemed tinged with madness. They had assumed only a master could reduce such a formidable demonic beast to this pitiful state.

Hsu Fann, however, had no interest in their offers. His sole aim was to demonstrate his prowess and make a name for himself while also gathering some much-needed energy points.

Han Dongling was utterly taken aback when the news reached him. The idea that Hsu Fann could single-handedly tackle such a creature was inconceivable. The Flying Tiger was a demonic beast of legend; at their level of cultivation, they stood no chance against its might. How could someone like Hsu Fann, a seemingly insignificant figure, have bested it?

"Is this some kind of exaggeration? Stop spouting nonsense. I'm telling you, until this is confirmed, don't just believe every rumor you hear," Han Dongling admonished.

He had been leisurely feeding the goldfish in his pond, enjoying a rare moment of contentment as he awaited word of Hsu Fann's demise. Instead, he was greeted with this earth-shattering news.

The tale of Hsu Fann's victory over the Flying Tiger spread like wildfire, leaving many in disbelief. But for Hsu Fann, the only thing that mattered was the energy he had acquired.

Unconcerned with the gossip swirling through the streets, Hsu Fann remained indifferent to public opinion. His focus was on the fact that he had indeed made a name for himself.

"It's no rumor. Two witnesses saw everything. Hsu Fann even..."

The speaker hesitated, cowed by the gravity of their report.

"Out with it! Why the hesitation?" Han Dongling pressed, his impatience palpable.

The informant gulped before continuing, "Hsu Fann also sold the Flying Tiger's skin and claws."

At this, Han Dongling's complexion darkened, his face a map of bulging veins. To him, the young upstart seemed nothing more than a naive fool, oblivious to the ways of the world.

Yet, he managed to slay the Flying Tiger in no time at all.

"It's got to be dumb luck, like a blind cat stumbling upon a dead rat. There's no way this kid has that kind of power. We're talking about a Flying Tiger here! How could he? He must've resorted to some dirty trick, an ambush, or even poison. Otherwise, there's no chance he could have taken down the Flying Tiger that quickly."

By now, everyone had anticipated the situation would unfold this way.

Han Dongling's remarks were met with eager agreement from his subordinates.

"Right, it's just dumb luck, a fluke. And it had to be this guy who got lucky. He's got the look of a scoundrel. Probably just hit the jackpot by sheer chance. How else could something like this happen to him? But don't you worry, boss! I'll go dig around for more info."

Han Dongling shook his head at this. The last thing he wanted was to hear any more about Hsu Fann in the coming days.

He was always bracing for bad news about the guy, yet all he got was the kind he didn't want to hear!

It baffled him how Hsu Fann seemed to have a guardian angel, dodging trouble with such ease. Why did all the breaks seem to fall his way?

As for Hsu Fann, he seemed clueless, like a simpleton.

It was the same with the Flying Tiger incident and even more so with the earlier competition!

Thinking about it soured Han Dongling's mood completely, and he tossed the fish food onto the ground in frustration.

"His life or death is of no concern to me. When you hear word of his funeral, that's when you can tell me."

After Han Dongling spoke, his underlings got the message and nodded in agreement.

News of Hsu Fann's latest escapade had also reached Lin Qingyao.

Her mouth agape, Lin Qingyao could hardly believe her ears.

In a hurry to find Hsu Fann, she had raced to the scene of the battle, only to find an empty clearing. The blood and signs of combat etched into the earth were the only evidence of the fierce clash that had taken place.

"Brother Xu Fan is just too impulsive! That was a Flying Tiger. A single misstep and you wouldn't live to see another sunrise!" Lin Qingyao pouted, voicing her concerns as she sat in Hsu Fann's courtyard.

Hsu Fann sat off to the side, rubbing his head and chuckling. He was well aware of the danger he had faced; the Flying Tiger's strength was formidable. Had he not grasped the essence of the sword at that pivotal moment, dealing a heavy blow to the beast, it would have been a tough fight against the demonic creature.

After the intense battle, Hsu Fann sensed a further elevation in his realm.

The cultivation he had gained from mastering the fist technique and from the fight had been fully assimilated!

Han Dongling claimed to be indifferent to Hsu Fann's activities.

Yet, upon hearing the latest reports from his subordinates today, he couldn't shake his astonishment.

How could someone so seemingly unremarkable possess such formidable power? To consolidate all of this within his grasp was no small feat.

The more Han Dongling pondered, the more he sensed that something was amiss.

"I refuse to believe it. Others might need a decade, or even a lifetime, to achieve such a level!"

"What forbidden technique has he practiced? It must be some deceit! Otherwise, it's inexplicable."

Convinced of this, Han Dongling became increasingly certain that Hsu Fann had delved into some dark art to accelerate his cultivation unnaturally.

Which master or sect had he studied under to enhance his skills so rapidly?

Hsu Fann had always downplayed his abilities.

He attributed his successes to chance, which Han Dongling could accept once or twice. But now, Han Dongling recognized that there was more to it than luck.

To defeat the Flying Tiger outright was no trivial accomplishment. Han Dongling knew he couldn't afford to overlook it.

Otherwise, he risked being overshadowed by this young upstart, losing not only face within his sect but also his standing, all while being utterly outmaneuvered by the youth. The proud Han Dongling found this intolerable.

The more he dwelled on it, the more shock and resignation he felt.

He was filled with such regret that he imagined his insides turning green with envy.

"If only I had known, I would have finished him off then and there! He wouldn't be causing all this trouble now."

"Now, he acts as if it's all in a day's work. This kid is truly intriguing. With that in mind, I'm actually looking forward to our next encounter."

Well, isn't this just perfect? He's acting as if nothing happened at all? This guy is really something else. Given that, I'm genuinely curious to meet him again.

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