Stealing Energy In Another World/C14 Origin Cultivating Pill
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C14 Origin Cultivating Pill
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C14 Origin Cultivating Pill

"Have you heard? Hsu Fann took down the Flying Tiger all by himself!"

"No way! What level is he at?"

The outer sect disciples buzzed with excitement over Hsu Fann's astonishing feat from the other day. It was truly beyond belief. To add to the hype, a frazzled Han Dongling had his people spread rumors that Hsu Fann had resorted to tricks. Consequently, Hsu Fann's reputation within the outer sect soared.

As Hsu Fann approached, he couldn't help but overhear their chatter. The system's alerts were incessant, signaling that he could siphon even more energy. His realm had now stabilized at the seventh layer of the Breatharianism Stage, but such rapid advancement was bound to raise eyebrows.

He might not face much scrutiny in the outer sect, but the Inner Sect was a different story. He was bound to enter it one day, especially since Lin Qingyao was there, amidst a throng of formidable experts. It wouldn't be surprising if someone took an interest in his swift progression. The mere thought of being dissected for study sent shivers down his spine.

Hsu Fann was all too aware of the dangers that came with holding a treasure. As his realm improved, so did the system's rewards, leaving him in a quandary and filling his heart with a tinge of sadness. "I can't recklessly steal energy any longer..."

Reflecting on his close call with the Flying Tiger, he felt his own strength was lacking. "Life was simpler in my past life. It all came down to money. The world of cultivation is far too complex..."

"The Earth Desolation Sword Technique is off-limits for now. I must covertly practice the first form of the Earth Desolation Technique and master its full potential!"

It was just the initial form, and he had barely grasped it, yet he was already capable of slaying a fifth-rank demonic beast. His anticipation for mastering the sword technique grew.

Hsu Fann was never one to waver. Having arrived in this world with such a unique advantage, it was his right to grow stronger. And what he aspired to was not just strength, but unparalleled power!

Maybe even becoming nearly invincible... Hsu Fann mused. Truth be told, he wasn't sure what he truly desired. He just instinctively felt that such fortune couldn't come without a reason. He had realized this upon his arrival in this new world and had never allowed himself to become complacent. After all, who could predict when the system might spring a sudden mission on him?

By then, he would need the might to cleave the heavens, a force so formidable that it would make the very earth quake in awe!

After trading for some necessities, Hsu Fann returned to his dwelling amidst a sea of curious and skeptical stares. In the quiet of his room, he silently engaged his cultivation technique to heal.

The Flying Tiger had been a formidable opponent, and Hsu Fann's wounds still bore the marks of the battle.

As he meditated, a sweet voice called out to him.

"Brother Hsu Fann!"

Ceasing his cultivation, Hsu Fann opened his eyes to a smile, greeted by the sight of Lin Qingyao standing at the threshold. The sunlight framed her from behind, casting a radiant silhouette.

"What's the matter, Qingyao?"

Bounding over, Lin Qingyao plopped down beside him, nuzzling her head against his shoulder. "Hehe, I just missed you and wanted to check on you!"

"Hahaha, are you worried someone might whisk your amazing Brother Hsu Fann away?"

Lin Qingyao huffed, "You wouldn't dare!" She mockingly rolled up her sleeves as if to strike, and Hsu Fann quickly gestured his surrender.

He knew he was no match for her now, but give it some time... he thought with a smirk.

Lin Qingyao found his reaction amusing, a side of him she hadn't seen before. Yet, recalling the peril of the Flying Tiger, she grew serious. "Brother Hsu Fann, promise me you won't take such risks again. I don't know what I'd do without you..." Her voice trailed off, her grip on his hand tightening with a hint of fear.

Hsu Fann reassured her with a gentle pat on the head, "Don't worry. I'm not ready to leave this wonderful world just yet. I've got to become an unrivaled warrior first!"

Suddenly, Lin Qingyao remembered something and pulled a pill from her storage bag, offering it to him.

Hsu Fann paused, "Qingyao, there's no need. That tiger skin fetched quite the bounty."

But Lin Qingyao's silent, steadfast gaze left no room for argument. Reluctantly, Hsu Fann accepted the pill, swallowing it under her watchful eye, reminiscent of his childhood days under supervision.

Half an hour had passed when Hsu Fann swallowed the Origin Cultivating Pill, and the lingering dark injuries in his body were fully healed. His energy levels surged, and his cultivation advanced—it was clear that those injuries had been holding him back. Now, he was poised for even greater progress!

He needed to seize an opportunity to slip away, absorb some energy, and undergo rigorous training. Once he returned, he could fabricate a tale about breaking through to the next level.

That was Hsu Fann's plan. His abilities didn't seem to shine within the confines of the sect. It was only in the outside world that he could rapidly grow and attain heights unreachable by others.

During the healing hour, Hsu Fann was acutely aware of Lin Qingyao's watchful concern. He was moved, reflecting on his past life and marveling at his fortune to have such a caring sister.

"How are you feeling?" Lin Qingyao inquired, her voice laced with concern.

"All better now," Hsu Fann replied.

Meeting her gaze, he couldn't resist smoothing her hair back from her forehead. Lin Qingyao's cheeks flushed a deep red, adorable as a ripe apple, her eyes shimmering with anticipation as they fixed on Hsu Fann.

"Brother Hsu Fann, what are you doing?" she murmured, looking down shyly.

"Just Qingyao," Hsu Fann said with a gentle smile.

At the sound of her name, Lin Qingyao lifted her gaze, only to find Hsu Fann leaning closer, her blush deepening as she closed her eyes.

"You're sitting on my storage bag," Hsu Fann said matter-of-factly, reaching around her to retrieve it.

Lin Qingyao was at a loss for words, thinking, 'This blockhead...' She could feel him fumbling behind her, his breath warm on her ear, stirring something within her.

Hsu Fann produced a scroll of martial techniques from his storage bag and presented it to her, boasting about his harrowing adventures in Demon Valley and the bravery of her brother Hsu Fann.

Lin Qingyao giggled behind her hand, chiming in now and then. Watching Hsu Fann bask in his own glory, she felt a warmth in her heart and sat in contented silence, wishing she could freeze time in this perfect moment.

"Brother Hsu Fann!"

"Ah, what's up?" Hsu Fann was caught off guard and turned to face her.

Lin Qingyao pecked Hsu Fann on the cheek and dashed out the door as if she had wings. "That... Master called for me... I'll come to see you again next time!"

Hsu Fann sat on the bed, momentarily stunned. He touched his lips thoughtfully, watching her flushed back retreat. He murmured to himself, "That girl..."

Regaining his focus, Hsu Fann delved into the nuances of sword intent. With his hands shaping the sword gesture, a formidable presence surged around him, his cultivation level rising. Yet, Hsu Fann was clever; he consciously contained his power, securing his realm at the pinnacle of the seventh layer of Breatharianism.

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