Stealing Energy In Another World/C15 Against the Enemy in front of the Building
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C15 Against the Enemy in front of the Building
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C15 Against the Enemy in front of the Building

Days had passed, and the stir Hsu Fann caused had gradually settled down. Yet, in just a short span of time, he was standing before the Extraterrestrial Tower once again!

"Is that Hsu Fann? He's back so soon!"

"Which level is he aiming for this time? Surely it's the third again, right?"

The crowd buzzed with speculation. Hsu Fann, listening to the system's prompts, couldn't help but grin inwardly, "Heh, go big or go home!" He recalled a maxim from Earth, aware that even the Extraterrestrial Tower's elders were squinting with intrigue at him.

All eyes were on him as Hsu Fann approached the elder.

"Which level will it be?"

"The fourth layer!"

A wave of murmurs swept through the onlookers.

"The fourth layer! That's the domain of those at the Serene Acceptance Stage. He's just at the Golden Core level, how can he...?"

"He must be confident to challenge the fourth layer," someone surmised, avoiding the fray of debate.

"Consider this carefully, the fourth layer..." the elder began, offering a cautionary word.

"The fourth layer," Hsu Fann asserted, cutting him off.

With the assurance that he had reached the Seventh Layer of Breatharianism and his physical strength was on par with the Serene Acceptance Stage, Hsu Fann knew he could hold his own on the fourth level. He might even surpass some expectations if he pushed himself.

"Don't draw too much attention," Hsu Fann reminded himself. "Save it for when you leave the sect..." If the others could hear his thoughts, they'd be fuming. "Not high-profile? Daring to take on the fourth layer with just a Golden Core or Breatharianism level of cultivation is the definition of high-profile!"

Seeing the resolve in Hsu Fann's eyes, the elder huffed and allowed him passage.

Elsewhere, Han Dongling received a report on Hsu Fann's latest move. With a sneer, he commented, "If I hadn't held back last time to avoid accusations of an unfair victory, reducing my power to the Golden Core Stage, how could I have lost to that nobody? Forget about him. He's nothing but an egotist."

The messenger hastily confirmed the news and, after a brief bout of boasting, took his leave.

"Hsu Fann!" Han Dongling sneered outwardly, but inwardly he was acutely aware that despite having lowered his own cultivation level, he had failed to defeat Hsu Fann in an equal battle. This indicated that Hsu Fann's foundation was solid. If he were allowed more time to grow, he would undoubtedly become unstoppable.

"I need to figure something out..." Han Dongling brooded in the shadows.

Unaware of Han Dongling's thoughts, Hsu Fann was simply focused on enduring a bit longer to earn a more substantial reward. As he was about to step into the fourth layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower to begin his trials, a stern voice from behind stopped him: "Stop right there!"

Hsu Fann turned to see a burly man, his muscles rippling and veins standing out, looking down at him with contempt. "The fourth layer is reserved for those at the Serene Acceptance Stage. How dare a mere Golden Core cultivator like you attempt to enter?"

Without a word, Hsu Fann replied coolly, "Is that any of your concern?"

The cultivator was taken aback, but instead of arguing, he declared, "I am at the third layer of Breatharianism. I'd like to test your mettle. If you can't hold your own against me, I suggest you think twice about entering the fourth layer... junior brother!"

Hsu Fann realized this must be a scout sent by Han Dongling to gauge his strength. Reluctant to engage in battle and seeking the elder's guidance, he found the elder silent, likely still offended and curious about Hsu Fann's true capabilities.

Facing the strong man, Hsu Fann laughed heartily, "Hahaha, I've slain fifth rank demonic beasts; what makes you think you can challenge me, a mere third layer Breatharian?"

The strong man's face spasmed with rage. With a stomp, he lunged at Hsu Fann, bellowing, "Save your boasts for after the battle!"

Narrowing his eyes, Hsu Fann deftly sidestepped the incoming punch.

"Wait!" The muscular man, a stickler for martial ethics, furrowed his brow and challenged, "What's the matter? Scared now?"

Hsu Fann smoothed out the creases on his sleeve and replied with composure, "Afraid of you? Hardly. It's just a wrinkled shirt. Let's go!"

The onlookers held their foreheads in disbelief, not expecting such a turn of events. The muscular man, momentarily at a loss for words, readied himself and charged.

"Bone-Splitting Palm!"

Just as the palm was about to strike, Hsu Fann bellowed, "Wait!" The muscular man nearly choked on his frustration. Hsu Fann nimbly sidestepped the exhausted palm, crouched down, removed his shoe, and shook out a pebble.

"So that's what was bothering me—a sneak attack by a mere stone," he addressed the pebble before turning back to the muscular man with a surge of confidence, "Come at me!"

Feeling mocked and humiliated, the muscular man, convinced Hsu Fann was toying with him, charged again, this time holding back his martial techniques for fear of another "Wait!"

As they traded blows, he realized that Hsu Fann's combat awareness matched his own, and he seemed to handle the fight with ease.

The crowd murmured among themselves, speculating correctly that this cunning fellow had silently advanced to the Breatharianism Stage, his skills evidently not insignificant as he held his own against the muscular man.

"Enough games! Sky Shattering Elbow!" declared the muscular man.

"Ha! Such bravado! Show me how you intend to shatter the sky!" taunted Hsu Fann, who didn't even flinch but met the attack with a punch of his own.

"This is madness," someone familiar with the muscular man remarked. "Chen Hao's Sky Shattering Elbow could fracture the bones of someone even at the fifth layer of the Breatharianism Stage." The crowd listened intently, fixating on the unfolding battle.

When fist met elbow, a metallic clang rang out, prompting the crowd to cover their ears, expecting to witness Hsu Fann's defeat. Yet, to their astonishment, it was not Hsu Fann but Chen Hao who was sent flying.

At that moment, Chen Hao felt an immense force surge from his arm, sending a sharp pain throughout his entire shoulder.

"He's not at the Breatharianism Stage?!" That was Chen Hao's final thought before he succumbed to unconsciousness.

Hsu Fann withdrew his fist, his face impassive. He wasn't naturally aggressive, but he wouldn't stand for being pushed around. It wasn't the burly man he resented, but rather, he silently brooded, "Han Dongling, you really don't want to cross me..."

The crowd was in shock, and even the elder raised an eyebrow in surprise. He had discerned that Hsu Fann had reached the seventh layer of Breatharianism, which in itself wasn't astonishing. But the speed of his advancement was unusually rapid. Coupled with the recent psychological warfare that had crushed his opponent's spirit, the elder's curiosity was piqued. Stroking his beard, he observed Hsu Fann and remarked, "Quite the intriguing fellow, understanding that even when hunting a rabbit, a lion must not hold back."

"How can this be?!" Han Dongling, upon receiving the news, was incensed, his brows shooting up in anger. "Isn't Hsu Fann just at the Golden Core Stage? How could a single punch knock Chen Hao out cold? Even for someone at the Breatharianism Stage, such strength is unheard of in the Early Period!" The messenger quivered on the floor, too afraid to utter another word.

"Useless!" Han Dongling's hand came crashing down on the desk, splintering it into fragments.

Meanwhile, Lin Qingyao's laughter rang out, her smile radiant and carefree.

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