Stealing Energy In Another World/C16 Extraterrestrial Tower's Reward
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C16 Extraterrestrial Tower's Reward
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C16 Extraterrestrial Tower's Reward

Unfazed by the stir he left in his wake, Hsu Fann had a singular focus: cultivation. The presence of an obstructive dog was merely a minor inconvenience he was prepared to deal with.

His journey to the fourth layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower was unobstructed. This level was reserved for the crème de la crème of sect disciples, all of whom possessed indomitable wills. As he passed by the rooms, the muffled groans of disciples struggling against the oppressive gravity filled the air, yet not a single one retreated.

The relentless gravitational force here tested the cultivators' physical endurance and their cultivation levels. For those in the early stages of Serene Acceptance, enduring more than an hour was a formidable challenge.

Hsu Fann took a deep breath and settled into a secluded room to begin his training. The moment the gravity bore down on him, sweat beaded on his forehead. Without a moment's hesitation, he crossed his legs and sat down, channeling his cultivation technique amidst the overwhelming pressure.

To his delight, Hsu Fann discovered that the intense gravity actually accelerated the flow of his cultivation technique. The stolen cultivation and energy from the system were rapidly assimilated.

It was clear that until he found a more suitable cultivation technique, he would benefit from the gravitational challenges of this place. Not only would his physical strength improve, but his cultivation would also become more efficient.

"The time has come to advance to the eighth layer of Breatharianism!" Hsu Fann declared, invigorated.

After the day's battle, no one dared to underestimate his cultivation prowess. For many, advancing a minor realm was trivial. The Inner Sect's prodigies were known for their feats of breaking through several realms in succession post-combat.

As time ticked away during his cultivation, the adage that a strong foundation is key to building something great resonated with Hsu Fann. Unfortunately, his foundation was not the strongest.

Barely over two hours into his practice, Hsu Fann sensed the spiritual energy around him thinning. His body, now accustomed to the gravity, suddenly felt light enough to take flight—an indication that the gravitational constraints had ceased.

Opening his eyes, he stretched out his limbs with a hint of resignation.

"Even though the spiritual energy in the fourth layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower is abundant, the rate at which it's consumed is also much higher!" Hsu Fann lamented as he observed the nearly depleted spirit stones, the ones he had traded for the treasures from the Flying Tiger. His stash was dwindling rapidly, leaving him with a pang of heartache.

It's been said that it's hard for a prodigy to emerge from humble beginnings. Yet here I am, in another world, still shackled by the constraints of wealth.

With a heavy heart, Hsu Fann was forced to cease his cultivation. The overseeing elder escorted him out and directed him to a side room to replenish his spiritual energy.

Hsu Fann was torn between amusement and frustration. Why did he need to restore his spiritual energy? The gravitational pressure was no match for him; he thrived in such conditions, wishing he could remain there for days on end.

But to avoid raising the elder's suspicions, he obediently assumed a meditative pose and began to focus his mind.

"System, show yourself!"

"What is the issue, Host?"

"Do you have any methods for earning top-grade spirit stones? I could really use your advice."

The system paused before responding, "Host, what kind of method are you seeking? As a system governed by the cosmic order, I cannot condone any form of deceit or theft."

Hsu Fann internally raged, "When did I ever suggest resorting to deceit or theft? You're supposed to be a sophisticated system; surely you wouldn't ignore your host's well-being?"

"I'll have you know, a host with my intelligence and compliance is rare! If you don't invest in my potential now, you might miss out forever!"

"If I perish from lack of funds, finding another promising talent like me won't be easy!"

Hsu Fann mentally ranted at the system, but it remained silent, offering no reply.

This silence infuriated Hsu Fann to the point where he demanded an explanation.

The system remained mute...

Suddenly, a book appeared in Hsu Fann's storage bag.

Ecstatic, Hsu Fann hurried to inspect it, only to discover a somewhat worn tome. On the book's cover, four large characters beckoned his curiosity.

"Botanic Pill Formula."

At that moment, the system's mechanical voice chimed in timely: "System analysis indicates that the most lucrative profession on the main road is that of an alchemist. Alchemists are blessed with talents bestowed by the heavens and earth, and their pills harness the essence of nature. They can solidify one's realm, enhance cultivation, and even restore life to flesh and bones—nothing is beyond their reach."

A flurry of information about alchemy flooded Hsu Fann's mind.

Indeed, alchemists were a revered profession on this continent. The truly elite alchemists crafted pills with a myriad of effects, coveted by all, and as such, their prices were steep.

Consequently, any alchemist of renown commanded great respect and power here, with legions of formidable followers at their behest.

Hsu Fann's heart ignited with ambition as he absorbed the details. He was eager to ascend to the ranks of such esteemed alchemists.

Yet, he was also aware of the reality. A profession so radiant came with its costs; nothing of value was gained without effort.

"Better buckle down and study. After all, I'll need to eat once I'm out and about, won't I?"

With the crowd dispersed, Hsu Fann rose to depart, only to be halted by the Elder guarding the entrance.

Assuming the Elder wanted him to rest a bit longer, Hsu Fann hastily explained, "Elder, look, my spirit energy is fully replenished! I could even continue cultivating for another couple of hours!"

The Elder gave him a measured look and replied evenly, "Wishful thinking. Next time you wish to cultivate, make sure you bring enough spirit stones."

Feeling sheepish, Hsu Fann scratched his head, mortified at the thought that someone in the sect couldn't even produce the spirit stones necessary for cultivation.

The Elder caught the awkwardness in his expression, a flicker of amusement passing through his gaze.

This youngster.

"Now that you've rested, come with me," the Elder said, leading the way with a stoic demeanor.

Bewildered, Hsu Fann hurried to catch up, inquiring, "Elder, where are we headed?"

With a flick of impatience, the Elder gestured for him to follow and said, "Just behind me is fine. Surely you don't think I'd lead you astray?"

Hsu Fann grumbled inwardly. Without so much as a word, the elder expected him to follow, and questions weren't welcome. Sure enough, dealing with the old guard of the sect was no easy task.

Despite his inner complaints, Hsu Fann dutifully trailed the elder through a labyrinth of turns within the Extraterrestrial Tower.

The elder halted, eyeing Hsu Fann as he surveyed his surroundings with curiosity. A slight twitch of the mouth, and he snapped, "What are you gawking at?"

Once Hsu Fann had composed himself, the elder resumed, "With your cultivation at the Breatharianism Stage, you've trained on the fourth layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower for two hours, passing the sect's unseen trial. Therefore, you've earned the opportunity to select a reward given by the sect."

"Elder Wen is waiting inside. Go ahead and choose your reward." With those final words, the elder rapped gently on the door and departed.

Hsu Fann stood there, momentarily stunned by the unexpected bounty that had seemingly dropped from the heavens. Could his luck really be this good?

The authoritative voice from within the room jolted Hsu Fann back to reality. He straightened his attire and, with a steadying breath, pushed the door open.

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