Stealing Energy In Another World/C17 Obtaining the Pill Furnace
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C17 Obtaining the Pill Furnace
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C17 Obtaining the Pill Furnace

"Elder, thank you for your dedication!"

Hsu Fann greeted Elder Wen with a cheerful bow, his eyes casually surveying the room's unique decor. It was clear from the surroundings that this elder held a remarkable position.

"You lack discipline."

Elder Wen chided Hsu Fann for his lack of seriousness, though he didn't elaborate. He could see that the young man had attained the Breatharianism Stage.

Elder Wen remembered when he last encountered Hsu Fann; he was merely at the Golden Core Stage. To have advanced so rapidly was astonishing, and it brought a sense of joy to the elder.

He resolved to inform the sect about Hsu Fann. A talent like his should not be overlooked but nurtured with care.

"Mind your gaze. You come here and act so brazenly!" Elder Wen couldn't resist reprimanding Hsu Fann.

"Elder, aren't these items displayed for viewing? Why scold me for simply looking?" Hsu Fann retorted, knowing full well that Elder Wen was referring to his inquisitive behavior. He had no intention of following the sect's unspoken rules, maintaining his grin throughout.

Elder Wen appeared annoyed but refrained from losing his temper with Hsu Fann. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Do you want them?"

"Absolutely, they're all treasures!" Hsu Fann's eyes gleamed with unmistakable longing as he scanned the room.

Elder Wen felt a stir in his heart. So many before had responded with platitudes like "I wouldn't dare covet," but Hsu Fann's candidness was a first.

"Ridiculous!" Elder Wen turned away, ignoring Hsu Fann.

But Hsu Fann wasn't intimidated. Despite the elder's notorious reputation, he sensed that Elder Wen wasn't truly angered.

After spending a considerable time together in the inner chamber, Elder Wen finally lost his patience.

"If that's the case, go ahead and choose!" Elder Wen watched Hsu Fann closely, noting his straightforward nature and playful cheekiness, and decided not to stand on ceremony. With a casual wave of his hand, a myriad of treasures materialized before Hsu Fann.

Despite their worn condition, the ancient books retained their complete form, the swords glowed with a special radiance, the necklaces were exquisitely delicate, and there was also a pill furnace.

Among the array of rewards, Hsu Fann's eyes were immediately drawn to the pill furnace. Its pattern was peculiar, resembling some ancient script, and the material was indiscernible. The lid, in particular, was bathed in a faint glow, as if enveloped by spiritual energy, giving it an air of mystery and value.

Wasn't this a perfect example of serendipity? Hsu Fann's heart swelled with delight. Everyone knew that Elder Wen's items were never subpar, and here he was, fretting over the lack of equipment to refine his Golden Core. Now, his worries were alleviated.

Pointing to the pill furnace, he declared, "I want this one!"

Elder Wen was taken aback by Hsu Fann's choice. Knowing Hsu Fann, he had expected him to opt for spiritual medicines or weapons to enhance his cultivation, not a pill furnace.

It was common knowledge that refining a Golden Core was a lengthy process, and few young people had the patience to devote time to crafting a Golden Core of uncertain quality. This young man, however, seemed quite determined.

Elder Wen handed over the pill furnace, amused by Hsu Fann's elated expression. He always felt a sense of generosity and pride towards young people eager to learn.

"This is for you too, it goes with the pill furnace!" he said, retrieving a book from the shelf and passing it to Hsu Fann.

The book was less worn than the others and not stashed away out of sight, clearly not as treasured.

Hsu Fann thumbed through the book, a beginner's guide to pill refining. Given the wealth of knowledge in his mind, the book wasn't particularly useful.

How unexpected for the old man, with his quirky temperament, to offer a book so readily?

Hsu Fann accepted the book, expressing his gratitude, "Thank you, Elder."

Elder Wen gestured for him to leave with a wave of his hand. Hsu Fann, aware of the elder's eccentric moods, respectfully turned and exited Elder Wen's room with a playful stick of his tongue.

"What? Hsu Fann actually survived the fourth level of the Heaven Staircase's training?"

"Yes, and that's not all. I heard Hsu Fann even received a reward. Elder Wen personally welcomed him, and they spent a long time discussing various topics before emerging from their meeting."

Word of Hsu Fann's reward from Elder Wen spread quickly among the sect disciples, stirring up both envy and jealousy. It was hard to believe that not long ago, Hsu Fann was considered worthless, someone anyone could discard. Now, he had suddenly risen to become a favorite in the eyes of the elders.

"Senior Brother, have you heard? Hsu Fann has been quite pleased with himself these days!"

A disciple whispered to Han Dongling with a hint of secrecy.

Han Dongling had already heard this news several times today, and it only added to his irritation. He shoved the gossiping man aside, "Instead of focusing on your cultivation, you waste time on such nonsense. No wonder you're falling behind! Now, get out of my sight!"

The man, aware of the longstanding animosity between Han Dongling and Hsu Fann, had approached Han Dongling hoping to provoke him into acting against Hsu Fann. Seeing his plan succeed, he walked away with a smug look, anticipating the drama that would unfold.

Hsu Fann... always Hsu Fann. Han Dongling seethed with resentment, reflecting on Hsu Fann's recent rise to prominence. He had been convinced that Hsu Fann would meet his end in the sect's trial, never expecting him to not only survive but also steal the spotlight.

This time, luck was on his side.

A cruel glint appeared in Han Dongling's eyes. This upstart needed to be dealt with, or he would become a future threat.

The feud between them ran deep, and there was no turning back now. Hsu Fann's rapid ascent was a challenge he couldn't ignore.

It was clear that he had to eliminate Hsu Fann in the next sect trial. A plan began to take shape in Han Dongling's mind.

He made his way to Scarlet Peak to seek out his brother, Han Dongyao.

As a disciple of the Great Elder of Scarlet Peak, Han Dongyao would have a role in the sect trial. With his help, Han Dongling would be unstoppable.

From a distance, he spotted Han Dongyao addressing the disciples of Scarlet Peak. He made a beeline for Han Dongyao and positioned himself by his side.

Upon his arrival, Han Dongyao ceased his speech. With a wave of his hand, he signaled the crowd to scatter before turning to him, "What's up?"

"It's nothing major."

Typically, Han Dongling feared neither heaven nor earth, but his brother was a different story. He recoiled slightly, appearing as though he was on the verge of speaking but held back.

"Out with it if you've got something to say. I'm in the middle of something!"

Han Dongyao's brow creased with irritation. He had little patience for indecisiveness, and it irked him even more when it was his own brother who couldn't get to the point.

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