Stealing Energy In Another World/C18 Poisonous Scheme
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C18 Poisonous Scheme
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C18 Poisonous Scheme

"It's Hsu Fann."


"Yeah, the guy who just snagged the fourth-floor reward from the Extraterrestrial Tower. He's so full of himself, always been a thorn in my side. Lately, he's gotten even worse. Ever since that incident at the tower, he's been..."

As Han Dongyao's gaze grew more piercing, Han Dongling's voice faded until he was speechless.

"If I'm not mistaken, that Hsu Fann has quite the charm with the ladies, doesn't he? You think I'm clueless? You really believe I'm in the dark about all this?"

Han Dongyao's voice was cold as ice, his stare unyielding as if trying to see right through his brother. "I've heard about your petty jealousy over a woman, causing all sorts of drama with Hsu Fann. Han Dongling, you're a real credit to the Han family, aren't you? It's our bad luck to have someone as disgraceful as you in the family!"

"No, brother, it's not like that. Hsu Fann is truly unbearable. I couldn't stand him and called him out, and before I knew it, we were fighting. I have no idea what went down in the Extraterrestrial Tower that day. I bet he just got lucky. If you were to investigate, you might even uncover some cheating on his part."

Han Dongling, unwilling to take the blame, attempted to deflect and turn Han Dongyao's attention towards Hsu Fann.

"Really? I heard you were bested by Hsu Fann in front of everyone. What was his level at that time? Being defeated by someone of such a lower level—doesn't that embarrass you? You spend your days without ambition, neglecting your cultivation, and you still have the gall to come to me for revenge?"

Han Dongling, on the receiving end of his brother's harsh words, didn't dare to argue back, but his resentment towards Hsu Fann only deepened. If not for him, why would he be here enduring this humiliation?

Noticing a few eavesdroppers brazenly trying to listen in, Han Dongling's anger flared. If not for Han Dongyao's presence, he would have lashed out.

After a lengthy reprimand, Han Dongyao finally became aware of the onlookers. Not wanting to further embarrass his brother, he ceased his scolding.

"Alright, spill it. What do you want to do?"

Han Dongyao's tone softened slightly as he noticed Han Dongling's face flush with alternating shades of red and white, indicating that his words had hit home.

It was common knowledge within the sect that Han Dongling was his younger brother. Many had refrained from troubling him out of respect for Han Dongyao. Hsu Fann, however, had the audacity to challenge Han Dongling openly, showing blatant disregard for Han Dongyao's standing. Wasn't this equivalent to a direct affront to him?

Despite scolding Han Dongling, Han Dongyao couldn't help but harbor resentment towards Hsu Fann.

"Brother, I want Hsu Fann to participate in the Inner Sect Trial this time. You're in charge of that, aren't you?"

Han Dongling eagerly responded when he saw that Han Dongyao was finally engaging with the topic he had come for.


The brothers were on the same wavelength. Han Dongyao pondered, "That aligns with what I had in mind."

"Exactly. The Inner Sect Trials are an annual event. Survival of the fittest is the norm, and it's not uncommon for participants to lose their lives. It shouldn't be too much of a hassle. What do you think, Big Brother?"

With Han Dongyao seemingly in agreement, Han Dongling pressed his advantage.

"In that case, I'll allow it. But when you return, you better focus on your cultivation. I'm tired of constantly cleaning up your messes! Women come and go, but your reputation is paramount. Don't neglect the important things over trivial matters!"

Han Dongyao spoke with stern conviction, a plan already forming in his mind. He intended to ensure that Hsu Fann wouldn't return alive after crossing the Han family.

"Yes, I'll heed your advice, Big Brother!"

Han Dongling was ecstatic at his brother's assurance. He was well aware of his brother's capabilities and knew that a promise from him was as good as done. Hsu Fann, your days of ease are numbered!

"Get out of here and stay out of trouble!"

Han Dongyao dismissed Han Dongling with a wave of his hand, his mind already turning over his schemes.

Once Han Dongling was out of earshot, Han Dongyao called out in a steady voice, "Come out!"

A man dressed in blue emerged, a junior brother who had long been at Han Dongyao's side, reaping many benefits. His face was wreathed in smiles as he approached. "Eldest Brother, did you need me?"

"I recall you're overseeing the roster for the Inner Sect Trials this time, right?"

"Yes, that's me. We've pretty much finalized the participant list. Eldest Brother, would you like to review it?"

"No need. I just want to add one more name."

"Add someone? Who might that be?"

"Who? Weren't you listening just now?"

The man's smile faded, and he seemed troubled. "Eldest Brother, as you're aware, Hsu Fann isn't from our Scarlet Peak. Is it really wise to include him in our trial?"

"You have a point. I remember you're on the verge of a breakthrough. Drop by when you have a moment, and I'll have a look at your progress."

"Thank you so much, Eldest Brother!" The man was visibly overjoyed.

"Don't mention it. We're all brothers in the sect. By the way, am I able to add the name to the list now?"

"When Eldest Brother gives the word, who could object? It wouldn't matter if we swapped out everyone from Scarlet Peak!" The man grinned obsequiously, his face nearly splitting with the effort.

Han Dongyao gave him a glance, clapped him on the shoulder, and walked away.

"Master, the Inner Sect Trial list is ready for your review."

Han Dongyao presented the list respectfully, inviting the Great Elder to inspect it.

"Hsu Fann? That's an unfamiliar name, though I've heard other elders mention him. He's not from Scarlet Peak, is he?"

The Great Elder quickly perused the list, pausing at Hsu Fann's name.

"I was just about to discuss this with you, Master," Han Dongyao said serenely. "The disciples have been talking about this outer sect member, Hsu Fann, and his remarkable progress. They're all eager to see him in action. I thought having a role model could inspire them to strive harder. So, for this trial, let's invite Hsu Fann to demonstrate his abilities. It could motivate everyone to be more diligent in the future."

"You've considered this well!" The Great Elder, pleased, stroked his beard and nodded his approval.

"However, Master, we haven't yet notified Hsu Fann about the trial. If he declines..."

"I'll let him know about this. Your job is to ensure the trial grounds and obstacles are ready!"

The Great Elder was well aware of Han Dongyao's motives, yet he had always favored his senior disciple, often shielding him from consequences. Besides, he considered Hsu Fann's success to be nothing more than a stroke of luck. Otherwise, why hadn't he made a name for himself within the sect after all this time?

Upon receiving the Great Elder's response, Han Dongyao couldn't help but smile triumphantly. With this arrangement, Hsu Fann would have no choice but to face the trial, even if he suspected foul play. Given the perilous nature of the challenges, Han Dongyao was confident that Hsu Fann wouldn't stand a chance against his scheming.

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