Stealing Energy In Another World/C2 Little Junior Sister's Good Intentions
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C2 Little Junior Sister's Good Intentions
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C2 Little Junior Sister's Good Intentions

Additionally, the system came equipped with a universal energy source, which, of course, required Hsu Fann to exchange other resources to access it.

"This... doesn't seem quite as impressive as I thought..." Hsu Fann furrowed his brow, troubled by the realization that his system relied on theft. Was he destined to become an interdimensional burglar?

"Still, it's not too bad. System, where are the mightiest individuals in the Realm of Eternity? I want to siphon off some of their cultivation levels..."

Hsu Fann brazenly issued the command.

"Ding! The host lacks friendship ties with them and cannot proceed with the theft!"

"What? I need to add them as friends?"

Hsu Fann was taken aback. He could only steal from friends? He hurriedly prompted the system to display his list of friends and the potential loot.

As the system's voice dissipated in the blank expanse of the virtual world, a projection materialized before Hsu Fann. He scanned the list on the display, and his expression slowly turned to dismay.

"Zhang Xiaobai, Wu Chenghe, Duan Tianbao, Han Dongling... Wait, Han Dongling?"

Hsu Fann recognized the names as those of acquaintances within the Mysterious Sect, ordinary disciples he had encountered a few times.

"Lin Qingyao?"

Another name caught Hsu Fann's attention. With the memories of his current body, he instantly knew her—the girl next door from his village who had joined the Mysterious Sect with him.

"System, why does it show that I can steal significantly more energy from her than from the others?"

Hsu Fann noted that the other disciples' list of stealable items was meager and unclear, indicating that success wasn't guaranteed.

"The amount you can steal is influenced by the level of intimacy between the host and his friends, or how deeply the host has made an impression on them. The closer or more memorable the relationship, the greater the energy you can pilfer!"

It all made sense now!

Hsu Fann nodded in understanding, though it left him with a frown. He realized that he'd need to socialize more, fostering good relationships with his fellow sect members to facilitate the theft of more energy.

"Right! How do I make friends with others?"

"If the person has an impression of you, or if you've met and remember them, the system will automatically add them as a friend for you!"

Hsu Fann continued to ask several questions he didn't understand until he had a good grasp of how the energy-stealing system worked. He then resolutely stole from everyone on his friend list, except for Lin Qingyao.

"Half a day's worth of cultivation, half a day's worth of cultivation, half a Breatharianism pill, seven taels of Stellar Iron..."

After some time, Hsu Fann tallied his loot and couldn't help but sigh. He wasn't very familiar with most of the Mysterious Sect's disciples, so his haul wasn't substantial after all the effort.

"Never mind, this will have to do for now. Healing my wounds is the priority!"

After inventorying his gains, Hsu Fann used the 10 universal energy points the system initially granted him to treat his injuries. Though not an ample amount, it was enough to stabilize his condition. Nothing else mattered at the moment.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm bound to strike it rich!"

With the energy-stealing system in his possession, Hsu Fann was confident in his future prosperity. With that thought, he left the system's virtual space.


Stepping out of the virtual space, Hsu Fann immediately broke into a sweat from the pain. The system had managed his injuries, but the external wounds were not something that could heal instantly. The sharp pain caused him to grimace and groan.

Opening his eyes, Hsu Fann didn't see the familiar simplicity of his wooden hut, but rather found himself in a fragrant, feminine boudoir.

"Brother Hsu Fann! Brother Hsu Fann... are you awake?"

Hearing Hsu Fann's pained sounds, a sweet voice called out, followed by a green silhouette entering the room. With delicate features and a lithe figure accentuated by her flowing green gown, she radiated an ethereal charm.

It was Lin Qingyao!

She was the girl next door who, ten years earlier, had joined Hsu Fann in being taken into the Mysterious Sect for cultivation.

"Qing... Qingyao... How did I end up here?"

Even though Hsu Fann had assimilated the memories of his current body, this was his first actual encounter with Lin Qingyao, and he found himself speaking with a stutter.

In his past life, Hsu Fann had never experienced romance. Yet here he was, feeling somewhat out of place in the bedroom of an unmarried woman of considerable beauty.

"Brother Hsu Fann, have you forgotten? You got into a fight with Han Dongling the day before yesterday and sustained serious injuries. When I got there, you were already unconscious... so I... I brought you to my place..."

Realizing the awkwardness of the situation, Lin Qingyao's cheeks tinted with a blush. It was hardly proper for Hsu Fann to be waking up in her private quarters.

"Oh, right..." Hsu Fann quickly agreed, recalling the voice he'd heard just before passing out. It was indeed Lin Qingyao. He swiftly steered the conversation elsewhere.

"Wait, you mentioned it was the day before yesterday, so... I've been unconscious for three days?"

"Yes..." Concern etched Lin Qingyao's face as she spoke of Hsu Fann's condition. Forgetting her shyness, she hurried over to examine him.

"Brother Hsu Fann, why would you do something so foolish? Han Dongling has just been taken under Elder Bai's wing as an Inner Sect disciple. His strength has greatly improved with Elder Bai's guidance. What made you confront him?"

As Lin Qingyao tended to his wounds, she probed for details about the incident.

Hsu Fann was moved by her concern. In his previous existence, he had grown up in an orphanage, seldom feeling the warmth of care. Now, a stunning beauty was showing such concern for him.

He then recounted the details of his altercation with Han Dongling, drawn from another set of memories.

Hsu Fann was of average talent, rather unremarkable among the hundreds, if not thousands, of Outer Sect disciples at the Mysterious Sect. Lin Qingyao, on the other hand, was exceptionally gifted. Not only had she ascended to Inner Sect disciple status, but she also stood out among the Mysterious Sect's younger generation. Her natural beauty drew the gaze of many male cultivators within the sect, all vying for her attention.

Yet Lin Qingyao had always been close to Hsu Fann. Even after becoming an Inner Sect disciple, she frequently sought him out. To the outside world, their relationship seemed to be more than just friendly neighbors. This unwittingly made Hsu Fann, a man of modest abilities, the unwitting rival of countless others!

Han Dongling was certainly one of them, having sought to cause trouble for Hsu Fann on numerous occasions. Fatefully, they crossed paths that day, and Han Dongling proceeded to publicly humiliate Hsu Fann. Nursing a deep-seated grudge, Hsu Fann, fully aware he was outmatched, nonetheless challenged Han Dongling. The confrontation ended with Hsu Fann's death at Han's hands, leading to the man Hsu Fann is today.

"Brother Hsu Fann, don't pay any mind to what others say. To me, Qingyao, you'll always be my Brother Hsu Fann, and that's all that matters!"

Lin Qingyao's gaze was resolute, leaving no room for Hsu Fann to question her sincerity. Yet, a sigh escaped him; knowing the way she stood by him meant that his future within the Mysterious Sect would undoubtedly be fraught with difficulty.

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