Stealing Energy In Another World/C21 It Was a Guaranteed Profit
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C21 It Was a Guaranteed Profit
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C21 It Was a Guaranteed Profit

In the early morning, sunlight streamed through the window, gently waking Hsu Fann as it warmed his face. Stirring in his bed, Hsu Fann's right hand inadvertently knocked something aside.

The clatter jolted him to full alertness, and he sprang up from the bed. Glancing outside and realizing the time, Hsu Fann smacked his forehead, exclaiming, "Crap, I got so caught up in pill refining yesterday, I've lost track of time."

Knowing he had a trial to attend today, Hsu Fann couldn't afford to dawdle. He hurriedly got dressed and organized himself. By now, the Inner Sect disciples were fully prepared and assembled, all except those on other duties, at the sect's main peak, Green Lotus Peak.

The opportunity to participate in the trial had the disciples buzzing with excitement. They exchanged nods and greetings, their camaraderie resembling that of old friends.

As eyes scanned the crowd, a voice piped up with curiosity, "I heard Outer Sect Disciple Hsu Fann is joining today's trial. Why hasn't he shown up yet?" Hsu Fann's participation was common knowledge among the Inner Sect disciples, and many were familiar with his reputation. His absence sparked a flurry of speculation.

One disciple scoffed, "For an Outer Sect Disciple to take part in such a trial is like striking ancestral fortune. And now he's not even here yet? Is he trying to put on airs?"

The murmurs grew as the group pondered Hsu Fann's tardiness. Being an Outer Sect Disciple, his presence at the trial was already a curiosity; his delay only fueled further gossip.

Amidst the chatter, Han Dongling and Han Dongyao stood within the crowd. Their status kept them from joining the gossip, but inwardly, they relished the thought of Hsu Fann's public embarrassment.

Exchanging knowing glances, their lips curled into smug smiles.

Just then, Hsu Fann made his belated entrance. Noticing the Outer Sect Disciple's tardiness, Han Dongling stepped forward and confronted him, "Hsu Fann, you're late for such a significant event. Have you no regard for our sect?"

Hsu Fann's brow creased slightly, sensing the malice in the newcomer's approach. He brushed off his clothes and stated, "I've never just seen the sect as something to be acknowledged from a distance."

His declaration incensed the Inner Sect disciples.

"Because I hold the sect dear to my heart. How could I merely observe it from afar? It must be cherished within," he continued.

As Hsu Fann gestured to his chest, Han Dongling scoffed, "Cherished? If you truly held the sect in your heart, you wouldn't have been late today! Stop making excuses. As an outer sect disciple, you're lucky to be part of this trial. It's a divine favor, yet you squander it. Clearly, you have no regard for any of us!"

His accusation stirred thoughts among the Inner Sect disciples.

"Had I not valued this opportunity, I wouldn't have shown up at all. Though I arrived late, I didn't miss what truly matters."

"Perhaps, but the important matters aren't for an outer sect disciple like you to delay. You keep highlighting your own importance. What about the rest of us?"

As the Inner Sect disciples were repeatedly implicated by his words, Hsu Fann's expression soured.

Meanwhile, the Inner Sect disciples murmured among themselves. They were already displeased that Hsu Fann was allowed to join the trial, and now his tardiness coupled with his stubborn defense seemed to confirm their suspicions that he didn't take them seriously.

Facing Han Dongling, Hsu Fann spoke quietly, "Truth isn't determined by who speaks it. A man's actions should speak for themselves, not just his words. Focus on doing what's right, and don't meddle in the affairs of others."

With that, Hsu Fann turned on his heel and walked away, unwilling to engage with Han Dongling any further.

Watching him depart with such nonchalance, Han Dongling seethed with anger. As he was about to give chase, Han Dongyao tugged at his sleeve and gave a subtle shake of his head, whispering, "Don't stoop to his level. With so many eyes on us, quarreling with him would only diminish our own standing."

With clenched teeth, Han Dongling turned back, refusing to give Hsu Fann another glance.

Though Hsu Fann left with an air of pride, inwardly he was filled with regret. He had hoped to blend into the crowd unnoticed after his late arrival, but the Inner Sect disciples remembered him all too well. Han Dongling had given him no chance to hide, and now everyone was aware of his tardiness.

As Hsu Fann was internally kicking himself for refining his pill too late, the system's voice began to chime in with increasing frequency.

He was taken aback by the flurry of friend request notifications popping up. What was happening? Why were so many people suddenly adding him as a friend?

Unbeknownst to Hsu Fann, while initially swayed by Han Dongling's provocations, many had harbored grievances against him. But after he spoke his piece and departed with an air of nonchalance, they mulled over his words and had an epiphany. It all clicked – why an outer disciple like him would join such a trial, and their view of him shifted from skepticism to respect.

Though Hsu Fann was still piecing together their thoughts, the flood of friend requests brought him immense joy. More friends meant more cultivation to harvest.

The numbers leaping before his eyes signified more than just friend counts; they were tangible gains in his cultivation!

With this realization, Hsu Fann began to see his flashy tardiness not as a misstep, but as a stroke of fortune. Without the day's events, he might have remained unnoticed. His late arrival, coupled with his exchange with Han Dongling, had netted him a wealth of cultivation. It was a win-win situation by any measure.

As Hsu Fann was basking in the glow of his newfound cultivation, two piercing stares fixed on his face.

"How can he be so brazen? To arrive late before us all and still dare to smile?" Han Dongyao seethed.

"He's always been this way. Nothing surprising there," Han Dongling remarked, his voice dripping with disdain.

Feeling their eyes on him, Hsu Fann met their gaze.

He furrowed his brow slightly at the direct stare from Han Dongyao. Though this was their first encounter, the hostility emanating from the man was palpable. Seeing him alongside Han Dongling, the implications were clear. But what truly concerned Hsu Fann was the oppressive aura this man exuded.

Since his arrival, the man's animosity and pressure had been a constant presence. Aware that he was one of Han Dongling's, Hsu Fann also recognized the man's formidable strength. He knew he had to remain vigilant.

If Hsu Fann didn't stay vigilant, it was only a matter of time before those two would turn against him. He had no intention of suffering through their underhanded tactics.

Slipping away from their watchful eyes, Hsu Fann found a quiet spot to himself and began to joyfully gather an increasing amount of cultivation.

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