Stealing Energy In Another World/C22 Baiting for Fame
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C22 Baiting for Fame
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C22 Baiting for Fame

As Hsu Fann sat in a corner, gathering his spiritual energy, Dongfang Xuanying's eyes lingered on his silhouette.

Renowned for her aloofness among the inner sect disciples, Dongfang Xuanying rarely spared her fellow disciples a glance, much less sought the spotlight. From the outset, she had chosen to stand apart from the crowd, minimizing her presence.

Yet, an accidental glimpse of Hsu Fann had caught her off guard. She sensed a sharp, dangerous aura emanating from him, compelling her to look again.

Unbeknownst to her, this intense aura had flared up in Hsu Fann only upon encountering Han Dongyao, from whom he too had felt a palpable threat.

Han Dongyao, who had long harbored feelings for Dongfang Xuanying, watched her intently. Seeing her focus on Hsu Fann's back without wavering, his brows knitted together in concern. He had never witnessed her pay such attention to any man before, and it fueled his resolve to eliminate Hsu Fann.

Sensing a gaze on him that lacked its former hostility, Hsu Fann turned, puzzled, only to find Dongfang Xuanying observing him. He was taken aback.

Dongfang Xuanying was the sect's jewel—her beauty was matched only by her inscrutable power. Hsu Fann had imagined her as a radiant, fiery presence, but she was, in fact, a beauty as cool and serene as an autumnal frost.

Caught in his reverie, Hsu Fann was momentarily spellbound.

Dongfang Xuanying, detecting his fixed stare, showed a flicker of distaste and withdrew her gaze with a slight frown.

Hsu Fann simply smiled, dismissing the incident. His own gaze, after all, had been somewhat intrusive.

Just then, an elder cleared his throat and announced, "Everyone is present. Let's prepare to depart."

Upon hearing the elder's command, the crowd gradually fell silent and set off with the group. Reaching the heart of Demon Valley, they came to a halt, ready for the elder's next instructions. Hsu Fann surveyed the valley with a stoic face, feeling somewhat indifferent inside. This trial was something he had anticipated.

Noticing Hsu Fann's nonchalant demeanor, Han Dongling let out a mocking laugh. "Elder, shall we commence our training here today?"

The elder, stroking his beard, confirmed, "Indeed, we shall."

With a light laugh, Han Dongling added, "Then that's settled. But did you know, among us, there's a Golden Core Stage cultivator who single-handedly slew a fifth rank demonic beast?"

His words stirred a buzz among the group. "Who? Who's that formidable? Can someone at the Golden Core Stage really defeat a fifth rank demonic beast alone? Or is this just boastful talk?" someone challenged.

"Exactly, it doesn't sound believable, does it? If such a feat had been accomplished, why haven't we heard about it before?" others joined in the skepticism.

"Right, if someone has truly slain a fifth rank demonic beast at the Golden Core Stage, that would be major news. How come it's never reached our ears? Who's the one exaggerating? Step forward and show yourself."

Amidst the questioning, Han Dongling's gaze remained teasingly fixed on Hsu Fann. Though Hsu Fann's face betrayed no emotion, inwardly he scoffed. He hadn't planned to mention the incident, but Han Dongling's blatant provocation was clear. It was a direct challenge to him. Yet, for Hsu Fann, such matters were trivial. He was the one who had done the deed, and he had nothing to hide. After all, it wasn't a misdeed but a point of pride.

Noticing Han Dongling's persistent stare, the crowd turned their attention to Hsu Fann, trying to read his impassive expression.

Breaking the tension, Han Dongling revealed with a smile, "Of course, you haven't heard of this incident because it wasn't an Inner Sect disciple who achieved it, but rather an Outer Sect disciple. How would the deeds of an Outer Sect disciple reach our ears?"

Upon hearing Han Dongling's proclamation, all eyes swiftly turned to Hsu Fann, including Dongfang Xuanying's. Her gaze was analytical, seemingly trying to discern the truth of the matter from Hsu Fann's expression.

An Inner Sect disciple expressed his disbelief, "Really? A Golden Core Stage outer sect disciple took down a fifth rank demonic beast on his own? That just sounds too far-fetched."

"Exactly. It would be more believable if he had help. He played a part in the battle, and it's only fair he gets some credit. But if he went solo, we can't be sure if the story holds any water."

Han Dongling approached Hsu Fann and said, "This is a feather in your cap, Hsu Fann. I'm just sharing your triumph. You're not upset about that, are you?"

With a smile, Hsu Fann replied, "There's nothing to be upset about. It's not a bad thing."

"Indeed. You accomplished something remarkable without uttering a word about it. Even many Inner Sect disciples are in the dark. You really keep a low profile. If I hadn't brought it up, you might have been underestimated by everyone."

Hsu Fann locked eyes with him and responded, "The Inner Sect disciples have never underestimated me, at least not that I've noticed. But then again... perhaps some people are just good at concealing their true feelings."

Han Dongling's expression flickered momentarily, knowing the jab was aimed at him, but he quickly regained his composure.

"You're overthinking it. You're an outer sect disciple. Despite your impressive feat, it's not something that would preoccupy everyone here. We Inner Sect disciples are quite friendly. Don't worry about it."

"Sure, I'm not overthinking it," Hsu Fann said nonchalantly.

The crowd, eager for more details and noticing that neither had elaborated on the slaying of the fifth rank demonic beast, grew impatient. One of them directly addressed Hsu Fann, "Is what Han Dongling said true? Did you really do it by yourself?"

"Yes, I did," Hsu Fann confirmed without hesitation.

"Then share the details with us. We're all eager to hear about such an impressive feat. Who knows, if your strategy is sound enough, you might be leading us today."

Detecting the underlying skepticism in the question, Hsu Fann felt no urge to elaborate, "There's not much to tell. I just got lucky."

The individual who had posed the question earlier now looked on with a sneer, "Not willing to divulge any details, huh? Could it be that you're just spinning tales?"

Others nearby chimed in, echoing the sentiment, "That's what it seems like to me—a mere trickster seeking fame. And even if he's telling the truth, who's to say he didn't resort to underhanded tactics?"

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