Stealing Energy In Another World/C23 The Frost Pool Treasure Seizing
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C23 The Frost Pool Treasure Seizing
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C23 The Frost Pool Treasure Seizing

The trials of the Inner Sect were a far cry from the miscellaneous ones. In Demon Valley, each Evil Beast seemed untamable, a stark contrast to the others.

A bird, its red eyes glaring and feathers shimmering with iridescent light, swooped down at Hsu Fann with its sharp, elongated beak.

Channeling his inner strength, Hsu Fann conjured a golden orb of light in his hand and hurled it at the bird. Feathers fluttered down as the creature vanished into the ether.

"Such a naive creature," Han Dongling remarked, observing Hsu Fann's look of wonder. He strode past Hsu Fann, his voice dripping with disdain.

The bird was merely a low-level spirit beast; defeating it was hardly a heroic feat. Han Dongling had expected more from Hsu Fann, given the rumors of his prowess, but now he seemed rather ordinary.

Aware of Han Dongling's pettiness, Hsu Fann chose to ignore him and walked away to explore other areas.

Han Dongling's irritation grew at Hsu Fann's dismissive response. With a flick of his finger, a purple-red bug materialized at Hsu Fann's feet.

Alert to Han Dongling's actions, Hsu Fann spotted the bug and, feigning ignorance, stepped on it. The bug was squashed, oozing purple-black blood.

'Poisonous?' Hsu Fann thought, his gaze turning icy as he looked at Han Dongling. He had been patient with Han Dongling's provocations, but his tolerance was wearing thin. If he continued to endure, Han Dongling's antagonism would only escalate.

Unfazed by Hsu Fann's expression, Han Dongling relished the confrontation.

"Don't you think you're going too far?" Hsu Fann challenged.

"Too far? The trial is meant to weed out the weak, to discard the useless. They're only fit to gaze up at those at the pinnacle, like you," Han Dongling retorted.

"Really? If the pinnacle is occupied by someone of your caliber, then even if I'm the 'trash' you claim, I refuse to look up to you! You're not deserving!"

Han Dongling's face darkened, unaccustomed to such defiance since joining the sect.

"Seeking your own demise!" he hissed.

Dark mist coalesced in Han Dongling's hand, shrouding his features in shadow. He thrust the mist at Hsu Fann, who nimbly dodged. The mist exploded on the ground, leaving a small crater.

Hsu Fann could easily imagine the harm that would befall him if that misty cloud struck his body.

Completely incensed by Han Dongling's actions, Hsu Fann soared into the sky, executing a series of intricate moves in rapid succession.

"Dragon Drawing?"

Han Dongling was taken aback. This was a level of skill not typically seen in someone with only Breatharianism Level Four. Martial arts techniques required precision; the slightest error could nullify the intended effect. Yet Hsu Fann's execution was both fluid and swift, clearly indicating he had mastered this move through repeated practice.

Unbeknownst to Han Dongling, Hsu Fann had honed this technique countless times within the system. Although he had intended to remain under the radar, Han Dongling's relentless pressure left him no choice but to reveal his true prowess, lest he be ground into the dirt by his adversary.


With a thunderous shout, Hsu Fann summoned the spiritual energy that hung in the air, each strand shimmering with a soft golden glow. He thrust his hands forward, unleashing a force as massive as a boulder, hurtling towards Han Dongling.

Pinned under the immense force, Han Dongling was momentarily at a loss. He glanced down to see the dust around his feet dispersed, revealing small indentations where he stood.

"Just a simple technique, and you couldn't even recognize it. I'm starting to question how you ever became a senior brother!"

Hsu Fann stepped back, and the oppressive force bearing down on Han Dongling washed away like an ebbing tide. Regaining his composure, Han Dongling realized that Hsu Fann had outmaneuvered him with a clever feint.

"And who do you think you are to speak to me like that?"

"Who am I? I'm the one who can defeat you!"

Their spiritual energy now withdrawn, the two still couldn't resist trading verbal jabs.

"What's going on here? Are fellow disciples really resorting to fighting each other?"

Amidst their heated exchange, Yang Ming arrived with a group in tow. The ruckus Han Dongling had caused was audible from a great distance, and he had heard everything loud and clear.

He had no intention of getting involved with those two, but when he led his team to the Inner Sect trial, the Sect Master had emphasized time and again the importance of avoiding any further incidents. If he stood by and did nothing, it would be a tough situation to explain upon his return.

"And you, Hsu Fann, being late for the trial is one thing, but showing disrespect to your senior brother is another. Being allowed to participate in the Inner Sect trial is a sign of trust in you. How can you cause such a commotion? If you're not interested in being part of the sect's activities, it would be best to leave the mountain early and find some livelihood. Don't squander your time!"

Yang Ming rebuked Hsu Fann before departing with a swish of his sleeve. Aware of Yang Ming's status, Hsu Fann chose to remain silent, his face stern as he continued to follow the main group.

Han Dongling couldn't suppress a smirk at Hsu Fann's expense.

"Typical, a country bumpkin comes to the city and expects not to be called out..."

He was about to provoke further trouble when he heard his brother clear his throat. Glancing at Han Dongyao, Han Dongling received a cautionary look and promptly closed his mouth, no longer daring to taunt.

The group trekked on for what seemed like an eternity before finally reaching the heart of Demon Valley. The area was much quieter than the outer regions where spiritual beasts roamed freely; here, the forests were dense and the grass a deep, dark green.

Perhaps sensing the danger posed by a master like Yang Ming, the spiritual beasts had all gone into hiding.

As the group ventured deeper, the silence of Demon Valley grew more profound, the air chillier with each step.

Yang Ming halted and raised his hand to signal that they had arrived at their destination.

Hsu Fann observed the grass nearby, noting the delicate frost that dusted its tips. He lifted his hand to gauge the ambient temperature and was met with a biting cold that felt as though he stood before a block of ice.

Bending down, he touched the ground, finding it unexpectedly frigid.

"Here we stand, and I'm sure you've all noticed the distinct chill. Next to us lies a cold pond that has been here since the sect was established. It is also a traditional site for the Inner Sect Trials. Our challenge this time is a treasure hunt within this very cold pond."

"Treasure in the Cold Pond?"

A voice rang out in puzzlement. Many, like Hsu Fann, had noticed something unusual about the surroundings. Another person's curiosity was piqued, "Treasures in the cold pond? I thought it was just ice in there. What kind of treasures could possibly be hidden?"

Yang Ming allowed the murmurs and speculation to continue without interruption. Once the chatter subsided, he spoke up calmly, "It's common knowledge that the cold pond is frigid. Any ordinary person venturing in would surely perish. But you, as practitioners of the path, surely wouldn't make such an error. Naturally, the treasures within the cold pond won't be easily obtained. Even for you, as cultivators, it's not something to be taken lightly!"

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