Stealing Energy In Another World/C3 Only by Being High Profile Could One Become Rich
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C3 Only by Being High Profile Could One Become Rich
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C3 Only by Being High Profile Could One Become Rich

Hsu Fann expressed his gratitude to Lin Qingyao and, after assuring her that he was all right, he left her abode.

Upon realizing that his return with Lin Qingyao had been witnessed by many, Hsu Fann was eager to get away from the place. What a laugh! Merely being close to Sister Qingyao in the past and receiving her frequent visits was overwhelming enough. Now, after she had taken him in for three days, one could only imagine what the lovestruck men of the Mysterious Sect might think!

Despite his caution, Hsu Fann couldn't avoid being spotted by several female disciples as he departed from Lin Qingyao's residence. This was Snowy Peak, home to the renowned female elder Yun Xue of the Mysterious Sect, who exclusively took on female disciples. Hsu Fann's presence was bound to stir up trouble!

"Ding! Friend request accepted!"

"Ding! System notification: The host can now collect new energy!"

Though the system's prompts were enticing, Hsu Fann knew his current strength was insufficient. To avoid making more enemies, he left Snowy Peak as if fleeing.

Back at Spirit Inheritance Peak, where the outer sect disciples resided, Hsu Fann could finally relax. But peace was short-lived; word had spread about his severe beating from Han Dongling and Lin Qingyao's subsequent rescue. Many were curious to see the man accused of "riding on coattails."

"So the weakling returns. If he had stayed with Junior Sister Lin any longer, Senior Brother Han and his crew would've lost it!"

"Man, why can't I have that luck? If only I were from the same village as Junior Sister Lin..."

As the chatter about Hsu Fann continued, he paid it no mind. In fact, he was inwardly pleased; the system had just added another wave of friends.

"Keep it up, guys. Once I harvest your energy, we'll see who's laughing then..."

Hsu Fann smirked to himself, recalling a system rule: The more significant the impression he made on a friend, the more he could pilfer from them!

"Hmm?" A sly grin spread across Hsu Fann's face as a plan took shape in his mind. "I'm sorry, Sister Qingyao..."

With a silent apology to Lin Qingyao echoing a thousand times in his heart, Hsu Fann launched into his act. He meandered through the Mysterious Sect's disciples, the very picture of sorrow. Casually, he pulled out two pills that Qingyao had insisted he take before his departure, murmuring to himself,

"Ah... Qingyao entrusted these pills to me. What if she runs into danger on her journey?"

Right on cue!

The moment Hsu Fann's words hung in the air, the crowd erupted into chaos. The system's notifications chimed in his ears, and he could barely contain his glee.

"It looks like being conspicuous is the key to wealth!"

Buoyed by his success, Hsu Fann replicated his strategy, drawing the ire of many. Despite concerns about future repercussions, he had little choice; his innate talents were modest, and such tactics were his only path to distinction.

Back in his quarters, Hsu Fann wasted no time in assimilating the energy he had pilfered. The outer sect disciples had little of value, and the cultivation levels he had swiped were modest at best.

But for those who seethed with animosity towards him, Hsu Fann showed no mercy, harvesting their energy with gusto. Among his spoils were two Origin Cultivating Pills—a significant boon at this stage of his journey.

"I need to assimilate this stolen cultivation," he mused.

Surveying the energy in the system space, Hsu Fann meticulously organized his resources and applied the stolen cultivation to himself. To his astonishment, his realm leaped from the fifth to the ninth circle of the Golden Core!

While the ninth circle was commonplace among the Mysterious Sect's outer sect, Hsu Fann was ecstatic. This was the fruit of just half a day's labor—four whole minor realms ascended. Who would believe such a tale?

Moreover, he discovered that the stolen cultivation was far more robust than any he had previously achieved. It exceeded his understanding and allayed any fears of an unstable foundation due to the swift advancement.

Indeed, Hsu Fann believed that he could now hold his own against an ordinary cultivator at the fifth layer of the Breatharianism Stage, like Han Dongling, without giving away too much of an edge.

"The journey of cultivation is long and winding. Qingyao, who came with me, has already reached the Serene Acceptance Stage, two major realms above me. I'm nowhere near the point where I can afford to be complacent about my own level of cultivation."

Hsu Fann was well aware of his current standing. His ninth circle of Golden Core might pass muster among the outer sect disciples, but when compared to those in the Inner Sect, he fell significantly short.

With this in mind, Hsu Fann considered the idea of going out to "make new friends."

After all, with the system's bug at his disposal, it would be foolish not to use it. Sure, it might bring its share of troubles, but as the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Given the system's convenient method of cultivation, he was prepared to take on the associated risks.

The system's concept of intimacy levels seemed impractical to Hsu Fann. For instance, he couldn't imagine siphoning energy from someone he was close to, like Lin Qingyao.

"It seems I need to aim for a high-profile and wealthy status. I've got to find a way to make a name for myself..."

After a moment of contemplation and a quick tidy-up, Hsu Fann left his dwelling and made a beeline for Shadow Peak.

Having resolved to seek wealth and notoriety, there was no room for subtlety. With sufficient strength, what risk couldn't he withstand? He was ready to steamroll any opposition.

Shadow Peak was a distinctive mountain within the Mysterious Sect, a nexus for the majority of the sect's cultivation resources. It was also the site of the sect's most renowned challenge, the Sky Stairway Trial.

The so-called 'Sky Stairway Trial' was, in essence, a pavilion brimming with various formations, spanning nine floors, each with numerous rooms. The spiritual energy was plentiful, and the sect had infused the essence of various celestial treasures into the pavilion, making cultivation there exceptionally efficient.

However, the conditions inside were far more treacherous than the outside world, with hazards such as extreme gravity, random spatial rifts, and True Samadhi Fire being all too common.

The Mysterious Sect invested heavily in creating the 'Sky Stairway Trial,' which means entry requires purchasing a ticket – and they don't come cheap. In return, the sect offers rewards to disciples who achieve notable results in the trial.

Hsu Fann's presence here is driven by the prestige associated with the Sky Stairway List within the Mysterious Sect. It's a well-known fact that the most renowned individuals are those featured on this list, as the performance of every participant in the Sky Stairway Trial is publicly displayed there.

The Sky Stairway spans nine layers, each corresponding to a significant realm of cultivation: Foundation Building, Golden Core, Breatharianism, Serene Acceptance, Nascent Infant, Daybreak, Deification, Spirit Void, and Unification. The longer a cultivator can endure within their respective realm's layer, the more impressive their score.

Those who secure top positions on the Sky Stairway List catch the eye of the sect's leadership. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, these individuals are poised for focused mentorship from the sect, setting them on a path to rapid advancement and success.

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