Stealing Energy In Another World/C5 It Poked a Hornet's Nest
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C5 It Poked a Hornet's Nest
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C5 It Poked a Hornet's Nest

At that moment, Hsu Fann was also in a rough state. While some of his injuries were feigned, Han Dongling had clearly tapped into a power that surpassed the Golden Core Stage. Without the system's aid, which had already elevated his strength beyond that level, Hsu Fann would likely have been the one defeated.

Struggling to maintain his balance, Hsu Fann gazed down at the unconscious Han Dongling with a surge of excitement. The system's assistance was proving to be incredibly advantageous, almost as if he had cheated his way to power.

[System Notification: The host has a substantial amount of energy available for collection. Would you like to collect it now?]

Just then, the system's voice echoed in Hsu Fann's mind. He quickly entered the virtual space and saw that his recent battle had left a strong impression on the surrounding onlookers.

Among the crowd were several Inner Sect disciples from the Mysterious Sect, whose energy was worth far more than that of the Outer Sect disciples!

[Ding! Successfully collected five days of cultivation from Liu Gaoyi!]

[Ding! Successfully collected five top-grade spirit stones from Zhang Lin!]


Listening to the relentless pings from the system, Hsu Fann nearly burst out laughing, while the spectators around him were still too stunned to react.

"Cough, cough... I appreciate the... the leniency," he said, feigning weakness as he made his way to the entrance of the Extraterrestrial Tower. The crowd parted, their earlier scorn replaced by respect.

Basking in their changed attitudes, Hsu Fann made sure to nod at passersby, ensuring that each person got a good look at his face, cementing their impression of him.

While some rejoiced, others mourned. With Han Dongling out cold, his cronies, too embarrassed to remain, hurried to his aid. Casting wary glances at Hsu Fann, they scurried away in defeat.

Hsu Fann, however, stayed put. He spoke to himself, sensing a breakthrough on the horizon after the insights gained from the recent clash.

At the entrance of the Extraterrestrial Tower, he presented the pills—his spoils from the system—to the elder gatekeeper and then rushed inside, eager for what lay ahead.

Watching his hurried departure, no one harbored any suspicions. It was quite common to have a moment of enlightenment following a major battle. Yet, when Hsu Fann casually produced pills as his entry fee, a wave of curses rippled through the crowd.

Within the Mysterious Sect, the monthly stipend was primarily in spirit stones, with pills being a rare commodity. Who wouldn't treasure these pills as life-saving treasures? Yet here was this kid, nonchalantly pulling them out. Had he stumbled upon a fortune? How could this once-penniless boy suddenly afford such extravagance?

"Huh? That Poisonous Miasma Pill looks just like the one I lost yesterday," someone in the crowd muttered, rubbing the back of his head in uncertainty.

Hsu Fann, who had just entered the Extraterrestrial Tower, nearly tripped over his own feet upon hearing this. He cast a guilty glance backward and swiftly made his way inside.

Luckily, the voice wasn't loud and went unnoticed. Nor did it cross the speaker's mind to suspect Hsu Fann, as they hadn't crossed paths before yesterday. Who would imagine someone could stealthily snatch their belongings from a distance?

As Hsu Fann's vision steadied, he took in the sight of a vast circular hall surrounded by numerous rooms of varying sizes, with a staircase tucked away in a corner leading up to the next level.

He stood at the center of the hall, feeling the immense pressure bearing down on him. This was the first layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower, tailored to the Foundation Building Stage, where every sector was subject to tenfold gravity. For someone at Hsu Fann's level of cultivation, this was still manageable.

He didn't linger on the first layer, heading straight for the second, where the pressure increased to twenty times that of the Golden Core Stage. This new level of resistance was noticeable, but still not enough to satisfy him.

Hsu Fann was aware that his system, designed to accelerate his cultivation, wasn't unbeatable. He regarded it merely as a tool to aid his journey, not a crutch. He was convinced that the resilience of a true warrior couldn't be forged by reliance on such aids. Instead, he placed his faith in his own relentless effort and the experiences that shaped him.

Hsu Fann reached the third layer, a training ground typically reserved for Breatharianism Stage cultivators. Here, the gravity was a staggering forty times that of the outside world—a doubled force from the previous level!

Upon arrival, Hsu Fann immediately experienced the true meaning of "every step is a struggle." Lifting his feet became a herculean task, and the pressure was so intense that his bones crackled under the strain.

The population of cultivators had thinned on this floor, with fewer rooms available. Under immense pressure, Hsu Fann chose a nearby room at random and used the jade token provided by the steward elder to lift the room's seal. Only then did he step inside.

The room was encased in stone walls, each densely inscribed with runes that radiated a mysterious power, causing one's heart to skip a beat.

"Hu!" Hsu Fann exhaled as he settled down, finally feeling some relief. He wiped away the sweat that had drenched his forehead. But just as he was catching his breath, the runes on the left wall flared to life. A seemingly transparent, triangular lion emerged from the wall and let out a deafening roar.

"Buzz…" The roar sent Hsu Fann reeling, his ears ringing and vision swimming with stars. He nearly passed out from the overwhelming force. The first challenge within the room was an assault on the soul!

"Good heavens!" Hsu Fann realized he had to remain vigilant. The Mysterious Sect's Extraterrestrial Tower, though a place for disciples to hone their skills, had claimed the lives of many due to carelessness.

This was a genuine test of life and death!

Battling the crushing gravity, Hsu Fann also had to defend against attacks aimed at both his soul and body. These assaults were designed for Breatharianism Stage cultivators, and even with his ninth circle of Golden Core strength, they were taxing to endure. Soon, his clothes were drenched with sweat as he maintained intense concentration.

With no time to spare in his one-day access to the tower, Hsu Fann commenced his tense cultivation.

Meanwhile, Han Dongling, having recovered his senses after receiving treatment, furiously shattered a distant boulder with a palm strike, his face turning a shade of livid green.

Word had gotten around the Mysterious Sect that he had been bested by Hsu Fann at Shadow Peak. He, who took great pride in his reputation, was struggling to come to terms with the fact that someone he once considered no more significant than an ant had triumphed over him—and in full view of an audience, no less!

Han Dongling gestured with a wave of his hand, summoning his entourage to his side.

"You guys..."

After issuing instructions to his followers, Han Dongling's countenance eased somewhat. Once they had dispersed, his voice cut through the air, laced with malice.

"Hsu Fann, this time, I'm going to make sure you don't walk away alive!"

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