Stealing Energy In Another World/C6 Extraterrestrial Tower's Third Layer
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C6 Extraterrestrial Tower's Third Layer
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C6 Extraterrestrial Tower's Third Layer


In the third layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower, Hsu Fann's eyes flickered open, his face breaking into a grin. After an hour of intense cultivation and assimilating the energy pilfered from the system, he had finally achieved a breakthrough to the first level of Breatharianism.

"Not bad at all. My strategy was spot-on; a high-profile approach is indeed the key to wealth!" Hsu Fann savored the surge of power within him and smacked his lips in satisfaction.

Under normal circumstances, given his aptitude, reaching the first level of Breatharianism would have taken at least a year. However, the stolen energy had accelerated his progress, propelling him to this milestone much sooner.

What's more, Hsu Fann's foundation as a Level One Breatharian disciple within the Mysterious Sect was incredibly stable. Unlike those who experienced a false sense of advancement from hastily consuming pills, he felt no such instability.

This success only reinforced Hsu Fann's conviction that a high-profile stance was the ultimate path to riches!

Having ascended to the first level of Breatharianism, Hsu Fann chose not to leave his room but to delve deeper into his cultivation practice.

Committed to a bold and conspicuous style, he had no intention of departing the Extraterrestrial Tower prematurely. The longer he persevered within its walls, the more his fame would grow, the more disciples would take note of him, and the more energy he could clandestinely claim!

Another compelling reason for Hsu Fann's continued stay was the undeniable benefit the Tower's trials had on enhancing his strength.

Indeed, with just a bit more endurance, he noticed a slight improvement in his spirit energy manipulation, and even under fortyfold gravity, his physical resilience had edged up a notch.

Meanwhile, as Hsu Fann underwent his trials in the Extraterrestrial Tower, the buzz about his victory over Han Dongling was spreading like wildfire among the Outer Sect disciples of the Mysterious Sect.

The rapid dissemination of the news was largely attributable to Han Dongling's own notoriety. His status as a standout among the Outer Sect disciples, especially after his ascension to the Inner Sect, had only bolstered his fame.

The longstanding feud between him and Hsu Fann was a popular topic amongst their peers, often highlighting Han Dongling's dominance in their encounters.

However, with the tables now turned and Hsu Fann emerging victorious, his triumph over Han Dongling sent shockwaves through the ranks of the Outer Sect disciples.

Upon hearing the news, most disciples were incredulous. Accustomed to tales of Hsu Fann being chastised by Han Dongling, they found it hard to believe that Hsu Fann could have bested him—even with Han Dongling voluntarily restraining his powers.

Driven by skepticism, numerous Outer Sect disciples flocked to Shadow Peak, eager to verify the truth for themselves. In no time, the area outside the Extraterrestrial Tower was teeming with curious onlookers.

The revelation that Hsu Fann had indeed triumphed over Han Dongling sent shockwaves through the crowd. "Who would've thought Hsu Fann had it in him to take down Han Dongling!" one disciple exclaimed in awe.

"Absolutely! Even with Han Dongling holding back his cultivation, for Hsu Fann to defeat an opponent of equal standing is nothing short of miraculous!" another added.

Unbeknownst to them, Han Dongling had ultimately tapped into the formidable powers of the Breatharianism Stage. They were under the impression that Hsu Fann had overcome a Han Dongling whose cultivation was limited to the fifth circle of the Golden Core.

Nevertheless, the upset was a jolt to all. Han Dongling's esteemed reputation among the Outer Sect wasn't just due to his prodigious brother; his own aptitude was noteworthy. Few could stand toe-to-toe with Han Dongling at the same level of cultivation, much less defeat him.

Some of Han Dongling's staunch supporters were quick to dismiss the upset. "Hmph, Brother Han simply let his guard down. Given another chance, he'd surely best Hsu Fann!"

"Exactly. Hsu Fann resorted to tricks to secure his win. Just look at the sorry state he was in post-victory—it's clear his actual strength is mediocre at best."

"Mark my words, the Stairway to Heaven trial will expose Hsu Fann for what he truly is. There are no shortcuts there; it's a test of one's overall prowess!"

These few advocates of Han Dongling scoffed at the surrounding chatter. In their eyes, Han Dongling's loss was a fluke—a result of carelessness or Hsu Fann's cunning. When it came to true comprehensive strength, they were convinced Hsu Fann was no match for Han Dongling.

Upon hearing the arguments from Han Dongling's supporters, the outer sect disciples found themselves nodding in agreement. Deep down, they weren't keen on witnessing Hsu Fann's meteoric rise. Plus, Hsu Fann did look somewhat disheveled after his victory over Han Dongling, lending credibility to the supporters' perspective.

"How long do you reckon Hsu Fann can hold out on the second floor of the Extraterrestrial Tower?" blurted out one disciple, sparking a wave of speculation among the onlookers.

"Haha, my bet is he won't last more than an hour!"

"I think Hsu Fann could endure for two hours, at least. He does have the cultivation of a fifth circle Golden Core, after all."

"Hehe, even with that level of cultivation, I'd say an hour and a half is his limit!"

The disciples engaged in a lively debate over Ji Chen's staying power within the Extraterrestrial Tower. The consensus was that Ji Chen might manage one to two hours at best, a guess that seemed to underestimate a fifth circle Golden Core cultivator. Typically, someone of that caliber could withstand about three hours on the second floor. Their skepticism about Hsu Fann's endurance, however, stemmed from his shaky, wounded entrance into the tower.

Crack! The sound of the tower's door interrupted their conjectures, and out walked Hsu Fann.

"How long was he in there?" asked a disciple, somewhat taken aback by Hsu Fann's early exit.

"An hour and a half!" another disciple quickly calculated and responded.

Boom! The revelation sent shockwaves through the crowd.

"Haha, I told you so! Hsu Fann's win over Senior Brother Han was just a fluke. Now his true form is exposed—lasting merely an hour and a half with the cultivation of a fifth circle Golden Core!"

Han Dongling's supporters couldn't help but chuckle, smug in their assessment of Hsu Fann.

"One and a half hours does seem rather brief. Even a third circle Golden Core disciple could push through that much," someone remarked.

"Could it be that Hsu Fann really did resort to some trickery to defeat Han Dongling?"

Upon hearing that Hsu Fann had endured one and a half hours inside the Extraterrestrial Tower, the other disciples couldn't help but burst into a flurry of discussions.

Within the Extraterrestrial Tower, the duration one can withstand correlates directly with their level of cultivation. Typically, a cultivator at the first circle of Golden Core might sustain for half an hour on the second layer, while those at the second circle could endure for a full hour, and those at the third circle could manage around an hour and a half.

A cultivator at the fifth circle of Golden Core is expected to last at least three hours. Hsu Fann's failure to even make it halfway sparked a wave of skepticism among the disciples.

"Look, Hsu Fann managed one and a half hours on the third layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower!"

But amidst the buzzing conversations, a keen-eyed disciple suddenly spotted something unusual on the Heavenly Stairway List.

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