Stealing Energy In Another World/C7 Desolate Heaven Sword Technique
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C7 Desolate Heaven Sword Technique
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C7 Desolate Heaven Sword Technique


A collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

A cultivator at the fifth circle of the Golden Core stage managed to endure an hour and a half on the third floor of the Extraterrestrial Tower!

That's a feat even a typical Breatharianism Stage cultivator might struggle to achieve.

The disciples who had previously scoffed at Hsu Fann now looked as if they had swallowed bitter herbs, wishing they could vanish into thin air as they caught the mocking glances of those around them.

Fresh from the tower, Hsu Fann was brimming with energy, his excitement palpable. Inside the Extraterrestrial Tower, his physical prowess had at least doubled.

"Ding! Successfully harvested three days of Lee Wu's cultivation!"

"Ding! Successfully harvested one day of Hsu Fann's cultivation!"

"Ding! Excessive cultivation acquired. An extra reward package has been generated!"

The machine's impersonal voice rang out, snapping Hsu Fann back to reality. He hadn't noticed the crowd that had gathered at the tower's entrance.

As murmurs swirled around him, Hsu Fann's face broke into a wide grin, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

He was practically seeing stars.

To him, these onlookers were nothing less than elixirs, each one a potential boost to his cultivation.

"A fifth circle Golden Core cultivator lasting an hour and a half on the third layer of the Extraterrestrial Tower? Unprecedented in the history of the Mysterious Sect. I'm convinced Hsu Fann resorted to some nefarious means to hold out that long. Don't let him deceive you."

"Senior Brother Zhou is spot on. It's possible he's the reason the tower malfunctioned."

Those words dampened the enthusiasm of Hsu Fann's supporters, who fell silent.

"Are you suggesting I used dishonorable tactics to maintain my stance in there?" Hsu Fann asked with a sly smile, meeting the gaze of the accuser.

In the past, he might have let such comments slide, preferring to steer clear of conflict.

But with the system empowering him, his strength was transforming daily. He wasn't one to pick fights, yet he was no longer one to shy away from them.

"Exactly!" Senior Brother Zhou retorted, his face twisted with contempt.

"Senior Brother Zhou, you're truly formidable. It looks like you might be in line to oversee the Extraterrestrial Tower someday."

Hsu Fann put on an ingratiating act, yet a sly smile crept onto his face unseen.

Believing Hsu Fann was intimidated, Senior Brother Zhou swelled with pride and boasted, "Exactly. Just admit your error today, sever an arm before Senior Brother Han, and I'll intercede on your behalf."

"Once I'm an elder and in control of the Extraterrestrial Tower, I'll make sure you're well looked after."

Hsu Fann was taken aback by his words. What an oddball!

He gave an inward thumbs-up as several others discreetly backed away.

Senior Brother Zhou continued to bask in his delusion until a crushing spiritual force plummeted from the heavens, pinning him mercilessly.

The grisly sound of bones misaligning forced Senior Brother Zhou to his knees, coughing up blood onto the earth.


A voice, cold and laced with Spiritual Qi, echoed from the Extraterrestrial Tower, knocking Senior Brother Zhou out cold.

His body burst open, blood oozing out, leaving him on the brink of death or disability.

Witnessing the spectacle, the previously retreating disciples shook their heads in dismay.

Hsu Fann shuddered. It's one thing to suffer from fate's cruelty, but quite another to bring disaster upon oneself.

Only the sect's novices wouldn't know that Elder Wen, rumored to be a demi-Earth Immortal, commanded the Extraterrestrial Tower. Since the sect's inception, he has held this post, unwavering.

Elder Wen stood among the sect's pinnacle of power, known for his integrity and eccentric nature, which explained his stewardship of the Extraterrestrial Tower.

If someone like Senior Brother Zhou were to become an elder, would it not spell disaster for the Mysterious Sect's leadership? His earlier words hinted at a sect on the verge of collapse.

As the half-dead man lay on the ground, not a single onlooker showed a shred of sympathy.

Hsu Fann had been ready to taunt him further but was taken aback by the man's bizarre behavior.

"Brother Zhou!"

Those who had joined in mocking Hsu Fann now felt their cheeks aflame with embarrassment. They hurried over to assist Brother Zhou, quickly carrying him away.

"Those are Han Dongling's flunkies, aren't they? That explains the familiar faces."

An innocently chubby boy exclaimed, smacking his forehead in realization.

The crowd nodded, sharing in the understanding.

Hsu Fann offered him a warm, appreciative look.

The thought of the mysterious gift bag the system had awarded him set his heart ablaze with anticipation. He was eager to return and see what was inside.

But as Hsu Fann stepped forward, a disdainful snort rang in his ears, nearly causing him to topple over.

"I acknowledge my error, Elder. Please, spare me your wrath," Hsu Fann pleaded, instantly contrite.

His life was just taking a turn for the better, and he wasn't ready to meet his end.

The idea of crossing a half-step Earth Immortal Realm master was ludicrous.

With a quick glance at the Extraterrestrial Tower, he made his escape...

Before long, Hsu Fann was back in his sparse quarters. The room was bare, save for a bed and a nearly shattered table—nothing else.

The stark contrast to Lin Qingyao's boudoir was glaring.

He recalled the numerous times Han Dongling had wrecked his place, leading to its current state.

A glint of icy resolve flickered in Hsu Fann's eyes.

"This vendetta will be settled. The day will come when I rise with the winds, standing atop the continent as an unparalleled warrior."

After acquiring some basic necessities, Hsu Fann settled into a meditative pose on his bed.

"System, unveil the contents of the mysterious gift bag," he said, brimming with expectation.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a surge of sword qi burst into his mind, detonating with force.


Pain wracked Hsu Fann's body, causing him to writhe on the bed. "System, are you toying with me?" he cursed.

But as the pain subsided, the fragmented sword intent coalesced into legible text, which Hsu Fann absorbed eagerly.

"Earth Desolate Heavenly Sword Technique!"

A look of sheer astonishment washed over Hsu Fann's face. This sword technique eclipsed all others within the Mysterious Sect. The martial arts levels he was familiar with paled in comparison to this extraordinary technique.

Could it be that it transcended the Unification Realm?

This realization made Hsu Fann involuntarily gasp in awe.

He knew this sword technique had to remain a secret, for if a second soul learned of it, he would undoubtedly become the target of a worldwide manhunt.

Yet, mastering it would prove to be an immense boon for him.

With this thought, Hsu Fann was eager to begin his training. The prerequisite for cultivating this sword technique was the comprehension of sword intent! It was common knowledge that within the entire Mysterious Sect, only a select few had even grasped the half-step sword intent, much less the full sword intent.

This only fueled Hsu Fann's resolve to master the sword technique.

In a secluded courtyard, Hsu Fann could be seen diligently practicing this very sword technique day after day.

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