Stealing Energy In Another World/C8 Breakthrough
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C8 Breakthrough
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C8 Breakthrough

A subtle spiritual aura slowly seeped into Hsu Fann's abode, where he sat deeply immersed in his cultivation practice, absorbing the energy.


A crisp sound emanated from within Hsu Fann's body. His eyes opened slowly, brimming with uncontainable excitement.

Breatharianism Stage, Level One!

In a mere three days, he had ascended from the fifth circle of the Golden Core to the Breatharianism Stage. The news of such a feat would surely astound countless individuals across the continent.

The cultivation levels he had stealthily acquired at the Extraterrestrial Tower could have propelled Hsu Fann directly to the fifth layer of the Breatharianism Stage. Yet, at that pivotal juncture, he had curbed the allure of further advancement, forcefully maintaining his cultivation at the initial level.

The cultivation infused by the system, though exceptionally pure, could pose latent risks if increased too rapidly.

Hsu Fann's vision had expanded beyond the confines of the Mysterious Sect; he yearned to stand amidst the vastness of the heavens and the earth.

Without pause, Hsu Fann executed a series of punches right where he stood, each one channeling the full force of his spiritual energy to swiftly acclimate to the aftereffects of his elevated realm.

At some juncture, a sword materialized in Hsu Fann's grasp.

In that instant, the world around him hushed. The drifting leaves seemed to freeze in mid-air.

A whooshing sound filled the air as Hsu Fann's sword thrust forward, devoid of spiritual energy yet exuding an intimidating sword qi.

The sword qi threaded through the leaves, not slicing them as one might expect, but leaving precise holes instead. Bathed in sunlight, the punctured leaves revealed the finesse of Hsu Fann's swordplay. An afternoon's practice had brought him on par with the swordsmanship others took years to master—a maddening thought.

Then came the sweeping of the long spear, the domineering slash of the blade. Hsu Fann practiced these seemingly disparate techniques with his sword, each movement fluid as a river, without a hint of discord.

Hsu Fann was, it seemed, a swordsman by destiny.

After exhaling deeply, Hsu Fann sheathed his long sword.

"The Earth Desolation Heavenly Sword Technique is immensely powerful. It eludes my grasp for now, and with my cultivation only recently elevated, further improvement must wait."

Hsu Fann's brow furrowed involuntarily. Han Dongling hadn't been causing him any trouble lately, which was odd.

Han Dongling no longer mattered to him; his real concern was Han's older brother, a disciple of the sect's Great Elder. Rumor had it that the elders were all at the Earth Immortal Realm, and being taken as a disciple by one meant that even a pig could ascend to the Nascent Infant Realm.

He was desperate to enhance his strength; otherwise, he wouldn't even see death coming.

Then, a realization smoothed Hsu Fann's furrowed brow.

Real combat.

That's what he was sorely lacking: hands-on combat experience, which would also be the quickest way to improve. The sect's Mission Hall offered tasks like hunting low-level demonic beasts, which could be traded for cultivation resources.

Resources weren't an issue for him, but his rapid advancement in cultivation needed to seem plausible to others. It was a perfect way to maintain the illusion of vulnerability.

After all, skirting the brink of death was the quickest path to power.

Upon reaching the Mission Hall, Hsu Fann accepted a task to hunt a fourth-rank demonic beast.

As he approached the registering deacon, the man gave Hsu Fann a cursory glance. He paused mid-action, pen in hand.

"Fifth circle of Golden Core?" The deacon's voice was chilly, his expression as frosty as if he were indifferent to everyone.

Caught off guard, Hsu Fann nodded.

He hadn't planned on disclosing his breakthrough to the Breatharianism Stage, preferring to keep that ace up his sleeve.

The deacon let out a contemptuous snort. "A disciple at the Breatharianism Stage wouldn't dare face a fourth-rank demonic beast alone. You're seeking death. You..."

He was cut off mid-sentence by a brash voice.

"Make way! Who here is Hsu Fann?"

A line of disciples clad in white strode forward, prompting the Outer Sect disciples to step aside with ingratiating grins.

In the Mysterious Sect, Outer Sect disciples wore black and white, while Inner Sect disciples donned white robes. Core disciples also wore white, but theirs were distinguished by a golden "Dao" character.

Inner Sect disciples generally possess higher cultivation levels than their Outer Sect counterparts, which explains the current state of affairs.

People scattered from around Hsu Fann, leaving him as conspicuous as a crane among chickens.

The deacon nearby wore a look of displeasure; anyone would be annoyed if their conversation were interrupted.

"Are you Hsu Fann?"

The leader gazed down at Hsu Fann with undisguised scorn.

Hsu Fann remained silent.

In both the Mysterious Sect and across the continent, martial prowess was held in the highest regard, with the powerful commanding respect.

The least advanced among the Inner Sect disciples, aside from those mentored by elders, had reached the Serene Acceptance Stage.

To the Outer Sect disciples, those from the Inner Sect were lofty figures. Seeing Hsu Fann's nonchalant reaction, it was clear he didn't consider them a threat.

Enraged, the leader released a surge of power that bore down on Hsu Fann.

Hsu Fann's gaze sharpened. He wasn't ready to reveal his true level of cultivation.

Currently at the Golden Core Realm, he was already facing a Serene Acceptance master. Should his breakthrough to the Breatharianism Stage become known, he'd surely be a target for many.

But now, there was no time for caution. With the system's support, he needed only a brief moment to grow stronger.

In that instant, Hsu Fann harnessed the spirit energy within him, poised to strike.

Suddenly, a figure flashed by, their formidable spirit energy sending everyone stumbling backward.

The leader's face fell, and he retreated, casting a dark look at the deacon before him.

Before he could speak, the deacon cut in coldly, "The sect's rules clearly state that Inner Sect disciples must not enter the Outer Sect without permission. And to initiate an attack from the Mission Hall? Where do you think that leaves our rules?"

The deacon's words were cutting, leaving the man at a loss for words. He glared at Hsu Fann, venom in his eyes. If it weren't for Hsu Fann, he would never have faced such a scolding from an Outer Sect deacon.

Hsu Fann wore an expression of pure innocence, yet inside, he was brimming with glee.

[Ding! You have successfully befriended Wang Xiaogai. Your intimacy level is steadily increasing...]

[Ding! You have successfully claimed a month of Wang Xiaogai's cultivation!]

Joy blossomed in Hsu Fann's heart. He gazed at Wang Xiaogai, almost tempted to plant a couple of grateful kisses on him.

What a blessing in disguise!

It was like someone had handed him a pillow just as he was about to nod off—a true gold mine.

If Wang Xiaogai had any inkling of Hsu Fann's inner thoughts, he'd surely spit blood and pass out.

"Senior Brother, if there's nothing more, I'll take my leave now."

Hsu Fann grinned slyly. Leaving a lasting impression on Wang Xiaogai might just net him some more treasures, and he was eager to return and assimilate the newly acquired cultivation.

He had barely taken two steps when Wang Xiaogai, fighting back his rage, called out, "Hold it right there!"

"Do you need something else, Senior Brother?" Hsu Fann asked, turning to face the generous benefactor who had just enriched his cultivation, a smile playing on his lips.

If being berated meant gaining heaps of cultivation, Hsu Fann would welcome a daily dose of scolding.

"In seven days, the sect is holding a training event for the disciples, and you're permitted to attend."

Wang Xiaogai's words were accompanied by a wicked grin, sending ripples through the crowd.

"The sect's training event in seven days is meant for Inner Sect disciples, isn't it? Can Outer Sect disciples participate too?"

"We haven't received any notification about this either..."

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