Stealing Energy In Another World/C9 Gongmen Feast
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Stealing Energy In Another World/C9 Gongmen Feast
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C9 Gongmen Feast

The disciples around couldn't help but buzz with speculation.

Hsu Fann sneered inwardly. It was clear to him that this was nothing short of a trap—a banquet where returning alive was not guaranteed.

"Thanks for the heads-up, Senior Brother," Hsu Fann responded coolly.

Wang Xiaogai cast a meaningful glance at Hsu Fann before departing, looking at him as if he were already a goner.

A scent of conspiracy permeated the air of the Mission Hall.

Somewhere in the distance, a figure watched Hsu Fann with a malevolent grin. "Cross me, and you won't even know how you died."

Hsu Fann spun around abruptly, sensing nothing unusual, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

As he grabbed the mission from the table, the deacon's icy voice reached his ears, "You can't blame anyone else if you're courting death."

Hsu Fann saw that the deacon had settled back into his seat, dutifully logging the mission he'd taken on.

"Appreciate the concern, deacon. I intend to come back alive to complete this mission."

The deacon meant no harm; his advice was well-intentioned. Hsu Fann now realized that the elders of the Mysterious Sect were quite decent, save for a few overzealous disciples.

After expressing his gratitude, Hsu Fann, mission in hand, left the sect grounds and made a beeline for Demon Valley.

And all the while, eyes were watching.

Deep within a cave of the Inner Sect...

Should an outer sect disciple stumble upon this place, they'd be astounded by the richness of Spiritual Qi—threefold that of the outer sect. Cultivation here was bound to be exponentially more effective.

This was precisely why so many outer sect disciples aspired to join the Inner Sect, where each would have their own private cave for cultivation, in stark contrast to the meager spiritual energy available in the communal living spaces of the outer sect.

Hsu Fann, often the target of bullying, found himself abandoned by fellow disciples wary of collateral damage, leaving him with nothing but a dilapidated courtyard.

A man toyed with a spirit fruit on the stone table, a fruit that rivaled the coveted Spirit Increasing Pill, while he listened to an underling's report.

It was well-known that outside the Mysterious Sect, the Spirit Increasing Pill was a luxury elixir that commanded a fortune. Yet here, in the man's hand, it was treated as no more than a common piece of fruit, a luxury even family disciples wouldn't dare to indulge in so frivolously.

"Interesting, he really has no fear of death."

"Well then, go take care of him. Once you do, the slot for the training expedition will be yours," the man said with an unfazed expression, tossing a spirit fruit to the person before him.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Han, for nurturing me. From now on, through fire and sword, my life is yours to command."

With that, he slowly exited the cave, his face still flushed with excitement.

"Hsu Fann? If you're looking for someone to blame, blame your rotten luck..."

A figure then dashed off in the direction of Hsu Fann.

Before long, Hsu Fann found himself at the entrance to Demon Valley.

He was immediately struck by the biting cold wind. Having reached the Breatharianism Stage, he could go without food for extended periods, essentially freeing himself from the needs of an ordinary person.

The chill of the wind was piercing, and it was no surprise that there were rumors of those who emerged unharmed from Demon Valley gaining immense strength.

Most who ventured into Demon Valley did so in groups. Hsu Fann, choosing to go alone, seemed to others as if he had a death wish.

Humans were at a disadvantage when facing demonic beasts of the same tier.

Demonic beasts were naturally tough, their hides thickened by cultivation, making them as impenetrable as armor. Without overwhelming power, their defenses were unbreakable, which is why no one hunted demonic beasts alone.

The origins of Demon Valley were far from ordinary. Legend had it that two Heavenly Immortal-level demonic beasts battled here for seven days and nights, ultimately meeting their demise together.

The valley was once a sheer cliff, but as the two Heavenly Immortals fell, mountains rose from the earth, creating a valley teeming with demonic beasts.

Due to the influence of the Heavenly Immortals, even True Immortal-level demonic beasts could be found within, empowered by a mysterious demonic force, their strength vastly superior to that of humans at the same tier.

Hsu Fann hadn't been aware of these details until the system gathered various books for him. Mistaking them for complex martial arts techniques, he read them all.

First, he would seek out a third-rank demonic beast to hone his combat prowess.

His realm had indeed advanced rapidly, yet he was still adjusting to the newfound power.

With this realization, Hsu Fann's battle spirit surged!

Initially, it took everything Hsu Fann had to slay a third-rank demonic beast.

He could only wryly smile at the challenge. Over time, Hsu Fann transformed into a relentless warrior, engaging third-rank demonic beasts with tireless ferocity.

Four days swiftly passed.

Hsu Fann withdrew his sword from a fourth-rank savage bear, having expended just a fraction of his spirit energy.

Throughout these days, Hsu Fann had merely sparred with the beasts, sparing their lives.

But when the savage bear before him launched a frenzied assault, Hsu Fann was left with no choice but to end its life.

"Ding! Successfully absorbed the One-eyed Snake's physical strength +30!"

"Ding! Successfully absorbed the Demonic Rabbit's physical strength +10!"

"Ding! Successfully absorbed a fourth-rank savage bear's physical strength +50!"

"Ding! Successfully absorbed a stalk of Barbarian Dragon Grass!"


Upon reaching Demon Valley, Hsu Fann discovered that the system could even harvest the strength of demonic beasts, boosting his physical power to that of a Serene Acceptance fifth-layer cultivator. Now, it seemed only those at the ninth layer of Serene Acceptance could breach his formidable physique.

Hsu Fann grew increasingly impressed with the system's extraordinary capabilities.

"Just three more days until the sect's field training," Hsu Fann mused. "I'll seize this chance to fulfill my mission before returning."

Demonic beasts varied in strength. The fourth-rank bear he had just dispatched was in the early period of its rank, on par with cultivators from the first to the third layer of the fifth stage, and the peak of the fourth stage. Typically, only a cultivator at the fifth stage of Serene Acceptance could vanquish such a beast solo.

Hsu Fann's task, however, was to slay a peak fourth-rank demonic beast.

It was no surprise that the deacon had rebuked him earlier. For a Golden Core fifth-layer cultivator to take on a peak fourth-rank demonic beast was tantamount to seeking one's own demise.

After several days of rigorous training, Hsu Fann's cultivation had ascended to the third layer of the Breatharianism Stage without any assistance from the system, solidifying his foundation to an unparalleled degree.

"Handling a peak fourth-level demonic beast is still a bit challenging. Time to boost my cultivation further."

It was now the moment to assimilate the cultivation he had acquired from Wang Xiaogai.

Hsu Fann made his way into the cave inhabited by the Barbarian Bear and sealed the entrance with a branch. The more advanced his cultivation became, the longer his breakthroughs took, leaving no room for interruptions.


With a deep growl, Hsu Fann entered his cultivation state, and a powerful surge of Spiritual Qi erupted within him, chaotically swirling around.

He quickly engaged his cultivation technique, guiding the Spiritual Qi into his meridians and gradually channeling it towards his dantian.

Initially, Hsu Fann could utilize the Spiritual Qi gifted by the system to enhance his cultivation directly. Now, he had to mobilize the Spiritual Qi on his own. Being at the Breatharianism Stage, the task of absorbing such an immense amount of Spiritual Qi was a formidable test for his physical body.

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