Stop Forcing Me To Be Prince Charming/C12 Be Good and Wipe My Sweat and Pour Some Water for Me to Drink!
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Stop Forcing Me To Be Prince Charming/C12 Be Good and Wipe My Sweat and Pour Some Water for Me to Drink!
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C12 Be Good and Wipe My Sweat and Pour Some Water for Me to Drink!

"Oh? Someone really stood out. Fine, this girl, step out!"

Ye Lingyu stepped out and stood side by side with Su Shengchen.

Everyone suddenly realized that the two of them were simply a match. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful. They were extremely pleasing to the eye.

Su Shengchen looked at the girl standing beside him with surprise. She blushed and didn't speak. He couldn't help but smile.

When the instructor saw this smile, he was completely unconvinced.

"Still smiling? The two of you, prepare for ten laps!"

"Instructor, it's such a hot day, I'll just run. There's no need to implicate her." Su Shengchen said with a frown.

"Cut the crap. This is military training! It's not a game! Go back! Run! "

The two of them had no choice but to turn around and start running.

"What are you looking at! Everyone, prepare for battle! When they finish running, when can you stop! "the instructor roared.

"Ah, no way. It's such a hot day. When can you finish running ten laps?"

"That's right. If they can't hold on and don't run anymore, won't we have to keep standing?"

"They made a mistake. Why do they want us to take responsibility?"

The innocent boys who were lying on the ground immediately became unhappy and complained.

"All of you shut up! Those who don't want to stand in the military posture, go and run for me!" The instructor said angrily.

Those boys immediately became dispirited and stood in their original positions with a look of despair on their faces.

On the runway.

Su Shengchen said apologetically, "Lingyu, I'm sorry to have implicated you this time."

"No, it's okay..." Ye Lingyu's voice was not as soft as before. It sounded like she was itching.

Ye Lingyu's constitution was quite good among her peers. She was not much better than most of the boys.

Before Su Shengchen came, they had trained for a long time. They stared at a big sun. After just one round, Ye Lingyu could not take it anymore.

"Hu, hu, senior. I, I can't run anymore." Ye Lingyu's pretty face was full of fine beads of sweat. Her tired look made people's heart ache.

"This won't do..." Su Shengchen did not feel anything. The increase in the system's endurance was too great.

But Ye Lingyu could not hold on any longer.

"That, Lingyu, how about I help you?" Su Shengchen suggested.

"Good, good." Ye Lingyu felt that the stars were flying in front of her eyes. She did not understand Su Shengchen's words and instinctively agreed.

"Okay. Lingyu, you have it ready later." Su Shengchen said.

Before Ye Lingyu could think of what it meant, Su Shengchen made his move.

He reached out one hand to support Ye Lingyu's waist. With a borrowed strength, Ye Lingyu's body subconsciously softened. Su Shengchen's other hand quickly followed and supported her by the bend of her leg.

A standard princess hug!

Ye Lingyu suddenly became energetic.

Her eyes were wide open as she looked at Su Shengchen in disbelief. She subconsciously struggled.

"Don't move." Su Shengchen lowered his head and smiled.

Ye Lingyu was once again lifted up. Steam seemed to be coming out of her head.

"I, I can run by myself." She gently grabbed Su Shengchen's T-shirt and said.


Su Shengchen said firmly.


Ye Lingyu looked up blankly.

"With me here, you are not allowed to be so tired. You better wipe your sweat and pour water for me!" Su Shengchen's smile became naughty.

Ye Lingyu's brain went blank.

He flirted with me again!

This was too much!

However, it seemed like he was enjoying it too...

Ye Lingyu stopped, and her attention gradually shifted from the princess hug to Su Shengchen's running speed.

"Senior, you ran so fast?" Ye Lingyu widened her eyes.

When Su Shengchen ran with her just now, she thought that the two of them were about the same level, but what did she see now?

Su Shengchen was running in circles at a speed that she did not even dare to think about!

I remember that this doesn't seem to be a sprint...

When he passed by the music academy's square formation.

"D * mn, look at that person. Why do I feel like he's the second one?" Lu Hann had sharp eyes. He pointed at the running figure on the sports field and asked in shock.

"Where? Where? Damn, it's true. Why is Second Brother running so fast... What's the matter with the girl in his arms?! "Tung Wuji was dumbfounded.

"Trash..." Sun Jie muttered. He even forgot to wave the folding fan in his hand. If it wasn't for his envious gaze, he would have thought that he hated Sun Jie so much.

The three brothers foolishly watched Su Shengchen approach them like the wind. They smiled proudly at them and ran away without saying a word.

What should they do? They really wanted to beat him up.

If they couldn't catch up, what should they do?

I'll wait online. It's quite urgent...

Ye Lingyu's square formation.

The military posture was no longer complete. Everyone's attention was attracted by Su Shengchen and ___.

"Is there such a benefit when you receive punishment together with senior?"

This was probably what all the girls were thinking.

Su Shengchen was tall, had an imposing appearance, was a group of good-looking people, and had a gentle and refined temperament. He was simply the dream lover of a large number of lesbians!

However, it was precisely like this that Senior Prince Charming was hugging another girl tightly in his arms like a princess.

How infuriating.

That instructor was no longer in the mood to berate them. He was already dumbfounded.

Was this kid a monster?

Why did he run so fast in such a hot weather?

And he was hugging a girl?

Damn, he accelerated again!

Ten laps. It took Su Shengchen ten minutes to finish running. This was a result that even elite soldiers would find difficult to achieve.

"Reporting to the instructor! I'm done running!"

Su Shengchen carried Ye Lingyu and stood in front of the instructor.

The corners of the instructor's mouth twitched. "Alright, put her down and let her join the ranks."

Su Shengchen lowered his head to look at the girl in his arms. He saw that the girl was still tightly buried in his arms, as if she did not hear him.

"Lingyu, get up after you have laid enough! Are you deliberately coveting us?"

In the square formation, Luh Xiaoshuang was making a fuss. Everyone burst into laughter.

Ye Lingyu finally reacted. First, she gently opened her eyes and looked around. When she saw the strange teasing eyes of her classmates, she was stunned.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

"Ahem, fellow student, it's about time. Quickly return to the team!" The instructor cleared his throat and said.

His attitude was much better. The strong physique that Su Shengchen displayed could easily arouse the goodwill of these soldiers.

"Hum, hum ~"

Ye Lingyu finally woke up completely. She struggled subconsciously and almost got out of Su Shengchen's arms. After landing on the ground, she hurriedly walked back to her position.


The classmates jeered and Ye Lingyu's face turned red.

Su Shengchen watched all of this with a smile. The more he looked, the more he felt that this girl was so cute.

"All students, rest on the spot!"

The instructor gave an order and left in a hurry.

"Yay - -!"

A group of people slumped to the ground without any image. They were exhausted.

In the square formation, Luh Xiaoshuang nudged Ye Lingyu. "Lingyu, Lingyu, are you guys dating?"


Ye Lingyu sat on the ground and buried her head in her arms as she spoke in a muffled voice.

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