Stories of Campus Life/C4 In the Same Shift
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Stories of Campus Life/C4 In the Same Shift
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C4 In the Same Shift

Li Xiaomei saw Liu Lei and said she had seen him somewhere before. At that moment, Lin Tao pulled Liu Lei. Liu Lei looked at him and asked, "What's the matter?" Lin Tao said, "When we were in sixth grade, there was an inter-school basketball match. She seemed to be a cheerleader, and when we went to look for Zhang Zhe, you almost knocked down a girl when you were chasing after him. And this girl was the one who was almost knocked down by you …" "Huh?" Liu Lei scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, remembering that he bumped into Li Xiaomei, and was glared at by her. Li Xiaomei almost fell down, really saw it, he apologetically said to Li Xiaomei, "Haha!" It looks like we've really met! Haha! I thought you wanted to talk to me when you saw how handsome I am! So it wasn't! I was wrong! How embarrassing! "Haha!"

"I fall!" Li Xiaomei seemed to be depressed for Liu Lei. Ever since she went to the basketball team to compete in the tournament, she encountered a plague god, and the last time, she was almost knocked down by the mischievous Liu Lei. It was all because of Zhang Zhe in class who attracted this plague god. Sigh! How tragic! Li Xiaomei's heart was filled with tragic thoughts.

"I think you're very humorous! Can we make a friend? " The foreign boy called JIM Jim stepped forward and extended his hand to Liu Lei, adding, "I'm English. My father works here, so I'm going to this school! "In the future, please take care of each other and help each other!" "Huh?" Liu Lei was shocked. "You can speak Chinese?" Jim said, "Yes! I can speak Chinese, because I went to China with my father when I was very young, China is a charming place, I like China very much! I am English! Can we be friends? " He extended his hand towards Liu Lei.

Facing Jim's outstretched hand, Liu Lei graciously reached out to shake it, saying, "Hello! My name is Liu Lei! You can call me, Ray! You can rest easy when you're with me in the future! "I will kill you!" "Oh?" Jim didn't understand, but Liu Lei replied with his snow-white teeth: "Nothing, I just teleported to 2009 all of a sudden, that's all! "Haha!" "Haha …" Jim smiled bitterly, "What and what are these?" It seems like I'm going to be with a madman! "

"I say, fellow student, don't be crazy! When foreign friends come here, as the masters, we should establish a good image. This is our responsibility! " Li Xiaomei stepped forward and said. Liu Lei said, "Oh? Is that so? Is that so? Could it be formalism? I have never liked to play formalism. One is one, two is two! This young master would rather be honest with others than to face you in front of you.

In junior high school, Liu Lei's way of thinking was very childish. It wasn't until he left society that he found out that everyone was wearing a mask and living a very tiring life.

"You!" Li Xiaomei pointed at Liu Lei, clearly angered. Jim laughed and said, "Li Xiaomei, you are so beautiful that Liu Lei couldn't help but want to get close to you, so he used this kind of provocation to get to know you quickly and make you remember him! This is also a tactic that boys use to get close to girls! " Lin Tao nodded his head, "Oh! Oh! Foreigners are indeed different. They are more experienced than us! "

"Go!" Be close to her! A man's wife, with a man's haircut, being close to her, am I not gay? Allow me to vomit. I will vomit out everything I have eaten today! " Liu Lei didn't know why she didn't like Li Xiaomei at all. He just wanted to scold her, but what about Li Xiaomei? From the moment he saw Liu Lei, he was extremely furious and gnashed his teeth in hatred. He was determined to fight Liu Lei for the upper hand. Perhaps the two of them were naturally enemies, and the reason why they were reborn was to reunite with their enemies.

Li Xiaomei said tit for tat: "You want to talk to me? Go! You went to the outer school gate and lined up. If you didn't line up for two months, you really don't have the qualifications to talk to me! " Liu Lei made a gesture to chase Li Xiaomei away, "Go! Go! When adults speak, why would children pry? Wherever it is cool, just go and cool it off! Jim, if we adults speak, we don't need to care about this little girl. Do you understand? He was ignoring her! You should understand what I'm saying, right? "

Jim laughed and said, "You two are so interesting! But according to us Englishmen, you are not a gentleman to do this! " Li Xiaomei was delighted, she grabbed onto the conversation's thread and refused to let go, "That's right! That's right! It was Jim who was knowledgeable and had the demeanor of a gentleman! Learn a little! Don't embarrass us Chinese! He looked like an ignorant and uncultured person, completely unlike a high school student! Sigh! Excuse me, who are you? Little Four? No! Or was it a mistress? Will you accompany your brother here to register? "

"Hey!" Be careful when you speak! I am a newborn! It wasn't any smaller! Little Three? What! You're the third son! " Liu Lei was extremely dissatisfied, and Jim bowed to Li Xiaomei, "Thank you very much for your praise!" Li Xiaomei took the opportunity to criticize Liu Lei: "Did you see that? English gentlemen are different! Learn a little! It will be very useful in the future! "

Liu Lei went close to Lin Tao's ear and whispered, "Lin Tao, is England like this? What kind of gentleman is this? What do you mean? What does it have to do with England? England? Ingrid? Inger Mouse? "Brother Ying is cooking porridge?" Lin Tao crumbled, "Oh my god! Liu Lei, it can't be that you don't know that England is another name for England, right? They actually said something about the Ingrid … Oh my god! When I was young, I accidentally made a friend like you! " Lin Tao's cheeks streamed with tears, and he felt so regretful that his intestines turned green.

Jim was surprised. "The English cooking porridge? "What do you mean?" Fortunately, Lin Tao responded quickly, otherwise there would be a new round of international disputes. "Liu Lei means, are all English people good at cooking porridge? which means that the food you make is very delicious! " Jim beamed. "Oh! That's how Brother Ying cooked porridge! There was no more, and it was not like what Liu Lei said, each and every one of them had excellent culinary skills! But, thank you so much for your praise! " Another graceful bow.

"Oh!" Oh! So it turns out that England is really like a brother cooking porridge! " It was precisely because of this misunderstanding that poor Liu Lei was unable to properly separate England and England to cook porridge, causing Li Xiaomei to correct her mistakes repeatedly.

Jim looked at Lin Tao and said, "Hello!" Lin Tao also replied, "Hello! My name is Lin Tao! Jim, I'm glad to meet you! " Jim laughed and said, "I'm glad to meet you, too!"

Lin Tao asked, "Which class are you in?" Jim pointed to the new student list and said, "I'm in class one!" Aiya! What a coincidence! I'm in Class One too! In the future, we will be classmates! "Take good care of him!" Li Xiaomei was very happy.

Lin Tao said, "Then let's see which class we're in!" Liu Lei walked over. With his sharp eyes, he saw the names of himself and Lin Tao and shouted, "Lin Tao, we are one …"

"One …" Oh my god! It can't be? This scoundrel was in Class 1? To work in the same class as me? Oh my god! God, don't make fun of me! A good and good student of good character like me, you shouldn't be in the same class as a rascal like you! " Li Xiaomei started to pray, suddenly she felt Liu Lei turned into a ghost wearing a white headband surrounding her, the white ghost fire jumped up and down, flickering non-stop, lingering around her, saying in a weird voice: "You can't run anymore! You won't be able to escape from my palms! "

Liu Lei's next words put Li Xiaomei at ease, "We are a one-on-one team! "Haha!" "Huh?" The moment those who heard this, their gazes uniformly gathered onto Liu Lei. Lin Tao was surprised and said, "How can there be a horizontal and vertical class?" Oh! It could be Class 10. I was wrong, isn't the cross a horizontal and vertical one? "Haha!" Liu Lei didn't feel awkward at all. He was making a joke and was actually very happy. It was impossible for him to not accept someone like him.

Li Xiaomei heaved a sigh of relief, "That's great! Great! So dangerous! I don't want to be classmates with such a person! " Jim looked regretful. "Really? What a pity! If I was in the same class as Liu Lei, I would definitely be very happy! "

"Oh!" Are we in Class 10? "Where is it?" When Lin Tao heard Liu Lei say that they were in Class 10, he wanted to go up and take a look, but Liu Lei said: "Wrong!" He pointed to the list in front of him and said, "Here!" Lin Tao looked at the list of Class 10 and then looked at Class 1's name. "Aren't you talking about Class 10?" "Why do you seem to be referring to Class 1?"

"Huh?" Liu Lei was shocked, he looked again and felt a little embarrassed, saying: "Haha! He had made a mistake! He had made a mistake! So I'm on the same squad as you! "Haha!" Lin Tao took a look. Isn't that so? The names of himself and Liu Lei were clearly on the list of class one students! Lin Tao looked again and asked, "Don't tell me you think the word ') is vertical?" That's why you call it one-on-one and one-on-one? This is all considered to be vertical... Me, Me... Please don't tell me it's true! " Lin Tao had an ominous premonition. The possibility of an idiot like Liu Lei making a mistake was practically irrefutable …

"Huh?" Liu Lei was dumbstruck. He embarrassedly touched the back of his head and said, "Aiya! I made a mistake! The ')' sign behind it, I think it's wrong to be vertical! Lin Tao, you really know me! Worthy of being my good brother! Haha! If a person failed, the pig would lose its footing! I'm sorry! "

Li Xiaomei was depressed, "Oh my god! It can't be? I am going to be in the same class as such a rascal! Oh my god! My junior high school three years are all over! "It's over!" "When Liu Lei said:" "People fail, pigs lose their feet." "Student, please read more. Don't pretend not to understand. It should be people lose their hands and horses lose their hooves!"

Liu Lei was waiting for the person who would correct his mistakes to appear and then reveal his eloquence: "I know! But I often fail in this way, and the horse does not lose too many feet, is pure accident, as the pig is too fat, fall is a common thing, just as I often lose the normal thing! So I said, 'A man misses, a pig misses his hoof.' Do you understand? Little girl, do you need me to teach you again? Oh right, you haven't paid the tuition fee yet, so I can't teach you too much! "Now that you have paid the fees, I can teach you immediately!" A person with thick skin was truly invincible!

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