Stories of Campus Life/C6 First Day of School
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Stories of Campus Life/C6 First Day of School
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C6 First Day of School

Ma Lili noticed that Liu Lei and Li Xiaomei seemed to be familiar with each other, so she turned around and asked, "Liu Lei, how come you and her …" She looked at Li Xiaomei unfriendly. Liu Lei said, "We are enemies! This was called the enemy being narrow, if not, they would not be divided between the front and back tables! But you and I are definitely not enemies! It's a good classmate! " Only then did Marilyn relax.

Wei Hua did not utter a single word. Wei Hua was Liu Lei's tablemate, and when he saw Ma Lili, he couldn't help but shiver. For some reason, he felt an inexplicable stirring in his heart.

Li Xiaomei said, "Oh! "What a coincidence, my classmate in primary school is your classmate, and yours is my classmate!" Liu Lei put his arm around Wei Hua's shoulder and said: "We're deskmates, don't worry! I know how fierce this woman is. You must have had enough of her in elementary school! Don't worry! I will definitely avenge you! You just wait and see a good show! Just wait for me to avenge you! " Wei Hua made a gesture of helplessness towards Li Xiaomei.

"HI!" Jim was behind Liu Lei, Liu Lei looked back and said, "Ah! Really, Jim, you're behind me! " Jim laughed and said, "Yeah! Liu Lei, we were really fated! " Fortunately, Liu Lei was in the middle, not Li Xiaomei. Otherwise, Jim and Liu Lei would never be able to be friends in the future! Sigh! The word love! Of course, that was in the future …

And at this time, Liu Lei saw a strange phenomenon. What kind of strange phenomenon was this?

On the left, Liu Lei saw a person who had been lying motionlessly on the table. He looked very self-conscious and his clothes weren't bright enough compared to the other students. It was obvious that he was either a poor student or someone who had been transferred from the countryside.

"Hello! Does this student even know how to play the top? " Liu Lei really did bring a top, and then he hit one and the top rotated on the ground. The student looked at Liu Lei in surprise. Liu Lei smiled widely, dispelling his classmate's prejudice. He timidly asked, "I'm from the countryside, and you're from the town. Can you play with me? You won't call me a country bumpkin? "I'm from the countryside..."

Zhang Jian felt extremely inferior, because he came from the countryside, Liu Lei smiled brightly and said, "I am also from the countryside! I used to go with my brothers to the fields to fish for frogs, and I used to catch the leeches that drank blood in the fields, "I'll pay the price of your blood if you come near me," and throw the leeches on cow dung or throw salt on it. He even went to the small ditch to fish for shrimp and small fish. When I was a child, I grew up on the back of a cow, in the fields! Haha! The threshing floor and grain drying field are paradise for our games, and we often burrow into piles of rice straw! "

Liu Lei's words opened the student's heart: "Yeah! It was really very interesting. On the contrary, when he came to the city, he was unable to find such fun! In the country, I took a slingshot and went with my brothers to play pheasants and birds, and we even competed together! "The big brothers even climbed up the tree to catch a hornet's nest. There's really a lot of happiness there!"

Liu Lei moved closer to him and said, "Have you guys done it before? When a certain villain was passing by a pile of cow dung, he suddenly threw a firecracker on the cow dung, and with a "bam" sound, the cow dung exploded. If Scoundrel was surprised and opened his mouth, alas! That's great! He really ate feces! It would definitely taste good, especially his expression of shock and anger! Haha! How exciting! Who told you to be a scoundrel! Humph! Serves him right! "See if you can do anything bad in the future!

Liu Lei's words piqued his interest, saying, "In the past, we have often used rocks to smash cow dung and planted flowers on cow dung, but there is no such thing as you guys doing! Haha! To think that life is such a happy thing! " At this point, his wariness towards Liu Lei had completely disappeared. It was as if they were a pair of good friends.

When Jim heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, and he couldn't help but admire this awesome person, Liu Lei. Seated next to Jim was Sam, who, upon hearing this, looked at Liu Lei strangely, as if he were always looking for a chance to see how powerful Liu Lei was, or if he was just a talker. Of course there will be an introduction soon, but don't underestimate this Sam, because with Sam and Bill plus Liu Lei and Jim, the physical fitness of the boys in class one will rise to the extreme and no one in the whole grade will be able to match them! Of course, Lin Tao's running ability couldn't be lost as well. This was something that would be slowly narrated in the future.

Liu Lei said, "That's right! I've been talking to you for so long and I still don't know your name! My name is Liu Lei! " The other party replied, "I am Zhang Jian!" Liu Lei stretched out his hand and said, "In the future, we will be good friends!" Hm! "Good friend!" Zhang Jian also shook hands with Liu Lei.

Jim leaned forward, saw the top, and asked, "What's this?" Liu Lei answered, "Oh, top! It was very fun! "Later, I will teach you how to play!" "Alright!" Jim was overjoyed. "You teach me how to play top. I'll teach you how to play skateboard!" Liu Lei and Zhang Jian did not understand. "Slipboard?" Jim went back to his seat and pulled out the skateboard. Skateboarding! Later you guys will teach me how to play the top, and I'll teach you guys how to play the skateboard! " The three agreed.

"Teacher is here!" With this shout, the originally noisy classroom immediately quieted down. "Da Da!" Thump thump. The crisp sound of high heels could be heard as the teacher stood on the podium. Everyone recognized her as the beautiful teacher from the registration period. I'm your form teacher, Teacher Gao! I will study and live with everyone for the next three years! I will be your English teacher! "

"Teacher Gao is so beautiful! So enchanting! This is truly worthy of being called a fool! " Some of the students began discussing in private. As for Liu Lei, he was folding a piece of paper. He folded a piece of paper and wrote four parts on each part. Liu Lei put his finger into the folded piece of paper, but his playfulness did not change at all. English? I am not interested in English! " Liu Lei is not interested in English, so he will be different in the future.

Liu Lei looked up. On the blackboard, there were the same eight words as in elementary school: "Hard work, hard work, hard work." He looked around the classroom and saw that there were still portraits of celebrities and their famous words: "Genius, 1% inspiration, 99% sweat." There was also one from the Prime Minister, "To study for the rise of China!" Zhang Haidi: "As long as my heart is still beating, I will work hard to learn!" Li Bai's story: "As long as one's kung fu is deep enough, the iron pestle will be sharpened into a needle!" The back wall of the classroom was the study garden, which was also the report of the class. It seemed that it was no different from the elementary school's classroom.

Liu Lei sighed and said, "Why is it always like this! It was the same as the primary school! It can't be like a primary school student being asked by a teacher or a classmate to sit down, can I? "Stupid!"

Wei Hua said: "We are junior high school students, how can you say, 'Who sits well, I sit well' as soon as you start a lesson? "After the fourth grade, they stopped shouting!" "Haha!" Liu Lei rubbed his head and said, "I was just worried that it would happen again, that's all I said!" Wei Hua said: "But it's really lucky to have such a beautiful teacher as our homeroom teacher! Think of our former head teacher is a very old woman, I feel sad! "Right now, they are finally on guard!" Liu Lei said, "Oh! Oh! That's right! "Then I feel sorry for you when you were in primary school!"

Muddleheaded Gao said, "Students, within two weeks, we have to choose a class based on everyone's performance. Does anyone have any objections?" Since the teacher had already said so, who would still have any objections?

Wei Hua said quietly to Li Xiaomei, "Squad leader, no matter what, I will choose you! You will definitely be the class monitor again! " Liu Lei said, "Hello! Are you my deskmate! How can we support this male granny? " Wei Hua replied, "She's my classmate, how can I not support her?"

Li Xiaomei said proudly, "The eyes of the masses are bright!" However, Ma Lili remained silent and thought to herself: "Liu Lei doesn't want my classmate to become a class worker?" It seemed that Mary already knew what to do.

"Zhang Jian!" Liu Lei turned to Zhang Jian and said, "You wouldn't choose this male granny, right?" Zhang Jian nodded his head vigorously, "Liu Lei, I will listen to you!" Liu Lei was extremely pleased with himself. "As expected of a good friend and brother! "You are too loyal!" Then, she leaned forward and whispered to Li Xiaomei, "The bet between us, you will lose for sure!" Li Xiaomei sneered, saying sarcastically, "We are Zhang Guoguo — just wait and see!" Liu Lei thought otherwise. "Just wait and see!" You're dead in two weeks! But beg me, I will really take back my orders! "Haha!" Liu Lei's words were true. He was a man with a sharp tongue and a rotten heart!

Muddleheaded Gao looked around the class and asked, "Which student would like to stand up?" Liu Lei pointed at Ma Lili and said, "Teacher! In the past, the ones who stood up when our class shouted were all Marilyn! " "Ma Lili, are you willing to do that?" Seeing that it was Liu Lei who had nominated them, Ma Lili happily agreed. "I'm willing!" Wei Hua was surprised. He looked at Ma Lili who was standing in front of him and asked, "Can she?" He then looked at Li Xiaomei, feeling that she was the most suitable for him.

Muddleheaded Gao said again, and she said, "Now, everyone, I want to start a test! It's your first day of school! " The students had their own opinions now: "What is it? "Another test?" "Why did you take the exam on the first day of school?" You didn't tell us about the exam! Really! "Let us be caught unprepared!" "I don't even have a pen, what should I do?" I don't have a pen either! "

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