Stories of Campus Life/C9 Squad Leader Li Xiaomei
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Stories of Campus Life/C9 Squad Leader Li Xiaomei
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C9 Squad Leader Li Xiaomei

"Hee hee!" Liu Lei went up to Li Xiaomei and said, "Gym, there's no hope for you! Why did the teacher choose a dead demon to work for? " Li Xiaomei said tit for tat, "Ha! I say, you are a naughty and naughty student! They had not announced who the class monitor was yet! "You should just wait and see!" Liu Lei scoffed, "Go! You're like a dead chicken with a particularly hard neck! "

"The next announcement is about the class monitor …" Everyone held their breath, wanting to know who the class monitor was, and even Heightened was deliberately standing there with their hearts in their throats. However, Liu Lei acted as if nothing had happened, telling Zhang Jian, Wei Hua, and then turning back to Jim and Sam, "It definitely won't be the woman in front of me!"

Liu Lei said proudly to the left and right, "The class monitor is definitely not that male nanny Li Xiaomei!" Just as he finished his sentence, Li Xiaomei's high-pitched voice rang out, "Squad leader is Li Xiaomei!" With a "poof" sound, Liu Lei's mouth opened wide in shock. "Bang", Liu Lei couldn't sit still and fell down.

Wei Hua hurriedly helped Liu Lei up: "Liu Lei, are you alright?" Muddleheaded Gao also asked happily: "Student Liu Lei, are you alright? Did he hurt himself? Let's go to the school's clinic to take a look! " Liu Lei's butt was burning in pain, but he couldn't care less and asked, "Teacher Gao, who's the class monitor?" Muddleheaded Gao answered, "It's Li Xiaomei!"

"Oh my god!" Liu Lei couldn't believe it. In an instant, it was as if the sky had collapsed. The sky in Liu Lei's mind started to drizzle and dense dark clouds shrouded Liu Lei's heart.

Muddleheaded Gao asked, "Are there any questions or mistakes? You fell down. Are you all right? " Liu Lei dared to say something else? "No!" Absolutely not! "Thank you for teacher's concern. I was fine, I just fell off accidentally!" Only then did Muddleheaded Gao lightly nodded his head and said to Liu Lei, "You have to be careful in the future!" Liu Lei answered very straightforwardly, "Yes! "Teacher!" But he was muttering to himself, "How can it be this man that is acting as class rep? "Why would it be a male class rep who is the class rep?"

Then, he said to the whole class, "My fellow students, the class I am announcing now has a duration of one month. If anyone is incompetent during this month, they will also make adjustments, so I hope that the class I am nominating will fulfill their duties well!" Saying that, he turned to Li Xiaomei, and said: "Li Xiaomei, are you willing to be the class monitor? You were a class monitor for six years in primary school! "I have the experience!"

Li Xiaomei stood up and replied, "Yes! Teacher! I will definitely do my best! " Mystic One laughed heartily and said, "That's great! "Oh right, there are no more candidates for the Disciplinary Committee now, so why don't you let the class monitor and the two vice class monitor temporarily take over? If any of your classmates violate the rules, I hope you can deal with them impartially!" "Yes!" Li Xiaomei, Wei Hua and Ling Feng all expressed their determination.

It's just that it's too much for our poor Liu Lei, this is too big of a blow! Not only did he lose the bet to Li Xiaomei, but Li Xiaomei was also disciplined. It would be weird if this man who had enmity with her did not take this opportunity to find fault with her, not to mention he was unclean … Liu Lei felt bitter in his heart. It was so bitter!

After class, Li Xiaomei faced the loser Liu Lei with a victorious look, and said: "How is it? "Our bet …" Liu Lei, on the other hand, was a true man. Good! I promise you something! What is it! Speak! As long as it's not murder or arson, this sort of thing would be considered as preposterous! "

Liu Lei didn't know that he had promised Li Xiaomei to do something that prevented Jim and Li Xiaomei from being together after the college entrance exam. This laid the foundation for him to become Li Xiaomei's lover after he entered university. Please continue to enjoy the scenery, and I will explain everything to you in the future.

Li Xiaomei was angered by Liu Lei's words, this Liu Lei was a loser yet he still dared to anger her, so she said, "Don't make me so dirty, why do you have to do things like murder and arson! "I did not think of that right now. I will tell you about it when I think of it!" "Hahaha!" Liu Lei forced a smile. It seemed like this debt was settled and he really didn't like the feeling of being in debt!

It was because of this bet that Liu Lei and Li Xiaomei were together again. Of course, this was all in the future.

Li Xiaomei said sternly, "But there is one thing I need to explain to you! In these two weeks, you have slept six times in the class, making a lot of noise 16 times. In the class, you have read a lot of martial arts novels, and as long as you don't sleep, you will only be reading martial arts novels or history books in the class, right? "

"Oh my god!" How did Li Xiaomei know this so well? There's a traitor! " This was Liu Lei's first reaction. Liu Lei couldn't help but to glance at Wei Hua. Wei Hua stuck out his tongue and turned his head to the other side. That's right, his tablemate Wei Hua had betrayed him! Li Xiaomei sat in front of him and knew that he was noisy, but she had nothing to say about it. She had read novels about martial arts and history, and yet she was still known. But what could he do?

Li Xiaomei snapped, "I'm warning you not to be so disciplinary! "Otherwise, just wait for your name to be posted on the blackboard at the entrance of the school so that the students and teachers of the school can admire your achievements!" "Haha …" Although Liu Lei was scared, but the other side was his enemy, and the other side couldn't wait to do that. Do you think a hungry tiger would pity a pig? This was impossible! With the sabre in his hand, he was just a pitiful lamb waiting to be slaughtered. How could he not lower his head under the eaves?

Li Xiaomei continued, "But I still want to praise you a little, at least you are not late and you left early! This is very good! Very rare! Of course, if you were to read martial arts novels in class, I hope you would stop reading them. I can turn a blind eye to your current situation, but you are not allowed to cause a ruckus and sleep in class! Do you understand? Alright! Since my words have come to this, you can decide on your own! "

Liu Lei felt a wave of helplessness. This time, he was going to be butchered! Jim laughed and said, "Liu Lei, you're in trouble! Actually, Li Xiaomei was a good person, she was doing this for your own good! You can't blame her! " Jim spoke up for Li Xiaomei! Not surprisingly, Jim's first impression of Li Xiaomei was very good.

Liu Lei angrily said, "An old man doesn't want to cross the road, but you insisted on pulling him along. You even said that you would help the old man, what kind of logic is that!" Hearing this, Jim became silent. Liu Lei, you're awesome!

Sam said, "Liu Lei, in a moment, we will compete with you in PE class!" Liu Lei asked, "Compete in what?" Sam said, "Football! Me, Jim, Bill, and Li Ming are in the same team, you can find someone you can trust! This was because the physical education teacher had said that boys could form teams to compete with each other during this period! How about it? Do you dare? "

Liu Lei was not afraid though, and said: "Why wouldn't I dare to do that? Good! We'll have a good match in PE later! " Sam said, "Good! It was a deal! Just choose a good person! "

Li Xiaomei turned around and said, "A football match? "I see that Sam and the others are very powerful …" Liu Lei grinned and laughed, saying, "I have so many good friends, I'm not afraid at all! He might not lose! Isn't it? "Wei Hua, Zhang Jian!" "Huh?" Wei Hua and Zhang Jian looked at Liu Lei, both of them remaining silent.

Physical education class arrived. The physical education teacher was MRHU (Mr. Hu). The MRHU had gone to chat with Muddleheaded for a long time. Mr. Hu was good at basketball. Not only that, he was also humorous and could always make people laugh.

Wei Hua said to Liu Lei, "Liu Lei, do you know? It was rumored that Teacher Hu likes to die of ecstasy. Looks like it's true! As long as you see a fool, you will take the initiative to start a conversation! However, our homeroom teacher has been chased to death by many people. She can be said to be the flower of our school's teachers! Many people will not be able to catch up to him! "

Liu Lei laughed and said, "Wei Hua, this is called 'love of beauty'. Aren't our boys also very tempted by this kind of thing? But teacher is really beautiful, it's fine as long as he isn't our teacher! " Wei Hua laughed and said, "Look at you, giggling. You must be daydreaming, right?" Liu Lei did not know shame. "Of course, if you want to be a beauty, then so be it. Many students in English class are staring at you with lustful eyes. Being so mesmerized …"

Just as Liu Lei was thinking, Sam and Bill came over, and Sam said, "How is it, is Liu Lei ready? I've already asked Teacher Hu, and he agreed! " Liu Lei held his head high and said, "So what! "Who's afraid of who!"

A whistle sounded and Mr Hu's voice rang out. "Everyone, gather!" Soon, all the students had gathered. Mr. Hu said: "My fellow students, in the last PE class, I said that men and women could fight on their own teams. Now Sam and Bill are suggesting that boys team up to compete in a football match! Alright! Now you can organize yourselves! Originally, a football match could have consisted of three players, but now, there was no limit to the number of players who could play! As for the other female students … "

Li Xiaomei said, "Teacher, we want to play volleyball!" Mr Hu nodded: "Alright then, you can go and play volleyball!" Very soon, everyone took their positions, and Mr. Hu would be the referee.

On Sam's side, the Blue Team was made up of the tall and big students, while on Liu Lei's side, the Red Team was small and thin. Some of them were just top students. Isn't this a mantis stalking a car?

Lin Tao was caught by Liu Lei and resisted: "Let me go! Liu Lei, I'm not playing football! It's not like I know how to kick! " Liu Lei said, "I don't know how to kick either! Can't you just kick the ball? " Lin Tao shouted, "I don't want it!" Wei Hua and Ling Feng also shook their heads: "Isn't it obvious that we will lose? They all have the best physical education in the class, and we... "

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