Story about Warrior Sun/C50 Bridge of confusion
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Story about Warrior Sun/C50 Bridge of confusion
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C50 Bridge of confusion

However, in that moment of life and death, a resolute and urgent voice sounded in the ink mark's ears!

"This time, let me do it!" As expected, the owner of this voice was naturally one of the Nine Peak Masters who had been watching by the side all this while. He was also a Tactics Deities, and at the same time, his expression changed as his figure flashed.

"Hah!" In that moment, it transformed into a thick white wall, standing in mid air, but it was also extremely fast, the wall that seemed to be extremely strong, suddenly exploded under the destructive force of the gale. Amidst the rumbling sounds, the Tactics Deities spat out a mouthful of blood, and under the force of the gale, he was sent flying backwards, smashing onto the mountain wall of the Ancestral Peak, while he only lasted for two breaths more than Wu Xingyan!

In the blink of an eye, he had already done two things. One, he suppressed his state of mind and continued to circulate his cultivation, preparing with all his might. Two, he immediately sent a sound transmission to the other Peak Masters!

"You all don't need to think about anything else. If you help me now, there must be a chance of survival. Believe me, none of you will survive today. The Peak Masters who were hesitant at the side, suddenly heard ink mark's persuasion at this moment, and then recalled the Zhao Lin who had been instantly killed. While feeling helpless, they also had to admit, what the ink mark had said … Indeed!

The spirit energy in his body boiled. The moment the white wall shattered, he was just about to take action and help the ink mark resist the arrival of the fierce winds. Not only him, but the Sixth Peak Master, Wang Cheng, also made his move at this moment, as if he wanted to act with Zhou Jin!

But they never would have thought that at this moment of extreme danger, the Peak Masters of the Seventh and Eighth Peaks, Wu Fa and Li Bao, would have a mysterious sneer on their faces and a black light flashed across their eyes. Suddenly, their figures moved, not to help the ink mark, but to block in front of Zhou Jin and Wang Cheng!

"What?!" Zhou Jin and Wang Cheng revealed an expression of shock at almost the same time, while the ink mark who was watching all of this from behind had become silent. However, if one looked carefully, in his eyes, there was still a bit of surprise, but now, under the obstruction of Wu Fa and Li Bao, the wild wind was already approaching them, causing him … There was simply no time to ponder over why Wu Fa and Li Bao had betrayed them!

In addition, if his cultivation base was obstructed, then what awaited him would either be … Only death awaited him. However, right now, ink mark's expression was extremely calm, because he knew that the final Peak Master would definitely make his move!

Sure enough!

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping Mo Cheng. Leave the remaining six breaths to me!" Suddenly, Liu Lian's emotionless voice reached the ears of the ink mark. Looking at her alluring body, she teleported right before the gale, and in the next moment, she appeared before it, and in the midst of the tempest, she stretched out her jade hand and pointed at the gale, and immediately, a power that could reverse the flow of time came about. The gale also stopped at this moment, and as if it had lost the time, it stood still in the air!

However, looking at Liu Lian's expression, it was obvious that she had become somewhat weak. It seemed that even with her special technique, it would still be a little difficult to block a channeloscope technique!

At this time, seeing Liu Lian make her move, Zhou Jin and Wang Cheng finally heaved a sigh of relief. But in the next moment, their eyes were filled with anger;

"Even if I have to die today, I will drag all of you down with me!" Zhou Jin bellowed, and took the initiative to attack first. His cultivation of the middle stage of the Spirit Severing Stage revealed no doubt, and immediately fought with Wu Fa, and Wang Cheng who was at the side did not hesitate, the anger in his voice was not weaker than Zhou Jin's. At this moment, his eyes flashed, and he rushed straight to Li Bao's location!

With just you two?! "What a joke!" Li Bao smiled disdainfully as he suddenly waved his hand at Wang Cheng who was about to arrive. In an instant, countless magical artifacts that were mixed with a strange green light appeared in the sky and smashed toward Wang Cheng!

Let's not talk about their battle for now, but at the same time, when cachexia Mo Cheng saw Liu Lian, he frowned. A wave of calm and tranquil thoughts filled his mind, and after that, he slowly raised her left hand, and inexplicably pointed at Liu Lian, asking: "Who, are you?"

"What?!" Hearing these words, Liu Lian felt a doubt in her heart and shuddered.

… ….

Bewitching Sky Palace, 80 bridges of the Yellow Springs, on the platform.

Sun Yan slowly opened his eyes. After completely calming his mind, his expression was slightly flushed, and very quickly, he stood up, looking at the two bridges in front of him. There was no confusion in his eyes, and just before the platform beneath his feet completely collapsed, he stepped onto the 80th bridge!

"Wu Kong!" Originally, Sun Yan had already heard a lot of these words along the journey to the Yellow Springs. Even though his heart had a different feeling every time he heard them, this time, what he felt in his heart, was not anything else but an intense wave of anger!

"This sound is …" Sun Yan was startled, frowned, and his expression changed slightly. But now, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and was actually unable to walk down as calm as before. Furthermore, this kind of situation had never happened before, and he could only hear his hatred in his tone, as he muttered: "Tathagata!"

"Do you remember what I told you. I protected your master all the way to the west. Come to the Great Thunderclap Temple, I will give you the scripture and you will become a Buddha. "Let's turn back!" The voice of Tathagata continued.

Half of it required him to turn his head around to verify, and the other half required him to suppress his thoughts. What was even more strange was that the sealed aura in his body, for the first time, gave a reaction on the road to the Yellow Springs, as if he could not differentiate between the truth and falsehood of this voice!

"Such as … "Come!" Sun Yan continued to mutter. He did not turn his head around, nor did he continue walking forward. In his silence, under a situation of mixed emotions, he suddenly said a sentence, "True scripture … "What is it?"

"Hmm?" The voice was startled, as if he did not expect Sun Yan to ask this question, yet he still remained silent for a moment, and then, he replied. "Everyone has their answer, what you want to know, is not my answer … I can only tell you that the so-called Sutra of the True is also the truth.

"Then, what is the truth?" After another moment, Sun Yan asked.

"The truth?" It was as if the words had run out of words. The voice of Tathagata could not be heard for a long time.

"What is the truth?" Sun Yan did not say that out loud. He didn't know. He also believed that no one knew whether it was him or the so-called Tathagata …. But perhaps, only the true Tathagata will know, then, that it is his own answer. But the current Sun Yan also has his own answer!

"My truth is … Go on! " Suddenly, Sun Yan's gaze calmed down once again. In the end, he no longer paid attention to the voice that never appeared, and with a single step, stepped onto the eighty-first platform. What's different was that the eightieth bridge did not disappear, but instead directly collapsed!

"The final bridge!"

In the next moment, he stepped onto the final eighty-first bridge. Strangely enough, however, this time, not a single sound from the bridge reached his ears, just like how this bridge was extremely ordinary until the point where Sun Yan would never even dare believe that this bridge was the bridge of the Yellow Springs!

Thus, he stopped once again!

On the other hand.

Mo Cheng, who was watching everything, shook his head: "The last bridge is a bridge, but it isn't a bridge. The first forty bridges of yellow spring bridge were created by cachexia, the last forty bridges were created by me, and this last one was created by me and cachexia together. "There's only one thing. Normally, the higher your cultivation base, the greater the resistance you will face. The lower your cultivation level, the greater the possibility of passing!"

seventh layer of Qi Condensation is very low, but because I am confused and confused, my intelligence is not weak, and even more so, it is not easy to pass this last bridge. But, if I am certain that it is only a bridge in my heart, then, it is just a bridge, do you understand?! "


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