Strongest Alchemist/C13 Conspiracy
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Strongest Alchemist/C13 Conspiracy
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C13 Conspiracy

13 Conspiracy

"Two moves!" It actually only took two moves to break through the formation! "

Someone came back to reality and said in shock.

This sentence finally broke the long silence of the martial ring, and the suffocating silence quietly left.

"The Triple Talent Spell is extremely powerful, even the lowest rank one would need at least a rank two spirit master to break it. Yet, he was able to break it in two moves?!"

"And the two moves he used were actually... Thirteen moves of the Dragon and Tiger … how is this possible? "

"How can the Thirteen Series of Dragon and Tiger be so powerful?!"

"Isn't he an idiot? How could he have mastered the thirteen moves of the Dragon and Tiger? "


On the martial arts practice field, the surprised sounds of discussion could be heard incessantly, and it reached the ears of the forester.

The forest elder's face was ashen.

For a long time, his plan had been to defeat Lin Yan at the age of fifteen and force him out of the Lin Family estate.

For a long time, he had thought that his plan was foolproof. "Taking a step back a thousand steps, even if Lin Yan regained his consciousness, he was just a piece of trash who could not train a spirit cultivator, breaking the formation would be extremely difficult. Taking a step back ten thousand steps, even if he could train a spirit cultivator, it would be impossible for him to break through the formation in half a year.

But who would have thought that this fool would only use the two most ordinary of moves to break through the first level three genius formation that only a second rank spirit master could break? This was far too strange and unexpected. Even if Lin Zi had been racking his brains, he would not have expected such a result.

Lin Luo could not believe it at all. He rubbed his eyes and confirmed the unexpected result again and again.

After a while, Lin Zi finally calmed down.

On the stage, Lin Yan, who was dressed in black, appeared slightly skinny but he stood tall and straight, showing off to the crowd that he was back.

His gaze was cold as he scanned the people below the arena.

Those who were caught in his gaze all lowered their heads.

In the end, Lin Yan's gaze landed on the Lin Zi Chang's face, which had just regained its calmness.

That clear and cold gaze caused the dignified head of the forest to tremble slightly.

Lin Yan spoke, "Acting clan leader, do I still have the qualifications to inherit the position of clan leader?"

Once these words were spoken, everyone was once again shocked. Even though most of them had already guessed from Lin Yan's performance just now that he was not an idiot, Lin Yan's clear words had once again shocked them.

Over the past half year, Lin Yan had always been viewed as a trash and a fool. No one had ever thought that there would be a day he would recover.

But this sentence announced to everyone — I'm back.

Lin Luo recovered from the shock, clenching his fist tightly, he muttered: "So …" This piece of trash is faking it. "

The corners of Lin Zi's eyes slightly twitched, and a trace of an ugly smile appeared on his expressionless face all year long. He stood up from his seat and said, "Young Master has finally recovered. The old Patriarch can rest in peace in the Spirit of Heaven. "

Lin Yan withdrew his cold gaze from the head of the forest and swept his eyes across the crowd once more. Then, without saying a word, he stepped down from the stage and walked to Uncle Lin's side.

Uncle Lin was already in tears.

In the past half year, he had always thought of the smart young master returning once again. But now, in front of everyone, at this most important moment, the young master had finally returned.

Lin Yan held on to the tear-filled Uncle Lin and used his sleeves to wipe his tears away. He said softly, "Uncle Lin, let's go back."

The surrounding people immediately opened up a path for them.

As Lin Yan walked by, their eyes flickered from time to time with shame, guilt, regret or worry.

Lin Yan supported the trembling Uncle Lin. Under the eyes of the crowd, under the scorching sun, he slowly left.

In fact, the reason why Lin Yan was able to so easily break through the formation was because the opponent had underestimated him.

When the three surrounded him, they didn't use all of their power to activate the formation. They never expected that this fool would be so capable, to the point that the most important person among the three of them, Feng Yan, was knocked out of the arena in one move.

Fire borrowed wind, water also borrowed wind. Without water and fire, its power was reduced by at least seventy to eighty percent. That was why Lin Yan had defeated it so easily.

However, from this, it could be seen that Lin Yan's perception was extremely sharp, and his ability to grasp opportunities was also very outstanding. He was good at utilizing the opponent's weakness and killing him in one blow. That was why it was so easy to break through the formation, causing those people to be taken aback.

Late at night.

Lin Zi's bedroom.

It was still the flickering light that cast the shadows of the two ghosts on the ground.

Lin Luo's eyes were filled with unwillingness and hatred, he gnashed his teeth and said, "Father, I never thought that trash would actually be able to break through the Triple Layers Formation. His foolishness in the past six months is actually for us to see. "

Lin Zi's face was expressionless, his back facing Lin Luo. After a while, he said, "We were too careless. If I knew this would happen, I would have arranged for a Rank 2 Spiritual Master's Tri-Talent Formation. "

"That trash didn't even train in the Spirit Realm, and actually used the most common Dragon Tiger Thirteen Movement to break through the formation. Father, there must be something strange going on."

"I'm sending people to investigate too." The forest voice was deep and low.

"What should we do now, father? He has the qualification to inherit the position of the clan leader, wouldn't all of our previous efforts be wasted?" Father, you must think of a way. "

Lin Zi took a deep breath and said, "Luo'er, are you a peak rank 2 Spirit Master now?"

Lin Luo was stunned, she did not understand what Lin Zi's words meant.

The head of the forest turned his head and said, "It is true that he has broken through the formation, but if he wants to inherit the position of clan leader, he will have to wait until he is eighteen. According to the clan rules, when he inherited the position of Patriarch at the age of 18, he had to accept the challenges of the younger generation of the clan. If he won, he could inherit the position of clan leader. But if he lost, he would at most become a clan elder. So, we still have a chance. "

Lin Luoluo's eyes brightened as she anxiously asked, "Father, do you mean …" You want me to challenge it that day? "

"That's right. Even though he broke through the Triad Formation, I can't compare to you in terms of strength. If you train diligently in these three years, in addition to the assistance of the pills I gave you, with your talent, you might be able to reach the fourth level. At that time, the Patriarch's successor will still be yours. "

Lin Luoluo revealed a joyful smile on her face as she hurriedly said, "Father has thought it through. Father, don't worry. In these three years, I will definitely train to the fourth level. "

"But that's not enough. Maybe... We should do something. " The forest elder's expressionless face flickered in and out of the light, looking ghastly and terrifying.

That night, Lin Yan did not sleep for a long time.

He thought back to the times when his father was still alive, and how miserable he had been after his father's death. Now that he had broken through the formation, everyone was left dumbstruck.

After half a year, Lin Yan finally proved to everyone that he was the Patriarch's successor and that he was the Patriarch's most advantageous competitor.


However, this was not the end. It was not the time to relax yet.

Three years later, at the age of eighteen, he still had to meet the challenges of the same generation.

Lin Yan knew that with his current strength, it was impossible for him to contend against a peak Rank 2 Spirit Master like Lin Luo. Thus, he had to work even harder, striving to become a true pill refiner in these three years. Only this way would he be able to defeat Lin Luo in the third round and become the true head of the Lin Clan.

As he thought of this, Lin Yan got up and once again went to the Lin Family's back mountain.

Unlike before, he no longer had to hide.


Deep in the night, shouts and the sound of punching fists came from the back mountains of the Lin Clan, scaring away a flock of nocturnal birds.

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